NECTO Studio beta feedback

Beta Testing discussion on IDE.
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NECTO Studio beta feedback

#1 Post by metx » 14 Dec 2019 10:07

Hi Mikroe team,

Thanks for the NETCO Studio beta, looks like a promising IDE and I particularly like the default dark theme and the more modern look and feel. Here is some, I hope, constructive feedback plus issues that I encountered in my so far brief testing session under Windows 10 (1909).

1. Initial (default) font size is IMO too big and should be fixed spacing. I'd personally prefer if the IDE defaulted to 10 pts Consolas/Courier like most other IDEs.

2. Bottom pane (Issues tab, Compiler output tab etc.) is minimized on first start and output text invisible until the panel is resized. Took me a while to figure this out as I though the flashing tab notifications at the bottom needed to be double-clicked to view the output but nothing happened when I did.

3. Sources tabs in the editor at the top: File name will get clipped on the left side for the selected tab:
necto_clip.png (11.81 KiB) Viewed 4505 times
4. Project->Open project file dialog does not remember last folder and always goes back to top, listing the disk drives. I think proper UI navigation behavior (at least on Windows) is to remember last folder and open there, or at the very least have this option user configurable.

5. There is no File->Exit option...?

6. Unfortunately I see there is still no Find definition/declaration distinction (viewtopic.php?f=180&t=66654)

Now for some issues. I imported a couple of old mikroC PRO for ARM projects that are verified to build correctly under the old IDE. These are basically minimally modified versions of the USB HID Bootloader example.

1. Delay_10ms() tagged as unknown/undefined for the first project I imported. I selected Manage Project Libraries and checked Time library option after which this error disappeared. Strangely, importing a second project did not require this action and Delay_10ms() was properly detected with Time deselected.

2. When importing a mikroC project I see the below in the General output. Not sure what, if anything, this means but see #3.

Code: Select all

Info: Starting project import...
Warning: Project Importer::.cfg file is not compatible with MCU definition file
Warning: Project Importer::[number of old and new addreses is not the same]
Warning: Project Importer::There was an error while creating configuration for this project. Configuration is set to default values. Please go to settings and change values manually.
The configuration Board and MCU settings all look correct so I'm not sure what/where I should "...change values manually".

3. Linking of all above mentioned projects fails, starting with Bad function absolute address 'main[4]' and I was not able to get past this issue:

Code: Select all

error (,75): Bad function absolute address 'main[4]'
error (,75): There is not enough ROM space 
error (,86): There is not enough ROM space 
error (,155): There is not enough ROM space 
error (,111): There is not enough ROM space 
error (,172): There is not enough ROM space

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Re: NECTO Studio beta feedback

#2 Post by filip.grujcic » 16 Dec 2019 09:47


Thank you for your detailed feedback.
I will forward all of these to our developer team for consideration.

Regarding the issues you stated, could you tell me which MCU(s) are these two projects for?
Based on the reported errors it looks like you were trying to import a project for an MCU that's not supported in the IDE yet.

Kind regards,
Filip Grujcic

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Re: NECTO Studio beta feedback

#3 Post by metx » 16 Dec 2019 12:04

Sure, MCUs are STM32 F407VG and F415RG.

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Re: NECTO Studio beta feedback

#4 Post by filip.grujcic » 17 Dec 2019 10:34


I just tried importing the default USB HID bootloader example from the old IDE to Necto and I wasn't getting any compilation errors.
The delay function has nothing to do with the Time library.
Simply reopening the .c file will make the error disappear - I will look into this further, as it's an unusual behavior.

Could you zip and attach the projects you are getting these errors with for inspection?

Kind regards,
Filip Grujcic

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Re: NECTO Studio beta feedback

#5 Post by rajkovic » 17 Dec 2019 11:00

metx wrote: 1. Initial (default) font size is IMO too big and should be fixed spacing. I'd personally prefer if the IDE defaulted to 10 pts Consolas/Courier like most other IDEs.
we will take this under considerration.
metx wrote: 2. Bottom pane (Issues tab, Compiler output tab etc.) is minimized on first start and output text invisible until the panel is resized. Took me a while to figure this out as I though the flashing tab notifications at the bottom needed to be double-clicked to view the output but nothing happened when I did.
We are working on it, it may be in the next update.
metx wrote: 3. Sources tabs in the editor at the top: File name will get clipped on the left side for the selected tab:
Added to the backlog, will be done (probably not for next update)
metx wrote: 4. Project->Open project file dialog does not remember last folder and always goes back to top, listing the disk drives. I think proper UI navigation behavior (at least on Windows) is to remember last folder and open there, or at the very least have this option user configurable.
We have nearly finished this.
metx wrote: 5. There is no File->Exit option...?
metx wrote: 6. Unfortunately I see there is still no Find definition/declaration distinction (viewtopic.php?f=180&t=66654)
Added to the backlog, will be done. For now, you can use find the reference for definition look-up.
metx wrote: 1. Delay_10ms() tagged as unknown/undefined for the first project I imported. I selected Manage Project Libraries and checked Time library option after which this error disappeared. Strangely, importing a second project did not require this action and Delay_10ms() was properly detected with Time deselected.
By default object file for delay library is not distributed the only c source. After the first rebuild, it will be available to the code model
metx wrote: 2. When importing a mikroC project I see the below in the General output. Not sure what, if anything, this means but see #3.

Code: Select all

Info: Starting project import...
Warning: Project Importer::.cfg file is not compatible with MCU definition file
Warning: Project Importer::[number of old and new addreses is not the same]
Warning: Project Importer::There was an error while creating configuration for this project. Configuration is set to default values. Please go to settings and change values manually.
The configuration Board and MCU settings all look correct so I'm not sure what/where I should "...change values manually".
This means that import of cfg was not successful and deaful values are set. I f you had any specific settings you should applay them manualy. We will investigate why import did not succeded.
metx wrote: 3. Linking of all above mentioned projects fails, starting with Bad function absolute address 'main[4]' and I was not able to get past this issue:

Code: Select all

error (,75): Bad function absolute address 'main[4]'
error (,75): There is not enough ROM space 
error (,86): There is not enough ROM space 
error (,155): There is not enough ROM space 
error (,111): There is not enough ROM space 
error (,172): There is not enough ROM space

could you please share the project that you have imported and has failed.

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Re: NECTO Studio beta feedback

#6 Post by metx » 18 Dec 2019 11:19

Attached zip contains a sample project that fails to build for me.


1. Opened "USB HID Bootloader.mcpar" project (C:\Users\Public\Documents\Mikroelektronika\mikroC PRO for ARM\Examples\ST\Other\USB HID Bootloader\Projects\STM32F407VG) in mikroC PRO ARM.

2. Cloned by saving project to a different folder outside Mikroelektronika example folder.

3. Build in mikroC -> OK. Close project.

4. Import to NECTO -> OK.

5. Clean project -> Build project -> fails on linking:

[8/8] Linking target F407Test.hex.
FAILED: C:/dev/stm32/test/build-F407Test-mikrocarm-generic-stm32f407vg-120-mhz/F407Test/F407Test.hex

error (,75): There is not enough ROM space

The problem might be that there is no F407Test.hex file anywhere in the build folder?

Also @filip.grujcic:
The delay function has nothing to do with the Time library.
Simply reopening the .c file will make the error disappear - I will look into this further, as it's an unusual behavior.
I believe you, just reporting what I am observing. Reopening .c file has no effect. This is how it looks for me after step 4 above, viewing Main.c/reopening Main.c and also trying to add C_Type library via library manager:
necto_t1.png (23.71 KiB) Viewed 4399 times
And this is after adding Time library:
necto_t2.png (10.25 KiB) Viewed 4399 times
I don't know how or why but adding Time lib makes the error go away. Maybe adding other libraries would have the same effect (even though C_Type lib did not make a difference) but I don't have time to investigate this further.
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Re: NECTO Studio beta feedback

#7 Post by dibor » 19 Dec 2019 12:32

Hello ME team.
Thanks for new product.
But this product looks like too BETA.
Try in the light style click on the quick view small window - will get big black vertical flickering bar!
While opening my old project I got only memake.txt in the project manager and nothing else.
New_IDE_old_project.PNG (24.65 KiB) Viewed 4368 times
Also I do not know how I can open vtft design included in this project.
Compiler output font color in the light style is too grey hard to see on the white background - where can I change font color?
Comp.output.PNG (6.07 KiB) Viewed 4368 times
Do U have small help file how to import old project to the new IDE?

Best Wishes.

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Re: NECTO Studio beta feedback

#8 Post by filip » 20 Dec 2019 14:01


I have tried to compile your original project from the attachment in mikroC PRO for ARM compiler and I also got the same error which you did in the NECTO Studio. Are you sure you are able to compile it at first in mikroC PRO for ARM ?

On the other hand, I have exported the USB HID bootloader project to a different folder, added the needed search paths in the mikroC PRO for ARM, copied the necessary .c and .h files to that folder, opened the project in NECTO Studio and successfully compiled the project, no errors were reported.


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Re: NECTO Studio beta feedback

#9 Post by filip » 20 Dec 2019 14:13


Could you please attach your project here ? I cannot reproduce the issue with the "big black vertical flickering bar"
Which OS are you using ?
Do U have small help file how to import old project to the new IDE?
Yes, there is a section called "Importing Legacy Projects", here is the link to the help :


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Re: NECTO Studio beta feedback

#10 Post by metx » 20 Dec 2019 15:03

Hi filipe,

I am sure, below is the build output from the project I attached (double-checked the .bin file and it is dated correctly after building so everything works good). Note that this is on mikroC Pro version 4.9.1, if that has any significance. I did not have to copy any files or set paths for this to work in mikroC, just load up the original project and "Save as" to a different folder.

Code: Select all

0 1 mikroCARM.exe -MSF -DBG -pSTM32F407VG -BIN -LHF -DL -SSA -O11111114 -fo120 -N"C:\dev\stm32\test\F407Test\USB HID Bootloader.mcpar" -SP"C:\Users\Public\Documents\Mikroelektronika\mikroC PRO for ARM\Defs\" -SP"C:\Users\Public\Documents\Mikroelektronika\mikroC PRO for ARM\Uses\" -SP"C:\dev\stm32\test\F407Test\" -SP"C:\Users\Public\Documents\Mikroelektronika\mikroC PRO for ARM\Uses\ST M4\" -SP"C:\Users\Public\Documents\Mikroelektronika\mikroC PRO for ARM\Examples\ST\Other\USB HID Bootloader\Projects\Common Files\" -SP"C:\Users\Public\Documents\Mikroelektronika\mikroC PRO for ARM\Examples\ST\Other\USB HID Bootloader\Driver\" -IP"C:\dev\stm32\test\F407Test\" "Main.c" "Config.c" "UHB_Driver.c" "USBdsc.c" "__Lib_Math.emcl" "__Lib_MathDouble.emcl" "__Lib_Delays.emcl" "__Lib_System_4XX.emcl" "__Lib_GPIO_32F4xx_Defs.emcl" "__Lib_GPIO_32F4xx.emcl" "__Lib_FLASH_32F20x_40x.emcl" "__Lib_USB_32F4xx.emcl"  
0 122 Compilation Started types.h
89 123 Compiled Successfully Main.c
0 122 Compilation Started main.h
176 123 Compiled Successfully Config.c
153 1164 Variable 'boot_code_sector' has been eliminated by optimizer Config.c
0 122 Compilation Started types.h
244 1354 argument may be out of range [] UHB_Driver.c
383 1354 argument may be out of range [CmdCode] UHB_Driver.c
383 1354 argument may be out of range [?T68] UHB_Driver.c
417 1354 argument may be out of range [CmdCode] UHB_Driver.c
417 1354 argument may be out of range [?T79] UHB_Driver.c
422 1354 argument may be out of range [CmdCode] UHB_Driver.c
422 1354 argument may be out of range [?T80] UHB_Driver.c
485 1354 argument may be out of range [CmdCode] UHB_Driver.c
485 1354 argument may be out of range [?T85] UHB_Driver.c
544 123 Compiled Successfully UHB_Driver.c
355 1164 Variable 'dataRx' has been eliminated by optimizer UHB_Driver.c
473 1164 Variable 'dataRx' has been eliminated by optimizer UHB_Driver.c
0 122 Compilation Started USBdsc.c
166 123 Compiled Successfully USBdsc.c
0 127 All files Compiled in 593 ms  
0 1144 Used RX: 16 (100%)   Free RX: 0 (0%) Used RX: 16 (100%)   Free RX: 0 (0%)
0 1144 Static RAM (bytes): 18279   Dynamic RAM (bytes): 112789 Static RAM (bytes): 18279   Dynamic RAM (bytes): 112789
0 1144 Used ROM (bytes): 20162 (2%)  Free ROM (bytes): 1028414 (98%) Used ROM (bytes): 20162 (2%)  Free ROM (bytes): 1028414 (98%)
0 125 Project Linked Successfully USB HID Bootloader.mcpar
0 128 Linked in 813 ms  
0 129 Project 'USB HID Bootloader.mcpar' completed: 1578 ms  
0 103 Finished successfully: 20 Dec 2019, 14:47:51 USB HID Bootloader.mcpar
filip wrote:Hi,

I have tried to compile your original project from the attachment in mikroC PRO for ARM compiler and I also got the same error which you did in the NECTO Studio. Are you sure you are able to compile it at first in mikroC PRO for ARM ?

On the other hand, I have exported the USB HID bootloader project to a different folder, added the needed search paths in the mikroC PRO for ARM, copied the necessary .c and .h files to that folder, opened the project in NECTO Studio and successfully compiled the project, no errors were reported.


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Re: NECTO Studio beta feedback

#11 Post by dibor » 20 Dec 2019 15:49

filip wrote:Hi,

Could you please attach your project here ? I cannot reproduce the issue with the "big black vertical flickering bar"
Which OS are you using ?
Hi Filip.
Doesn't matter what project, U can simple open any file.
I use Windows 7 x64
Please look attached video.
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Re: NECTO Studio beta feedback

#12 Post by filip » 20 Dec 2019 17:26


Thank you for reporting this issue , we will investigate it.


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Re: NECTO Studio beta feedback

#13 Post by dibor » 20 Dec 2019 20:52

Columns width in the Outputs( Issues, Compiler output ....) do not saved.
Compiler do not have many libs( ARM Pro version has). :(
Studio do not have custom TFT design. :(
Do U are really sell this product ?
(572.36 KiB) Downloaded 95 times

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Re: NECTO Studio beta feedback

#14 Post by filip » 23 Dec 2019 10:51

Columns width in the Outputs( Issues, Compiler output ....) do not saved.
I apologize for this issue, I will report it to our developers.
Compiler do not have many libs( ARM Pro version has).
The legacy library pack from the mikroC PRO for ARM is included in the installation, so all libraries are present in the NECTO.
Studio do not have custom TFT design.
In the beta, we have supported mikromedia 3, 4, 5 and 7 for STM32 Capacitive boards, and also TFT 3, 4, 5 and 7 Capacitive displays with SSD1963. We will add more features in the future updates.

It does have a custom TFT design. It's just differently conceited. I'm not sure what have you think about here. Yes, it is possible to change TFT display size.
Do U are really sell this product ?
Yes, I understand that if the first things you have tried and you expect to work does not work on a first try, get you pretty frustrated. And if all other things work smooth, this won't improve your impression because of the first wrong impression.

But, as you know, this is still a beta version, and quick partial updates are going to run frequently.


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Re: NECTO Studio beta feedback

#15 Post by dibor » 23 Dec 2019 15:44

Hi Filip.
Thanks for answer.
Can I send to your PM my project ??
Try do run it on NECTO.
I can not understand why I cant to import it.
Messages from Necto do not gives me any relevant answer.

Best Wishes.

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