Res - File with picture

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Res - File with picture

#1 Post by Helmut » 15 Jul 2011 18:15

Now the new version is here. Thank you for this great tool!!

I was happy with an expectation to read pictures individually in the program by being able to display.

If something works, I ask for an example.

Edit: i see THE Slider-Sample, it must work, but is in "C".
Respect a great demo.
Can you show me a simple sample with 2 picture on MMC in BasicPro32?

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Re: Res - File with picture

#2 Post by janko.kaljevic » 18 Jul 2011 16:56

Hello Helmut,

We will make those examples in mikroBasic and mikroPascal for all mikroE compilers as soon as possible.

Sorry for the inconvenience.


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Re: Res - File with picture

#3 Post by Helmut » 18 Jul 2011 18:12

Thank you janko,
it must not be the slidersample in MbasicPro.

It's very good, i'm program the Slider-Hex from C-Sample.

A simple sample with 2 picture it's enough, to see the handle with mmc/SD.

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Re: Res - File with picture

#4 Post by marko.ziv » 19 Jul 2011 12:48


if I understood you correctly you just want simple example with 2 images in it.
I have created project for PIC32MX4 MultiMedia Board and mikroBasic PRO for PIC32.
Two screens with images on them, OnClick action leads you to other screen.
You can find all files in attachment. Just remeber to copy resource file to your MMC, the easiest way to locate resource file is via
External Memory Selected Bar
ScreenHunter_05 Jul. 19 13.41.jpg
ScreenHunter_05 Jul. 19 13.41.jpg (16.36 KiB) Viewed 4038 times
For more info you can view Visual TFT Help file managign Projects -> Project Settings

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Re: Res - File with picture

#5 Post by Helmut » 19 Jul 2011 14:27

Thank you marco!!

That's very helpful.

Just as I wanted it.

Thanks I'll try it out tonight or tomorrow.....
At the moment I have no time.

Best Regards Helmut

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Re: Res - File with picture

#6 Post by Helmut » 20 Jul 2011 11:46

What a great Tool !!

I'm spend the half night to try this out and bring this future in my houseautomatic project.

3 parts are wrong in my tryout and my mind:
if i write Dia21 the write "Dia" and no number, if i write Di21a and correcly this, then it's going on.
if i put the project to a low-frequence-computer and tried the VTFT-program on this computer, then this project lost much "onclick" by roundButton's.
if i save this project on VTFT and run MB-Pro-Compiler there are two Tahoma16x19 and Tahoma11x13 in const tab.
Is the font comming from Computer or from Compiler?

I can't zip this Project, it's to big. If i compile with res-file i have much reserve, but only this, with only Rom, that's no going.

The backround is:
if no touch on Houseautomatic-screen the Display make a Dia-Show, if a user touch by this show, the TFT-Terminal will be a House-Automatic-System.

So i have much fun, if the 18B20-OneWire, the µP-RTCC ( it's not running (Code from Mini32-Modul-Sample) in MMB-µP) and the PWM on BLED-Pin is going on, i was happy.

Thank you Mikroe-Team for this great Tool.

Best regards,

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Re: Res - File with picture

#7 Post by marko.ziv » 20 Jul 2011 13:10

Helmut wrote: if i write Dia21 the write "Dia" and no number, if i write Di21a and correcly this, then it's going on.
I am not sure if I understood you correctly, these writes you are mentioning are they labels?
Are Dia21 and Dia21a captions of Labels?
I will post this code from our Help managign Projects -> Creating New Project

Code: Select all

          Label1.Font_Color = 0xA65E;   // set label color to be same as backround
          DrawLabel(&Label1);           // draw label in background color thus "deleting" it
          Label1.Font_Color = 0x0000;   // set label color to black
          DrawLabel(&Label1);           // draw label
This would be simple code snipet how to re-write same label on the screen.
Helmut wrote: if i put the project to a low-frequence-computer and tried the VTFT-program on this computer, then this project lost much "onclick" by roundButton's.
You need to export your project in order to use it on another computer Project -> Export Project.
Helmut wrote: if i save this project on VTFT and run MB-Pro-Compiler there are two Tahoma16x19 and Tahoma11x13 in const tab.
Is the font comming from Computer or from Compiler?
It would be very useful to us if you can reduce your project so we can have a look at it and try to reproduce this behaviour.
Just follow thees few simple steps:
- before doing anything backup your project (i would recommend exporting project to some other folder and then continue editing your project in that folder)
- now you can start removing/deleting objects and generating code (the point is to remove all object not connected to this issue)
you can delete whole screens if necessary. You should size down your project to a smallest possible number of objects-screens that demonstrates this issue.
Helmut wrote:If i compile with res-file i have much reserve, but only this, with only Rom, that's no going.
I am sorry I don't understand what are you trying to say here. Can you elaborate on this a bit more?

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Re: Res - File with picture

#8 Post by Helmut » 20 Jul 2011 15:40

Hello Marko,
thanks for the reply.
Dia21 was the caption for a screen.

I should have mentioned it.

The font error occurs only on this project and the lack of button click is also only happens with this project.

Doing one small example, these errors are not there anymore, I'm sure.

So I can also live on it.

If you want to help me just send them a sample code on a MMB-TFT-board with a project 18b20 onewire and internal microprocessor Real - time - clock for me.
I made a softclock, but it's bad, so i can made by time: lowering temperature and time of switching tasks much more accurately ;-)

Since I would be happy

The first step with your tool and the wonderfull PIC32-Basic-Compiler, i make at springtime.

You can see this steps here: ... er&list=UL

Now, the project are very bigger, has temperaturswich, 433MHz and RS232, now it's become a Pictureshow later CAN and Ethernet und it's make me a loot of fun ;-)
With extern Res-File it's going on with all this feature.

Sorry for my english, best regards,

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