This step defines condition(s) which trigger the rule.
If you have selected only one device in Add/remove device part, and clicked Save, new Property line will display reading type (e.g. Temperature, Pressure etc.) which is a unity of the readings of the devices/(sub)groups added.
The next is Operators drop-down list where you need to select one operator out of three possible groups:
Value - Compares data stream coming from the device with the static value or data value of the feeds coming from different devices and it can be:
Trend: Compares new data with the old one based on its trend: Raising, Falling, Steady
Status: Indicates if devices and their feeds have been connected or not: Connected, Offline
Note: In case of multiple devices using different measurement units for the same reading type (e.g. temperature in ⁰C and K), the unit should be selected first.
If you select an operator from a value group it will open a new Compare with drop-down which requires you to choose if you want to compare it to the static value, or another device.
Static value: numerically input the value for comparison
Another device: choose another device which data you want to compare with the data of the device you have initially selected
After you select another device, two fields fields with drop-down lists open automatically:
With this option the app itself populates the appropriate device/semantic (sub)group displaying the same type of feed as the one in Property line (if there is more than one, e.g. temp1, temp2, temp3.. - select one).
It requires you to input a limit in a difference between the feeds that would consequently trigger the rule. After you have defined all the necessary settings, click on the Next step.
Multiple devices selected do not need to have the same type of feeds (e.g. device 1: temperature, pressure; device 2: pressure, humidity; device 3: humidity), as the rule displays reading type mentioned above. However, a device which does contain a particular feed/reading type selected in the Property section will be triggered by the rule. For the condition to be realised, readings need to be expressed in the same unit (e.g. temperature in ⁰C not K) and if not, the Platform will inform you that the readings will be expressed in one unit (e.g. temperature in ⁰C). Note that at this stage you can always edit the rule by adding the new condition(s) and/or device(s)/semantic (sub)groups.
Defines action(s) that will be performed as a result. It can either inform the user about it or automate an action which will be performed on a certain device.
Options are as follows:
1. Generate Message
If you choose this option, you will receive a message displayed on Messages WolkAbout IoT Tool screen, when a rule is being triggered.
Message field:
Severity field:
2. Send Email
You are opting for receiving an email when a rule is being triggered.
You are opting for push notification to be sent to mobile phone of one or more recipients who all need to be registered on the Platform and have WolkAbout IoT Tool Mobile app installed.
3. Send Push Notification
You can also add multiple number of users who will receive the notification.
4. Set/Actuate
You are opting for an action to be performed on a device if a rule is triggered.
Note that at this stage you can always edit the rule by adding new action(s).
You need to describe a rule by defining its name, description and choosing its ON/OFF status which defines if the rule will be immediately active or not. All of this components will be displayed on the main Rule engine page.
The rule will be included in the Rule list on the main Rule engine page.
Note: Create button will not be enabled if some mandatory data needed for the rule to be created is missing.