First project from our Intern's lab: a mikromedia WiFi weather station. It's compact, battery powered, and it comes with a dashboard you can access from any browser, hosted on the STM32-M4 MCU itself.
14/08/2014TI's 32-bit TM4C123GH6PZ is the centerpiece of our newest mikromedia.
23/06/2014There was a mikromedia board involved in timing the largest marathon in the Southern hemisphere, held in Buenos Aires. Read on to learn how.
08/04/2014Want to get more ideas and learn more on how to use our mikromedia boards? Try this newly released book about User Interface Design for Embedded Applications by our long time friend and [...]
18/03/2014The most complete Tiva C series development board to date is here. Meet mikromedia 5 for Tiva™.