PIC32 interfacing with GLCD controller S1D13700

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sapna r
Posts: 3
Joined: 30 Dec 2014 12:31

PIC32 interfacing with GLCD controller S1D13700

#1 Post by sapna r » 24 Feb 2015 06:44


I have a project to interface a touchscreen GLCD CFAG320240CX-TFH-T-TS (It has a built-in Epson S1D13700 controller) with PIC32MX795F512L.
I am using C coding, MPLAB version 8.92 IDE, MPLAB C32 C compiler.
I have also tried using MPLABX and XC32 compiler.

I have referred the datasheet of the GLCD and also the S1D13700 Technical manual and followed the initialization example steps mentioned in the datasheet to write a similar code.

Unfortunately, I’m not able to display anything on the display, tried changing my board and used different LCDs with the same controller; still there is absolutely nothing on my display. So, I again doubt if the coding is not proper.
My primary task is to display characters which I send to be displayed on the screen.

Processor: PIC32MX795F512L
Coding Language: C language
IDE: MPLAB version 8.92 IDE
Compiler: MPLAB C32 C compiler
Touchscreen GLCD: CFAG320240CX-TFH-T-TS (built-in Epson S1D13700 controller)

In the touchscreen GLCD, I have set the jumper position to choose 6800 mode, indirect addressing. So, the following pins are use for interfacing GLCD to PIC:

DATA port : PORT E

Is there any other tools needed for the programming?
Any documents describing the basic steps of how to proceed, sample C codes or links to other useful posts in this area would be helpful.
Please do mail me your suggestions or any sample codes at the earliest.
I have absolutely no idea of how to proceed further.
Could someone please go through the code and check if any mistake from my part as I'm a beginner in this area.

A sample of my C code:

Code: Select all

#pragma config FNOSC    = PRIPLL        // Oscillator Selection
#pragma config FSOSCEN  = OFF          	// Secondary Oscillator Enable (KLO was off)   
#pragma config POSCMOD  = HS        	// Primary Oscillator   
#pragma config OSCIOFNC = ON           	// CLKO Enable 
#pragma config FPBDIV   = DIV_4         // Peripheral Clock divisor 

#pragma config FPLLIDIV = DIV_2         // PLL Input Divider   
#pragma config FPLLMUL  = MUL_20        // PLL Multiplier   
#pragma config FPLLODIV = DIV_1         // PLL Output Divider
#pragma config FWDTEN   = OFF           // Watchdog Timer Disable 
#pragma config DEBUG    = ON            // Background Debugger Enable

#include <p32xxxx.h>
#include <plib.h>

#define S1D13700_DATA_PORT		LATE
#define S1D13700_DATA_DIR		TRISE
#define S1D13700_DATA_PIN	 	        PORTE

#define S1D13700_CONTROL_PORT 	LATD
#define S1D13700_CONTROL_DIR	        TRISD
#define	S1D13700_CONTROL_PIN	PORTD

#define S1D13700_A0				(1<<5)  //  controller card
#define S1D13700_WR				(1<<3)
#define S1D13700_CS				(1<<4)
#define S1D13700_RES			(1<<2)
#define S1D13700_EN				(1<<1)

#define CLR_A0 PORTD &= ~(S1D13700_A0);
#define SET_A0 PORTD |=  (S1D13700_A0);

#define CLR_WR PORTD &= ~(S1D13700_WR);
#define SET_WR PORTD |=  (S1D13700_WR);

#define CLR_CS PORTD &= ~(S1D13700_CS);
#define SET_CS PORTD |=  (S1D13700_CS);

#define CLR_RESET PORTD &= ~(S1D13700_RES);
#define SET_RESET PORTD |=  (S1D13700_RES);

#define CLR_EN PORTD &= ~(S1D13700_EN);
#define SET_EN PORTD |= (S1D13700_EN);

#define CPU_CLOCK 8000000

#define __delay_1ms() (CPU_CLOCK/4000000)
//#define __delay_10us() (CPU_CLOCK/4000000)

// Function prototypes
void write_command(unsigned char command);
void write_data(unsigned char data);
void ClearTextLayer(void);
void ClearGraphicLayer(void);
void Delay100uS(unsigned int);
void initialize_display(void);
void HardReset(void);

void write_command(unsigned char command)
	/* 	RESET and CS pins are active low
		E:0 = No operation
		  1 = Enable for Read or Write
		R/W:1 = Read
			0 = Write
		A0:When R/W = L
				A0 = H: Command Write
				A0 = L: Data Write
		A0:When R/W = H
				A0 = H: Status Read
				A0 = Data Read
		CS:Chip select, Active L
		RES:Controller reset signal, Active L
		DISPOFF:H= Display
				L= No Display
		WAIT:S1D13700F01 controller busy status		
	S1D13700_DATA_PIN = command;// write the command to the port
	CLR_CS;       // chip selected
	//SET_RS;     // set to write to the control registers
	CLR_WR;       // writing 
	SET_EN;       // clock in the command
 	CLR_EN;       // bring write line low
	SET_CS;       // unselect chip
	//SET_RS;     // set for data

void write_data(unsigned char data)
	S1D13700_DATA_PIN = data;// write the command to the port
	CLR_CS;       // chip selected
	//CLR_RS;     // set to write to the control registers
	CLR_WR;       // writing
	SET_EN;       // clock in the command
	CLR_EN;       // bring write line low
	SET_CS;       // unselect chip
	//SET_RS;     // set for data

void initialize_display()

  write_data(0x30); //     REG[00h] Memory Configuration Register
  // 0011 0000  
  // |||| ||||-- bit 0: Character Generator Select (M0)
  // |||| |||      0=the internal CGROM is selected.
  // |||| |||      1=the internal CGRAM is selected.
  // |||| |||--- bit 1 Reserved = 0
  // |||| ||---- bit 2 Character Height (M2)
  // |||| |        When this bit = 0, the character height is 8 pixels.
  // |||| |        When this bit = 1, the character height is 16 pixels.
  // |||| |----- bit 3 Panel Drive Select (W/S)
  // ||||          When this bit = 0, a single panel drive is selected.
  // ||||          When this bit = 1, a dual panel drive is selected.
  // ||||
  // ||||------- bit 4 Reserved = 1
  // |||-------- bit 5 Screen Origin Compensation (IV)
  // ||            When this bit = 0, screen origin compensation is done.
  // ||            When this bit = 1, screen origin compensation is not done.
  // ||--------- bit 6 unused = 0
  // |---------- bit 7 unused = 0
  write_data(0x87); //FX=  REG[01h] Horizontal Character Size Register
  // 1000 0111  
  // |||| ||||-- Horizontal Character Size (FX) bits 0-3
  // ||||          These bits define the horizontal size, or width, of each character, in pixels.
  // |||| 	   REG[01h] bits 3-0 = Horizontal Character Size in pixels - 1
  // ||||------- bit 4,5,6 unused = 0
  // |---------- bit 7 MOD
  //		   When this bit = 0, 16-line AC drive is selected.
  //		   When this bit = 1, two-frame AC drive is selected.

  write_data(0x07); //FY=  REG[02h] Vertical Character Size Register
  // 0000 0111  
  // |||| ||||-- Vertical Character Size (FY) bits 0-3
  // ||||          These bits define the vertical size, or height, of each character, in pixels.
  // |||| 	   REG[02h] bits 3-0 = Vertical Character Size in pixels - 1
  // ||||------- bits 4-7 unused = 0

  write_data(39); //C/R= REG[03h] Character Bytes Per Row Register
  // These bits determine the size of each character row (or display line), in bytes,
  // to a maximum of 239. The value of these bits is defined in terms of C/R
  // REG[03h] bits 7-0 = ([C/R] x bpp) - 1  (bpp == bits per pixel)
  //   C/R =(320 dots / 8 dots/character) = 40
  //   2 bpp = 80
  //   REG[03h] = [C/R] x bpp) - 1 = 79

  write_data(41); //TC/R=REG[04h] Total Character Bytes Per Row Register
  // These bits set the length of one line, including horizontal blanking, in bytes, 
  // to a maximum of 255. The value of these bits is defined in terms of TC/R TC/R 
  // can be adjusted to hold the frame period constant and minimize jitter for any 
  // given main oscillator frequency, fosc.
  // REG[04h] bits 7-0 = [TC/R] + 1
  // TC/R must be programmed such that the following formulas are valid.
  // [C/R] + 2 <= [TC/R]
  // 0 <= [TC/R] <= 255

  write_data(239); //L/F= REG[05h] Frame Height Register
  // These bits determine the frame height, in lines. The maximum frame height is 
  // 256 lines.
  // REG[05h] bits 7-0 = frame height in lines - 1.
  // 240 lines in this module, so REG[05h] = 240-1 = 239

  write_data(0x28); //APL= REG[06h] Horizontal Address Range Register 0
  write_data(0x00); //APH= REG[07h] Horizontal Address Range Register 1
  // These bits define the horizontal address range of the virtual screen. 
  // The maximum value for this register is 7FFFh.
  // REG[07h] bits 7-0, REG[06h] bits 7-0 = Addresses per line
  // Number of bytes used for one line = 80 = 0x0050
  write_data(0x00); // REG[0Bh] Screen Block 1 Start Address Register 0
  write_data(0x00); // REG[0Ch] Screen Block 1 Start Address Register 1
  // Screen Block 1 Start Address (SAD1) bits [15:0]
  // These bits determine the memory start address of screen block 1.

  write_data(239); // REG[0Dh] Screen Block 1 Size Register
  // These bits determine the size of screen block 1, in lines.
  // REG[0Dh] bits 7-0 = screen block 1 size in number of lines - 1
  // 240 lines - 1 = 239

  write_data(0x60); // REG[0Eh] Screen Block 2 Start Address Register 0
  write_data(0x09); // REG[0Fh] Screen Block 2 Start Address Register 1
  // These bits determine the memory start address of screen block 2.
  // 0x0960

  write_data(239); // REG[10h] Screen Block 2 Size Register
  // These bits determine the size of screen block 2, in lines.
  // REG[10h] bits 7-0 = screen block 2 size in number of lines - 1
  // 240 lines - 1 = 239

  write_data(0x00); // REG[11h] Screen Block 3 Start Address Register 0
  write_data(0x00); // REG[12h] Screen Block 3 Start Address Register 1
  // These bits determine the memory start address of screen block 3.
  // 0x0000

  write_data(0x00); // REG[13h] Screen Block 4 Start Address Register 0
  write_data(0x00); // REG[14h] Screen Block 4 Start Address Register 1
  // These bits determine the memory start address of screen block 4.
  // 0x0000  
  write_command(0x5A); // REG[1Bh] Horizontal Pixel Scroll Register
  write_data(0x00);  //NO SCROLL
  // 0000 0000  
  // |||| ||||-- Horizontal Pixel Scroll bit 1 - 3
  // |||| |----- bit 3-7 unused = 0
  // These bits specify the number of horizontal pixels to scroll the display. 
  // The character bytes per row (C/R), REG[03h] bits 7-0, must be set to one 
  // more than the actual number of horizontal characters before using horizontal 
  // pixel scroll. Smooth scrolling can be simulated by repeatedly changing the 
  // value of REG[1Bh] bits 2-0.

  //OVERLAY:  (Note: Screen blocks 2 and 4 can display graphics only.)
  write_command(0x5B); // REG[18h] Overlay Register
  write_data(0x01);   //GRAPHIC & XOR
  // 0000 0001  
  // |||| ||||-- bit 0 Layer Composition Method (MX) bit 1
  // |||| |||--- bit 1 Layer Composition Method (MX) bit 2
  // |||| ||       These bits select the layered screen composition method, 
  // |||| ||       which can be OR, AND, or Exclusive-OR.
  // |||| ||       
  // |||| ||---- bit 2 Screen Block 1 Display Mode (DM0)
  // |||| |        This bit determines the display mode for screen block 1.
  // |||| |	   When this bit = 0, screen block 1 is configured for text mode.
  // |||| |        When this bit = 1, screen block 1 is configured for graphics mode.
  // |||| |
  // |||| |----- bit 3 Screen Block 3 Display Mode (DM1)
  // ||||          This bit determines the display mode for screen block 3.
  // ||||          When this bit = 0, screen block 3 is configured for text mode.
  // ||||          When this bit = 1, screen block 3 is configured for graphics mode.
  // ||||
  // ||||------- bit 4 3 Layer Overlay Select (OV)
  // |||           This bit determines how many layers are used when graphics mode is enabled. 
  // |||           - For mixed text and graphics, this bit must be set to 0.
  // |||           When this bit = 0, two layers are used.
  // |||           When this bit = 1, three layers are used.
  // |||
  // |||-------- bit 5-7 unused = 0
 // DISP-ON/OFF Settings
   	write_command(0x58); 	// DISP ON/OFF-Enables/disables display and display attributes(58h&59h)
   	write_data(0x56);		// Enable layer1 and layer2	

	ClearTextLayer();		// Clear main layer1
	ClearGraphicLayer();	// Clear main layer2

	write_command(0x46);	// CSRW
	write_data(0x00);		// 
	write_data(0x00);		// 
  write_data(0x06); // REG[15h] Cursor Width Register
  // 0000 0110  
  // |||| ||||-- bit 0 Cursor Width (CRX) bit 0-3
  // ||||          These bits specify the width (or horizontal size) of the cursor, in pixels from 
  // |||| 	       the character origin 
  // ||||          REG[15h] bits 3-0 = cursor width in pixels - 1
  // ||||
  // ||||------- bit 4-7 unused = 0

  write_data(0x86); // REG[16h] Cursor Height Register
  // 1000 0110  
  // |||| ||||-- bit 0 Cursor Height (CRY) bit 0
  // |||| |||--- bit 1 Cursor Height (CRY) bit 1
  // |||| ||---- bit 2 Cursor Height (CRY) bit 2
  // |||| |----- bit 3 Cursor Height (CRY) bit 3
  // ||||          For an underscore cursor (REG[16h] bit 7 = 0), these bits set the location 
  // ||||          of the cursor, in lines from the character origin.
  // ||||          For a block cursor (REG[16h] bit 7 = 1), these bits set the height 
  // ||||          (or vertical size) of the cursor, in lines from the character origin.
  // ||||	   REG[16h] bits 3-0 = cursor height in lines - 1
  // ||||
  // ||||------- bit 4-7 unused = 0
  // This bit determines the cursor mode. When graphics mode is selected, 
  // this bit must be set to 1.
  // When this bit = 0, an underscore cursor ( _ ) is selected.
  // When this bit = 1, a block cursor ( ¦ ) is selected.

// DISP-ON/OFF Settings
   	write_command(0x59); 		// DISP ON/OFF-Enables/disables display and display attributes(58h&59h)
	write_data(0x14); // REG[0Ah] Display Attribute Register values
  // 0001 0000  
  // |||| ||||-- bit 0 Cursor Attribute (FC) bit 0
  // |||| |||--- bit 1 Cursor Attribute (FC) bit 1
  // |||| ||       These bits control the cursor and set the flash rate -- 70% duty cycle (70% on, 30% off):
  // |||| ||       0 0 OFF (Blank)
  // |||| ||       0 1 ON  No Flashing
  // |||| ||       1 0 ON  Flash at fFR/32 Hz (approx. 2 Hz)
  // |||| ||       1 1 ON  Flash at fFR/64 Hz (approx. 1 Hz)
  // |||| ||       NOTE:  When the cursor is disabled, a write to memory automatically enables the cursor and
  // |||| ||              places the cursor at the next memory location. A read from memory does not enable the
  // |||| ||              cursor, however, it still places the cursor at the next memory location.
  // |||| ||
  // |||| ||---- bit 2 SAD1 Attribute (FP 1-0) bit 0
  // |||| |----- bit 3 SAD1 Attribute (FP 1-0) bit 1
  // ||||          These bits control the attributes of the third screen block (SAD1):
  // ||||          0 0 OFF (Blank)
  // ||||          0 1 ON  No Flashing
  // ||||          1 0 ON  Flash at fFR/32 Hz (approx. 2 Hz)
  // ||||          1 1 ON  Flash at fFR/4 Hz (approx. 16 Hz)
  // ||||
  // ||||------- bit 4 SAD2 Attribute (FP 3-2) bit 0
  // |||-------- bit 5 SAD2 Attribute (FP 3-2) bit 1
  // ||            These bits control the attributes of the third screen block (SAD2):
  // ||            0 0 OFF (Blank)
  // ||            0 1 ON  No Flashing
  // ||            1 0 ON  Flash at fFR/32 Hz (approx. 2 Hz)
  // ||            1 1 ON  Flash at fFR/4 Hz (approx. 16 Hz)
  // ||            
  // ||--------- bit 6 SAD3 Attribute (FP 5-4) bit 0
  // |---------- bit 7 SAD3 Attribute (FP 5-4) bit 1
  //               These bits control the attributes of the third screen block (SAD3):
  //               0 0 OFF (Blank)
  //               0 1 ON  No Flashing
  //               1 0 ON  Flash at fFR/32 Hz (approx. 2 Hz)
  //               1 1 ON  Flash at fFR/4 Hz (approx. 16 Hz)
  write_command(0x4C); // REG[17h] Cursor Shift Direction Register  -- Default = 00h
  // 0100 11dd  
  // |||| ||||-- bit 1:0
  // |||| ||         0 0 Right (command 0x4C)
  // |||| ||         0 1 Left  (command 0x4D)
  // |||| ||         1 0 Up    (command 0x4E)
  // |||| ||         1 1 Down  (command 0x4F)
  // ||||-||---- bit 2-7 (command 0x4C base)  
	write_data(0x20);			//''
	write_data(0x45);			//‘E’
	write_data(0x50);			//‘P’
	write_data(0x53);			//‘S’
	write_data(0x4F);			//‘O’
	write_data(0x4E);			//‘N’


void ClearTextLayer(void)
	int i;

void ClearGraphicLayer(void)
	int i;

void delay_ms(unsigned int ms)

void HardReset(void)
	//S1D13700_CONTROL_DIR &= ~(S1D13700_RES);
	S1D13700_CONTROL_PIN &= ~(S1D13700_RES);
//	S1D13700_CONTROL_DIR |= (S1D13700_RES);
	S1D13700_CONTROL_PIN |= (S1D13700_RES);

int main()
	mPORTDSetPinsDigitalOut(BIT_6); 		//Set RD6 configured as LCD DISPLAY to output
	S1D13700_DATA_DIR = 0x00;
	//mPORTESetPinsDigitalOut(BIT_7 | BIT_6 | BIT_5 | BIT_4 | BIT_3 | BIT_2 | BIT_1 | BIT_0);
	//mPORTDSetPinsDigitalOut(BIT_5 | BIT_4 | BIT_3 | BIT_2 | BIT_1); 
	S1D13700_CONTROL_PORT |= (S1D13700_A0 | S1D13700_WR | S1D13700_CS | S1D13700_RES |S1D13700_EN); 
	S1D13700_CONTROL_DIR &= ~(S1D13700_A0 | S1D13700_WR | S1D13700_CS | S1D13700_RES |S1D13700_EN); 
Expecting a reply.
Thanks in advance.

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Joined: 01 Dec 2014 11:10

Re: PIC32 interfacing with GLCD controller S1D13700

#2 Post by darko.minic » 24 Feb 2015 11:29


Unfortunately MPLAB IDE is out of scope of our technical support.

If you ever decide to use our compilers, we provide libraries for S1D13700 controller in our compilers.


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