ReadDHCSR Fail with STM32F4 but not STM32F3

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ReadDHCSR Fail with STM32F4 but not STM32F3

#1 Post by dhinson919 » 26 May 2023 15:17

I just received a Fusion for STM32 v8 board with two MCU cards, an STM32F407ZG and an STM32F103RC. I'm also using mikroC PRO for ARM v.6.2.0.

With the F4 plugged in and while hardware debugging (CODEGRIP) the LedBlinking.c demo I get a ReadDHCSR Fail popup when I step to a specific branch instruction early in the program. See screenshot.

But when I plug in the F3 and reconfigure for it and then hardware debug the same program I have no popup on that instruction or any other and debugging works ok.

Both programs run ok standalone with the expected blinking lights.

I've tried various target connection settings for the F4 including lowering the speed. But it seems if there was a debug connection problem then I would not be able to step through the F4 at all. It's also puzzling that the F407ZG appears to be a common unit shipped for the Fusion boards but I've not found any other mention of this problem on this forum or elsewhere.

What am I doing wrong?

ReadDHCSRFail.png (227.73 KiB) Viewed 363 times

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