PIC32MX695F512H Interrupt

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PIC32MX695F512H Interrupt

#1 Post by Toley » 10 Feb 2011 01:37

I have try the Timer1 interrupt example and the USB interrupt example for the PIC32MX460F512L and the two are working very well.

I've try to port them to PIC32MX695F512H device and with this devie it don't work. First I've seen that ICS_SRC (inside the interrupt handler) don't exist on this part so I changed it to ICS_SOFT.

But the strangest thing is everytime I compile, the SRS Priority Level always decrease by 1.
SRS_7.gif (5.04 KiB) Viewed 3835 times
SRS_6.gif (5.02 KiB) Viewed 3835 times
There is also 2 places where this priority can be set is it normal ? Are they supposed to be the same ?
SRS_select.gif (30.77 KiB) Viewed 3835 times
Here the code I used for my simple test :

Code: Select all

sbit LED0 at LATD0_bit;
sbit LED0_dir at TRISD0_bit;

void Timer1_interrupt() iv IVT_TIMER_1 ilevel 7 ics ICS_SOFT {
  T1IF_bit = 0;             // Clear T1IF
  LED0 = ~LED0;             // Toggle LED0

void main() 
  JTAGEN_bit = 0;
  AD1PCFG = 0xFFFF;         // Initialize AN pins as digital
  LED0_dir = 0;

  TMR1 = 0;                 // reset timer value to zero
  PR1 = 65535;              // Load period register
  //PR1 = 156;                // 1 KHz

  T1IP0_bit = 1;            // set interrupt
  T1IP1_bit = 1;            // priority
  T1IP2_bit = 1;            // to 7

  TCKPS0_bit = 1;           // Set Timer Input Clock
  TCKPS1_bit = 1;           // Prescale value to 1:256
  EnableInterrupts();       // Enable all interrupts

  T1IE_bit = 1;             // Enable Timer1 Interrupt
  ON__T1CON_bit = 1;        // Enable Timer1

Serge T.
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Re: PIC32MX695F512H Interrupt

#2 Post by srdjan » 10 Feb 2011 16:35

There is also 2 places where this priority can be set is it normal ? Are they supposed to be the same ?
These two places are connected, they should change simultaneously.

Have you by any chance used Interrupt Assistant to declare your interrupt handler?
Currently there is a problem with this mcu definition file which can cause such an error in interrupt assistant.
We'll fix this for release.

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