Jingle Crash

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Jingle Crash

#1 Post by steve42lawson » 27 Apr 2011 21:03

Crash Crash Crash
Crash Crash Crash
Crash Crash All the way
Oh what fun it is to send
Those bug reports all day, HEY!

:evil: :evil: :evil: :evil: :evil: :evil: :evil: :evil: :evil: :evil: :evil: :evil: :evil: :evil: :evil:

My wish is for your developers to spend a little more time plotting and handling exception cases. I know it's not sexy. I know it's mundane and boring. But the job really isn't done until you do the dirty work, too! Otherwise you're just passing that drudge onto your paying customers (such as I).

And if your response is that a little instability is normal. My answer is: how is 1 to 3 crashes an hour, a LITTLE!?!? I'm having a very hard time getting my projects done!!! Partly because of all the time it takes to send these :twisted: bug reports [especially since your software can't even open my default email client--which ISN'T Outlook Express, BTW {plenty of other applications have managed it}]!!!! I'd stop sending them, except I'm optimistic that it will help you clean up your mess.

* Crimson Editor is stable
* NetBeans is stable
* Adobe Flash is stable
* Even Coffee Cup HTML Editor is far more stable than MikroC

These are all editor/development environments that I use, and none of them give me the grief that MikroC gives me--so I doubt it's an issue with my system [Win XP Pro 32bit SP3 with 1.3gig out of 3 gig still free and plenty of HD space--also it's a dual monitor system (and I'm running it in the not-primary display, in case that matters)]
Humility is the lack of the desire to impress, not the lack of being impressive.

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Re: Jingle Crash

#2 Post by zristic » 28 Apr 2011 08:30

We understand your frustration.
From your bug reports I see that you have the following error:
exception message : Registry error (win error code: 2). (EnumComPorts)

It is a rather OS/Hardware dependent error, very difficult to reproduce.
However, we are going to solve it in one way or another, it might take some time, but we will solve it.

And it has nothing to do with the editor.

Thanks for the up anyway, users feedback is always welcomed.

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