There was a mikromedia board involved in timing the largest marathon in the Southern hemisphere, held in Buenos Aires. Read on to learn how.
The official timekeeping of the Buenos Aires Marathon in 2012, we recently discovered, was carried out with equipment from a company called MACSHA. They design and manufacture equipment for timing sporting events like marathons, swimming competitions, bicycle and motor races. One of their flagships systems is the One4All.
One4All is a high precision timing system for any type of sporting event. The system works with pre-coded high frequency RFid tags. Each tag corresponds to a single competitor. When the tag passes through a designated area like a finish line, it gets activated by specially designed antennas. After that the tags return the registered data to One4All’s software that stores and displays the results.
A mikromedia board is the system’s control panel. MACSHA’s COO Peter explains:
“mikromedia was the fastest and most economical solution for our One4All control panel. Together with other electronics it helped minimize our production efforts. We’ve been working with mikromedias since we discovered them in 2010.”
Other than the Buenos Aires marathon, MACSHA’s products have been used in events in Mexico, Ecuador, Spain, Brazil, Israel, Denmark, etc. This year they handled the 2014 edition of Le Touquet’s beach race in France
So that’s another successful product using MikroElektronika components. What are you working on? How’s your project progressing? Does it feel like a marathon or a series of sprints? If you need inspiration check out previous stories from the series: we wrote about a GSM activated school bell in Namibia, a school in Belgium with an EasyPIC equipped classroom. Then there’s the mikromedia powered mini maus beet loader.
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