mP 6.02

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mP 6.02

#1 Post by picmicroman » 27 Sep 2006 07:34

Hi Zoran,

This is a good release, there are many new features which make it even easier to work with PICs, especially compile+program button is a great add-on, it really reliefed me.

Any way, there are still many notes to mention:

1. Double clicking on Uses in the code explorer places the cursor far away in the code editor...

2. Creating a new unit, then closing it in order to save it. IDE asks whether to save it or not, any way, it never saved it when closing the unit from its close button, only saved when I used the save button.

3. The bootloader compiled fine for PIC16F877A. I have programmed the PIC, and bootloaded some programs. Non of them worked after resetting the PIC.

4. I know there is going to be a new bootloader software. But at least let the already existing one work without noticed problems. Such that while bootloading the PIC, if the bootloader software is minimized, it hangs, and it has to be started again.

5. Adding an option that enables the user to close PicFlash software after programming the PIC successfully is a good add-on as well.

I have tested many examples on EP3 and PIC16F877A including ADC, LCD, and other math operations and have not noticed problems until now, which is a good indication. I must be carrying more tests later this evening to see if I can catch any bugs, hopefully I won't catch any.

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Re: mP 6.02

#2 Post by zristic » 27 Sep 2006 07:57

1. Fixed
2. Still hard to reproduce it, but will investigate further
3. The old bootloader exapmles will not ship in this version
5. We are working on this, depends when the new version of PICFlash comes out.

Thanks Omar.

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#3 Post by picmicroman » 27 Sep 2006 18:39

Hi all,

This bug:

Code: Select all

2. Creating a new unit, then closing it in order to save it. IDE asks whether to save it or not, any way, it never saved it when closing the unit from its close button, only saved when I used the save button. 
Is fixed now.

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#4 Post by picmicroman » 27 Sep 2006 19:12


Regarding PICFLASH2 programmer software:

If the user closes PICFLASH2 while its programming, rather than using the ESC button to abort the programming process then close it, PICFLASH2 gives some errors.

If closing the software is disabled while the PICFLAsh2 is programming it would be better, or calling the ESC button procedure before closing would also solve the problem.

I know things are not that easy, but it can be done :)

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#5 Post by picmicroman » 29 Sep 2006 13:29

Dear Zoran,

In the example D:\Mikroelektronika\mikroPascal\Examples\EasyPIC3\extra examples\GLCD menu

I have noticed that double clicking Col, Row or Txt under TSingleMenu type shifs the cursor away. The same goes for Last, Current, Count and menu under Tmenu.

I have tested the following examples inside EP3 folder:

Adc Floating point
EEPROM string
GLCD menu---------------Small problem mentioned above
GLCD const menu---------Small problem mentioned above

And in PIC16F877A

Graphic LCD
bootloader16-----------Doesn't work for me

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