PIC16F877A + 6x DS18S20 + mikroBasic

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PIC16F877A + 6x DS18S20 + mikroBasic

#1 Post by California » 15 Dec 2005 12:13

Hi everybody,
I have a problem in connection more then one DS18S20 to the PIC. I want to make control sistem for temperature. So if someone can help mi with explanation or with simple example in mikroBasic, I would be very grateful to him.

Have a nice day!

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#2 Post by Olivier » 15 Dec 2005 21:39

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#3 Post by California » 16 Dec 2005 06:57

Thanks Oliver, now I have to try it in my situacion.

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#4 Post by sonnyk » 17 Dec 2005 21:02

Here is some code that I wrote for a similar situation, I don't know if this is the latest or even if it works, but it would give you a hint :wink:

Code: Select all

program Temp_Read

symbol OWP = PORTE
symbol PIN = 2
dim T1 as byte[8]
dim T2 as byte[8]
dim b,iCnt,j1,j2,xCnt, minus as byte
dim M0, M1, M2, M3 as byte
dim ID as byte[8]
dim Temp as integer
'dim TempF as float
dim slask as string[20]
dim text as char[14]
dim st as char[3]
dim Raw_temp,TempC, decimal  as word
sub Procedure SetID(dim xID as byte[8])
    for xCnt = 0 to 7
        b = xID[xCnt]
        ID[xCnt] = b
    next xCnt
end sub

sub procedure Ser_Out(dim byref xID as byte[8])
    for iCnt = 0 to 7
          b = xID[iCnt]
          Ow_Write(OWP, PIN, b)  ' ... should work?
    next iCnt
end sub

sub procedure Word2Str(dim count as word)
dim rest as byte
   rest  = count mod 10
   M3 = rest + 48
   count = count div 10

   rest  = count mod 10
   M2 = rest + 48
   count = count div 10

   rest  = count mod 10
   M1 = rest + 48
   count = count div 10

   rest  = count mod 10
   M0 = rest + 48
   count = count div 10
end sub

sub function GetTemp(dim byref xID as byte[8]) as integer
    Ow_Reset(OWP, PIN)
'    Ow_Write(OWP, PIN, $CC)     ' SKIP-ROM cmd
    Ow_Write(OWP, PIN, $55)      ' MATCH-ROM cmd
    Ser_Out(xID)                  ' Send serialnumber
    Ow_Write(OWP,PIN,$BE)        ' READ SCRATCHPAD command [BEh]
    j1 = OW_Read(OWP,PIN)        ' Read LSB
    j2 = OW_Read(OWP,PIN)        ' Read MSB
    result = (j2 << 8) + j1      ' result in 2's complement form
end sub

sub procedure StartConvert
    Ow_Reset(OWP, PIN)
    Ow_Write(OWP, PIN, $CC)       ' SKIP-ROM cmd , send cmd to all devices
    Ow_Write(OWP, PIN, $44)       ' CONVERT-TEMP cmd
    'Delay_ms(1000)                ' conversion delay ...
end sub

sub procedure Init(dim byref xID as byte[8])
    ow_reset(OWP,PIN)                     ' onewire reset signal
    ow_write(OWP,PIN,$55)                 ' MATCH-ROM command
    Ser_Out(xID)                               ' ROM-ID-CODE
    ow_reset(OWP,PIN)                     ' onewire reset signal
    'ow_write(OWP,PIN,$CC)                 '
    ow_write(OWP,PIN,$4E)                 '
    ow_write(OWP,PIN,$FF)                 '
    ow_write(OWP,PIN,$FF)                 '
    ow_write(OWP,PIN,$7F)                 ' Set for 12 bit output
end sub

sub procedure Out_LCD
       minus = j2
       minus = minus << 3

       if minus = $1F then                   ' Checking temp.(+ or -)
            j2 = not(j2)
            j1 = not(j1)
            j1 = j1+1
       end if

       Raw_temp = (j2 << 8) or j1         ' Getting RAW data

       if minus = $1F then
            Lcd_Chr(2,1,"-") ' Write temp. sign (+ or -) on LCD
       end if
       TempC = (Raw_temp and $0FF0) >> 4 ' WHOLE NUMBER
       decimal = (j1 and $0F) * 625  ' DECIMAL

       word2str(TempC)     '  Write temp. whole number on LCD
       Lcd_Chr(2, 2, M2)
       Lcd_Chr(2, 3, M3)
       Lcd_Chr(2, 4, 46)   ''.'
       word2str(decimal)   ' Write temp. decimal number on LCD
       Lcd_Chr(2, 5, M0)
       Lcd_Chr(2, 6, M1)
       Lcd_Chr(2, 7, M2)
       Lcd_Chr(2, 8, M3)
       lcd_chr(2, 9, 223)  ' 'degree' character
       lcd_chr(2, 10,"C")
end sub

    adcon1 = 255                      ' configure RE2 pin as digital I/O
    PORTE  = 0 '255                   ' initialize PORTE
    PORTB  =   0                      ' initialize PORTB
    TRISE  = %00000101                ' designate PORTE 0,2 as input
    TRISB  =   0                      ' designate PORTB as output
    lcd_cmd( LCD_CURSOR_OFF)
    lcd_out( 1, 1, "2 x DS1820 temp")
    T1[0] = 16
    T1[1] = 87
    T1[2] = 37
    T1[3] = 189
    T1[4] = 0
    T1[5] = 8
    T1[6] = 0
    T1[7] = 0
    T2[0] = 40  '$28
    T2[1] = 190 '$BE
    T2[2] = 148 '$94
    T2[3] = 153 '$99
    T2[4] = 0   '$00
    T2[5] = 0   '$00
    T2[6] = 0   '$00
    T2[7] = 208 '$D0
    lcd_out( 1, 1, "Temp: ")
    while true
        Temp = GetTemp(T2)
    wend                         ' endless loop

//Sonar 8)

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#5 Post by California » 18 Dec 2005 20:50

Thanks Sonar, your sample doesn't work, but it will (I hope).

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#6 Post by sonnyk » 18 Dec 2005 21:18


No it won't work directly, you have to substitute the ROM code (T1, T2, and so on) of mine DS18B20 to yours, and if you got a DS1820 (9-bit resolution) then you just skip the "Init" routine.

My code sends the "Convert" command to ALL units and then does an addressing of an individual DS18x20 and ONLY reads the result from that particular unit, so the ROM code MUST match or else there would be no result.

If you don't know the ROM-ID of your devices you could use this program
on your EasyPIC3 board or others boards after necessery mods to read the ROM-ID and display it on the LCD :lol:

Code: Select all

program Read_ID
symbol OWP = PORTE
dim text1 as char[17]  ' message1 on LCD
dim text2 as char[17]  ' message2 on LCD
dim Js as byte[8]      ' accepts code from iButton
dim presence_check as byte
' -------------------------------------------------------------
' Procedure for converting byte variable to HEX and displaying
' it on LCD display.
' procedure int2hex(row, start_x : byte  number : byte)
' row     - LCD line,
' start_x - position of first hex digit (left to right)
' -------------------------------------------------------------

sub procedure int2hex(dim row as byte, dim start_x as byte, dim number as byte)
dim high as byte
dim low as byte
    ' high nibble
    high = ((number and $F0) >> 4)+ 48    ' + "0"
    if (high > 57) then  high = high + 7  ' > "9"
    end if

    ' low nibble
    low = (number and $0F) + 48           ' + "0" low nibble
    if (low > 57) then low = low + 7      ' > "9"
    end if

    Lcd_Chr(row, start_x, high)
    Lcd_Chr(row, start_x + 1, low)
end sub

'Ow_Read_Serial reads 8 bytes via 1-wire protocol and
'places them into the array "out". The destination array
'needs to be at least 8 bytes in size
sub procedure Ow_Read_Serial(dim byref PORT as byte, dim pin as byte, dim byref out as byte[8])
dim i as byte
dim tmpRead as byte
   i = 0
   while i <= 7                      ' we will move 8 bytes
     tmpRead = ow_read(PORT,PIN)     ' get one byte from Dallas iButton
     out[i] = tmpRead
     inc(i)                          ' next i
end sub


   adcon1 = 255                     ' pin Rd2 is digital I/O
   TRISD = 255
   PORTB  =   0                     ' initialize portb on 0
   trisb  =   0                     ' portb is output
   text1  = "mikro iButton:"
   text2  = "not present     "

   LCD_Out(1, 1, text1)      ' print initial message

       ' first, we read iButton if present on pin RD2
       ' if not present, print appropriate message on LCD

       ow_reset(OWP,2)            ' onewire reset signal
       ow_write(OWP,2,$33)        ' read iButton
       delay_us(120)                ' pause

       Ow_Read_Serial(OWP, 2, Js) ' read 8 bytes of Dallas iButton

       ' if iButton is not present, j1 ~ j8 will be at 255, so we can easily
       ' test them:
       presence_check = js[0] and js[1] and js[2] and js[3] and js[4] and js[5] and js[6] and js[7]

       if presence_check = $FF then   ' iButton is not present
         LCD_Out(2, 1, text2)  ' print message
       else                           ' iButton is present, convert codes to hex and print them on LCD
          int2hex(2, 1,  js[7])
          int2hex(2, 3,  js[6])
          int2hex(2, 5,  js[5])
          int2hex(2, 7,  js[4])
          int2hex(2, 9,  js[3])
          int2hex(2, 11, js[2])
          int2hex(2, 13, js[1])
          int2hex(2, 15, js[0])
       end if

   goto _loop

//Sonar 8)

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#7 Post by California » 19 Dec 2005 17:55

First of all, thanks for helping me!

I got ID from my Ds18S20's, and I replaced your numbers and it works, but?
1.In second row appeared +02,6250°C (should be ~22°C)
2.When I touch DS18S20 with hand, number increased on +04,0625°C (should be 30-32°C)

I made few experiments with code but nothing changed. here's the last version.

program Temp_Read

symbol OWP = PORTE
symbol PIN = 2
dim T1 as byte[8]
dim T2 as byte[8]
dim b,iCnt,j1,j2,xCnt, minus as byte
dim M0, M1, M2, M3 as byte
dim ID as byte[8]
dim Temp as integer
dim TempF as float
dim slask as string[20]
dim text as char[14]
dim st as char[3]
dim Raw_temp,TempC, decimal as word
sub Procedure SetID(dim xID as byte[8])
for xCnt = 0 to 7
b = xID[xCnt]
ID[xCnt] = b
next xCnt
end sub

sub procedure Ser_Out(dim byref xID as byte[8])
for iCnt = 0 to 7
b = xID[iCnt]
Ow_Write(OWP, PIN, b) ' ... should work?
next iCnt
end sub

sub procedure Word2Str(dim count as word)
dim rest as byte
rest = count mod 10
M3 = rest + 48
count = count div 10

rest = count mod 10
M2 = rest + 48
count = count div 10

rest = count mod 10
M1 = rest + 48
count = count div 10

rest = count mod 10
M0 = rest + 48
count = count div 10
end sub

sub function GetTemp(dim byref xID as byte[8]) as integer
Ow_Reset(OWP, PIN)
' Ow_Write(OWP, PIN, $CC) ' SKIP-ROM cmd
Ow_Write(OWP, PIN, $55) ' MATCH-ROM cmd
Ser_Out(xID) ' Send serialnumber
Ow_Write(OWP,PIN,$BE) ' READ SCRATCHPAD command [BEh]
j1 = OW_Read(OWP,PIN) ' Read LSB
j2 = OW_Read(OWP,PIN) ' Read MSB
result = (j2 << 8) + j1 ' result in 2's complement form
end sub

sub procedure StartConvert
Ow_Reset(OWP, PIN)
Ow_Write(OWP, PIN, $CC) ' SKIP-ROM cmd , send cmd to all devices
Ow_Write(OWP, PIN, $44) ' CONVERT-TEMP cmd
'Delay_ms(1000) ' conversion delay ...
end sub

sub procedure Init(dim byref xID as byte[8])
ow_reset(OWP,PIN) ' onewire reset signal
ow_write(OWP,PIN,$55) ' MATCH-ROM command
Ser_Out(xID) ' ROM-ID-CODE
ow_reset(OWP,PIN) ' onewire reset signal
'ow_write(OWP,PIN,$CC) '
ow_write(OWP,PIN,$4E) '
ow_write(OWP,PIN,$FF) '
ow_write(OWP,PIN,$FF) '
ow_write(OWP,PIN,$7F) ' Set for 12 bit output
end sub

sub procedure Out_LCD
minus = j2
minus = minus << 3

if minus = $1F then ' Checking temp.(+ or -)
j2 = not(j2)
j1 = not(j1)
j1 = j1+1
end if

Raw_temp = (j2 << 8) or j1 ' Getting RAW data

if minus = $1F then
Lcd_Chr(2,1,"-") ' Write temp. sign (+ or -) on LCD
end if
TempC = (Raw_temp and $0FF0) >> 4 ' WHOLE NUMBER
decimal = (j1 and $0F) * 625 ' DECIMAL

word2str(TempC) ' Write temp. whole number on LCD
Lcd_Chr(2, 2, M2)
Lcd_Chr(2, 3, M3)
Lcd_Chr(2, 4, 46) ''.'
word2str(decimal) ' Write temp. decimal number on LCD
Lcd_Chr(2, 5, M0)
Lcd_Chr(2, 6, M1)
Lcd_Chr(2, 7, M2)
Lcd_Chr(2, 8, M3)
lcd_chr(2, 9, 223) ' 'degree' character
lcd_chr(2, 10,"C")
end sub

adcon1 = 255 ' configure RE2 pin as digital I/O
PORTE = 0 '255 ' initialize PORTE
PORTB = 0 ' initialize PORTB
TRISE = %00000101 ' designate PORTE 0,2 as input
TRISB = 0 ' designate PORTB as output
lcd_cmd( LCD_CURSOR_OFF)
lcd_out( 1, 1, "2 x DS1820 temp")
T1[0] = 16 '$10
T1[1] = 221 '$DD
T1[2] = 65 '$41
T1[3] = 128 '$80
T1[4] = 0 '$00
T1[5] = 8 '$08
T1[6] = 0 '$00
T1[7] = 254 '$FE
T2[0] = 16 '$10
T2[1] = 213 '$D5
T2[2] = 133 '$85
T2[3] = 128 '$80
T2[4] = 0 '$00
T2[5] = 8 '$08
T2[6] = 0 '$00
T2[7] = 98 '$62
lcd_out( 1, 1, "Temp: ")
while true
Temp = GetTemp(T2)
wend ' endless loop

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#8 Post by sonnyk » 19 Dec 2005 19:31


Yes that is right, because the "step" of the B-unit is 0.0625 deg. cels. if remember correcly, and the S-unit has a 0.5 step.

Use this routine to swap the "Out_LCD" routine, and it SHOULD :? work /

Code: Select all

 sub procedure Out_LCD
       intToStr((Temp / 2),text)
       if t.0 = %1 then lcd_chr(2,8,"5") else lcd_chr(2,8,"0") end if
       lcd_chr( 2, 9, 223)
       lcd_chr( 2, 10,"C")
 end sub

For the moment I can't test the routine because my DS18x20's are lost ... :roll:

//Sonar 8)

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#9 Post by sonnyk » 19 Dec 2005 20:00


Corrected code:

Code: Select all

sub procedure Out_LCD 
       intToStr((Temp / 2),text) 
       if Temp.0 = %1 then lcd_chr(2,8,"5") else lcd_chr(2,8,"0") end if 
       lcd_chr( 2, 9, 223) 
       lcd_chr( 2, 10,"C") 
 end sub 

I will find those DS18x20's of mine so I can test the code....I WILL :twisted: :shock: :D

//Sonar 8)

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#10 Post by California » 19 Dec 2005 21:15

It works :P , but one question! I have connected two DS...'s and both of them are measuring, but I can see only one result. I have EasyPIC3 system.

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#11 Post by sonnyk » 19 Dec 2005 23:12

I found those darn DS18x20's :lol:
So now I have completed the code /

Code: Select all

program Temp_Read

symbol OWP = PORTE
symbol PIN = 2
dim T1 as byte[8]
dim T2 as byte[8]
dim T3 as byte[8]
dim b,iCnt,j1,j2,xCnt, minus as byte
dim M0, M1, M2, M3 as byte
dim Temp as integer
dim RStat as boolean
dim text as char[14]
dim Raw_temp,TempC, decimal  as word
sub procedure Ser_Out(dim byref xID as byte[8])
    for iCnt = 0 to 7
          b = xID[iCnt]
          Ow_Write(OWP, PIN, b)  ' ... works !
    next iCnt
end sub

sub procedure Word2Str(dim count as word)
dim rest as byte
   rest  = count mod 10
   M3 = rest + 48
   count = count div 10

   rest  = count mod 10
   M2 = rest + 48
   count = count div 10

   rest  = count mod 10
   M1 = rest + 48
   count = count div 10

   rest  = count mod 10
   M0 = rest + 48
   count = count div 10
end sub

sub procedure GetTemp(dim byref xID as byte[8])
    Ow_reset(OWP,PIN)            ' onewire reset signal
'    Ow_Write(OWP, PIN, $CC)      ' SKIP-ROM cmd
    Ow_Write(OWP, PIN, $55)      ' MATCH-ROM cmd
    Ser_Out(xID)                 ' Send serialnumber
    Ow_Write(OWP,PIN,$BE)        ' READ SCRATCHPAD command [BEh]
    j1 = OW_Read(OWP,PIN)        ' Read LSB
    j2 = OW_Read(OWP,PIN)        ' Read MSB
end sub

sub procedure StartConvert
    Ow_Reset(OWP, PIN)
    Ow_Write(OWP, PIN, $CC)       ' SKIP-ROM cmd , send cmd to all devices
    Ow_Write(OWP, PIN, $44)       ' CONVERT-TEMP cmd
end sub

sub procedure InitB(dim byref xID as byte[8])
    ow_reset(OWP,PIN)                     ' onewire reset signal
    ow_write(OWP,PIN,$55)                 ' MATCH-ROM command
    Ser_Out(xID)                               ' ROM-ID-CODE
    ow_reset(OWP,PIN)                     ' onewire reset signal
    'ow_write(OWP,PIN,$CC)                 '
    ow_write(OWP,PIN,$4E)                 '
    ow_write(OWP,PIN,$FF)                 '
    ow_write(OWP,PIN,$FF)                 '
    ow_write(OWP,PIN,$7F)                 ' Set for 12 bit output
end sub

sub procedure OutS_LCD
    Temp = (j2 << 8) + j1   ' Take first byte (hi) and shift it 8 steps left
                               '   then add second byte (lo)
    intToStr((Temp / 2),text)
    text[1] = text[3]
    text[2] = text[4]
    text[3] = text[5]
    text[4] = text[6]
    text[5] = text[7]
    text[6] = text[8]
    if Temp.0 = %1 then lcd_chr_cp("5") else lcd_chr_cp("0") end if
 end sub
sub procedure OutB_LCD
       minus = j2
       minus = minus << 3        'Another way to do it :)

       if minus = $1F then                   ' Checking temp.(+ or -)
            j2 = not(j2)
            j1 = not(j1)
            j1 = j1+1
       end if

       Temp = (j2 << 8) or j1         ' Getting RAW data
       if minus = $1F then
            Lcd_Chr_cp("-") ' Write temp. sign (+ or -) on LCD
       end if
       TempC = (Temp and $0FF0) >> 4 ' WHOLE NUMBER
       decimal = (j1 and $0F) * 625  ' DECIMAL

       word2str(TempC)     '  Write temp. whole number on LCD
       Lcd_Chr_cp(46)      ''.'
       word2str(decimal)   ' Write temp. decimal number on LCD
       lcd_chr_cp(223)     ' 'degree' character
end sub

    adcon1 = 255                      ' configure RE2 pin as digital I/O
    PORTE  = 0 '255                   ' initialize PORTE
    PORTB  = 0                        ' initialize PORTB
    'PORTC  = 0
    'PORTD  = 0
    TRISE  = %00000101                ' designate PORTE 0,2 as input
    TRISB  = 0                        ' designate PORTB as output
    'TRISC  = 0
    'TRISD  = 0
    lcd_out( 1, 1, "2 x DS1820 temp")
    T1[0] = 16
    T1[1] = 87
    T1[2] = 37
    T1[3] = 189
    T1[4] = 0
    T1[5] = 8
    T1[6] = 0
    T1[7] = 0
    T2[0] = 40  '$28
    T2[1] = 190 '$BE
    T2[2] = 148 '$94
    T2[3] = 153 '$99
    T2[4] = 0   '$00
    T2[5] = 0   '$00
    T2[6] = 0   '$00
    T2[7] = 208 '$D0
    T3[0] = $10
    T3[1] = $7d
    T3[2] = $66
    T3[3] = $b6
    T3[4] = $0
    T3[5] = $8
    T3[6] = $0
    T3[7] = $4a
    lcd_out( 1, 1, "Temp:A  Temp:B")
    while true
        OutS_LCD          ' In case of a "B" device use OutB_LCD
        'lcd_chr_cp(" ")
    wend                         ' endless loop

//Sonar 8)

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#12 Post by California » 20 Dec 2005 17:21

It works perfect. Now I have to understand this code, how it works. You know, I made few years ago control sistem for some kind of smart house with LabView on PC and it works very good. Now I want to produce smaller version of this project with PIC microcontroller (just for hobby).
Ok, thanks for helping me and have a lot of lucky and fun in new year. I wish the same all of the PIC-fans all over the world.

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#13 Post by alsopb » 20 Dec 2005 17:51


What BASIC compiler are you using. Mine (MB V2.2) doesn't accept the datatype Boolean.


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#14 Post by xor » 20 Dec 2005 18:06

alsopb wrote:Sonar,

What BASIC compiler are you using. Mine (MB V2.2) doesn't accept the datatype Boolean.

v2.2 and boolean works fine. To avoid confusion about True/False values, True is not 1, True = $FF. False is always 0. Another tidbit, boolean True tests make for great compiled code optimization besides less typing in mB.

Code: Select all

dim mybool as boolean

If mybool then
End If
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#15 Post by padu » 20 Dec 2005 19:04

Sonar wrote:I found those darn DS18x20's :lol:
So now I have completed the code /

Code: Select all

sub procedure GetTemp(dim byref xID as byte[8])
    Ow_reset(OWP,PIN)            ' onewire reset signal
'    Ow_Write(OWP, PIN, $CC)      ' SKIP-ROM cmd
    Ow_Write(OWP, PIN, $55)      ' MATCH-ROM cmd
    Ser_Out(xID)                 ' Send serialnumber
    Ow_Write(OWP,PIN,$BE)        ' READ SCRATCHPAD command [BEh]
    j1 = OW_Read(OWP,PIN)        ' Read LSB
    j2 = OW_Read(OWP,PIN)        ' Read MSB
end sub

I don't want to nitpick, but why you send a skip rom ($CC) and a match rom ($55) in sequence? Wouldn't a match rom be enough in this case?

I've been lurking this discussion these past days because I had to implement 2 DS18B20 on the same 1-wire bus, and I got it done yesterday. Reading the datasheet and some hints on this thread made it really easy.

Another question more or less off topic: my ds18B20 has a alarm feature. Why would someone use that feature instead of implementing that feature in the microcontroller?



(BTW: if someone wants my source code in mP, I have both the temp reading program and the program to read the ROM ID string.)

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