PIC is not responding

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mikroElektronika team
Posts: 137
Joined: 03 Aug 2004 12:44

PIC is not responding

#1 Post by nikola » 27 Jan 2005 16:10

Q: mikroPascal compiler generated code without errors, but the PIC is not responding when the program is loaded. Help?

A: Using in-line assembly may corrupt memory banking process. When user writes his own assembly, mikroPascal compiler leaves it intact. In that case, user has to take care of the memory banking issues himself.

Also, some PICs differ in initialization demands. For example, if using 16F877A, you should disable internal comparator in order to use PORTA as digital I/O. In case that user selected 16F877 as a target controller, this initialization is not necessary. Therefore, user needs to pay attention to init states of similar PIC controllers.


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