HX8347-D vs. HX8347-A

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Re: HX8347-D vs. HX8347-A

#16 Post by FPeter » 05 Aug 2011 23:53

Prof.Wagner wrote:Hi FPeter,

Thank you again,

1- I am using the MikroMMB for PIC24 to tests and Visual TFT, so I need to use the same wire in this LCD. If I understood correctly I must to wire PMD7 to PMD0 from the MikroMMB for PIC24 to LCD_DB15 to LCD_DB8 of this LCD, because in the LCD of the MikroMMB for PIC24 start in the DB17 and not DB15. is it ok? You wired this way?
2- It is ok.
3- OK I will remove to test it. But I intend to use this lcd like a product I can not remove frequently. I will need to find another solution.


check the 27th page of HX8347 doc: http://www.mikrocontroller.net/attachme ... 090324.pdf

there are 2 way to connect it in 8bit parallel mode: first is D0-D7, second is D10-D17 (like on PIC24 MMB board). and there is 2 another way to connect it in 16bit parallel mode: D0-D15 or D1-D8 + D10-D17

the problem is that the LCD module is hard-wired to the first 16bit mode! here You can find the datasheet of the LCD module itself: http://www.divshare.com/download/11463401-4a9

then, You need 16 data pin + some other for controls. For best performance, it would be better to connect to a single 16bit port, but if You use the PIC24 MMB board, then not all of the 16 PORTB pins are available. so, You can use PMD pins and 8 other. it will be a bit slower than the native PORTB, but enough for developing...

regarding to touch controller: currently there is no support for alternative touch sensing in mikroe libs, so You should write Your own ADS7843 SPI lib and swap it in the generated VisualTFT code or remove controller from each board...

here is the exported schematic from protel file:
Protel Schematic.zip
(17.25 KiB) Downloaded 738 times

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Joined: 25 Mar 2011 04:35

Re: HX8347-D vs. HX8347-A

#17 Post by Prof.Wagner » 08 Aug 2011 19:09

FPeter wrote:
Prof.Wagner wrote:Hi FPETER,

Thank you for help me, but I have 3 questions , could you help me?

1- I can see that the pinout has DB0 to DB15 and the HX8347_B has DB0 to DB17 how must I conect it?
2- The pin out LED_BL of the HX8347_A is the HX8347_B LED_K or LED_A?
3- What is the TouchP_CLK,CD,DIM,BUSY and OUT? The HX8347_B has XR,XL,YR and YL.

Could you help me?
Best Regards

1. HX8347 supports up to 18bit interface, but only the 16bit mode is wired on this PCB... SPI is not wired unfortunately... :(
2. as i remember, LED_BL is the positive of the LED backlight - but a serial resistor is required as current limiter: ~150-200Ohm for 5V input
3. there is an onboard ADS7843 compatible touch controller IC with SPI port, but alternatively You can remove this IC and You will find 4 SMD pads under it > just bridge them then You can find the XR,XL,YR,YL lines on the SPI pins

i got this schematic from ebay seller for this PCB:
its a protel schematic file. as i remember, i made a pdf printout from it, i will try to find it at my home PC later...
Hi FPeter,

I didnt get to open this file.
DO you have it in PDF?
Prof. Wagner

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Joined: 25 Jul 2009 20:49

Re: HX8347-D vs. HX8347-A

#18 Post by FPeter » 08 Aug 2011 20:22

Prof.Wagner wrote:Hi FPeter,

I didnt get to open this file.
DO you have it in PDF?
Prof. Wagner
You can find it in my previous comment as attachment, called " Protel Schematic.zip "

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Joined: 25 Mar 2011 04:35

Re: HX8347-D vs. HX8347-A

#19 Post by Prof.Wagner » 09 Aug 2011 16:31

Hi FPeter,

Thank your help but I didnt get to open this file that you sent me (3_2tft-320qvt.zip [3.99 KiB]) because the extension is SCH and I have Proteus and this program doenst open it.

I tried to open with some viewers from Internet but no sucess.

Do you have a PDF copy? My question is only how to wire the LCD data because, touch X and Y I got (you explained me how wired) the LCD_RS, WR, RD, LED is ok. My question is only about LCD data, because I am using the mikroMMB for 24F for tests and this board is using only 8 bits. In the original LCD the 24F is wired at DB17 to DB10 but in this LCD HX8347_A doenst have DB17 avaliable, so must I wired in the DB15 to DB8?

Thank you in advanced

Prof. Wagner

Posts: 44
Joined: 25 Jul 2009 20:49

Re: HX8347-D vs. HX8347-A

#20 Post by FPeter » 09 Aug 2011 17:08

Prof.Wagner wrote:Hi FPeter,

Thank your help but I didnt get to open this file that you sent me (3_2tft-320qvt.zip [3.99 KiB]) because the extension is SCH and I have Proteus and this program doenst open it.

I tried to open with some viewers from Internet but no sucess.

Do you have a PDF copy? My question is only how to wire the LCD data because, touch X and Y I got (you explained me how wired) the LCD_RS, WR, RD, LED is ok. My question is only about LCD data, because I am using the mikroMMB for 24F for tests and this board is using only 8 bits. In the original LCD the 24F is wired at DB17 to DB10 but in this LCD HX8347_A doenst have DB17 avaliable, so must I wired in the DB15 to DB8?

Thank you in advanced

Prof. Wagner
You can find the pdf printout in the attachment i mentioned:

http://www.mikroe.com/forum/viewtopic.p ... 87#p162887

" Attachment: Protel Schematic.zip [17.25 KiB] "

about wiring:

its a 16bit-only module, so You should wire all 16 bits from DB0 to DB15, and define custom Set_Index, Write_Command, Write_Data procedures with TFT_Set_Active for 16bit communication as in my attached projects above...

connect the low bits to RE0-7 (PMD) pins, and the high bits to any others

for example:

procedure Write_Data(_data : word) {
TFT_RS = 1;

Lo(LATE) = Hi(_data); // lower byte
LATE.8 := _data.8;
LATE.9 := _data.9;
LATB.5 := _data.10;
LATB.4 := _data.11;
LATB.3 := _data.12;
LATB.2 := _data.13;
LATB.1 := _data.14;
LATD.3 := _data.15;

TFT_WR = 0;
TFT_WR = 1;

and dont forget to set to output mode these pins at the begining of the code!

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Re: HX8347-D vs. HX8347-A

#21 Post by Prof.Wagner » 09 Aug 2011 18:56

Hi FPeter,

I made everything that you explain, but the mikroMMB for 24F board is prepared to work with 8 bits instead of 16 bits and I developed my projetc using Visual TFT.
The original LCD are using 8 bits I think that it will not work if I wire with 16 bits. My development was made with Visua TFT and MikroBasic.
The HX8347-D has the pins IM0,1,2 and 3 to define the size of bus, but in the Visual TFT program I dont find any place to inform the size of bus (8 or 16)
My project is working using the original LCD, so if I change to HX8347-A I need to inform to Visual TFT that I am using now 16 bits. How the Visual TFT knows that I am using 16 or 8 bits?
Do you undersand my question?
Thank you


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Joined: 23 Jun 2011 06:49

Re: HX8347-D vs. HX8347-A

#22 Post by loxer » 05 Oct 2011 15:00

Hi FPeter,

I'm a newbie in VisualTFT. I'd be very much grateful to you if you can provide me the HX 8347-A register changes in Mikroc pro for AVR.


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