Comments on my new NECTO

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Comments on my new NECTO

#1 Post by JoseD » 20 May 2020 15:14

I have just installed my NECTO v.1.0.5 because I though it would be much better than my clasic MikroC PRO IDE.
After testing it and reading some subjects in this forum, here are my first claims or credits:

1. It's very good and useful the feature of editing the same source on several screens. I asked for it to MikroE 4 years ago.

2. Now I get a Warning of "illegal 2 bytes" in characters, as example, in CHAR Z[]="ç" , where MikroC PRO did not say anything.
Does it mind that my code will now fail if a character variable Z is defined like [2] characters only?

3. I agree other people that now we miss A LOT a list of functions of my source program. HOW can I get it?. It was REALLY useful in Mikroc Pro.
I have been unable to get such list in Code Explorer.

4. BTW, Code Explorer stays constinuously "parsing the source file", and it doesn't show anything unless you write something in "search" field. Why?
More: touching and touching Code Explorer, in the end I have just got a list of all my functions, variables, and so on.... Therefore, What was I doing bad?
Can somebody tell me how to manage Code Explorer to get those lists again?
BTW: How can I sort out alphabeticaly the list of functions?

5. How can I find the line with the initial declaration of a variable?. In MikroC Pro was CTRL+D, but in NECTO it puts a comment line :-(

6. In MikroC was easier to follow an opening bracket if you pointed it, because then it highlighted the correspondent closing bracket. But NECTO marks in gray the full block, and it makes a little more difficult to see the closing bracket.

7. Does not exist an icon for "saving the source" when I edit?. I find only CTRL+S, very uncomfortable.

8. Where is now the ASCII characters table?

9. I have compiled again a program, but now, in windows "Issues", when I click on an error I am not located in the respective source line. On other words, clicking on issues doesn't take me to conflictive line.

10. I first copied my files (.mci ...) from clasic MikroC PRO to a directory, then I ran NECTO compiling on this content and it generated a .HEX file identical to the classic.
But, creating a new project in NECTO, with the same source file and identical mcu settings, now creates a .HEX file absolutely different than one from classic MicroC Pro.
Please, what is the possible reason?

Thank you for your help.

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Re: Comments on my new NECTO

#2 Post by filip.grujcic » 21 May 2020 10:37


2) It is just a warning, not an error, therefore, it won't prevent you from compiling. Your "Z" will occupy 3 bytes, so char Z[2] won't work if you want to use "ç", but Z[3] will.

3) If you are referring to the Library manager that lists all library functions, is it not present in NECTO. However, it's been confirmed that something like this will be added soon, if not the (old) library manager, then something very similar to it.

4) I could not reproduce this issue with Code explorer, it parses the source file immediately for me and I can see the list of symbols as soon as I open it.
Could you test on a new project, see if it happens with every project or only the one you tried?

5) Right click on the variable and select Goto definition or simply press F2

6) Matching brackets should be highlighted in purple. You can go to Options > Editor > Appearance and toggle the "Highlight range between selected brackets".

7) You can go to File > Save. There is no separate icon I'm afraid.

8) The ASCII table is not present in NECTO.

9) You have to double click on the error, single clicking doesn't do anything.

10) What kind of .mcl files did you copy? Library files? Perhaps you forgot to include them in the new project you had made.
The best way would be to supply the files along with the project and detailed steps on how to recreate the issue, so that I can test it myself.

Let me know if you have any other questions.

Filip Grujcic

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Re: Comments on my new NECTO

#3 Post by JoseD » 21 May 2020 18:56

Hi Filip.

OK, I have tested more throughly (file of my project: 11000 lines of code and comments) and according to your instructions. Please, find below my comments:
3) If you are referring to the Library manager that lists all library functions, is it not present in NECTO. However, it's been confirmed that something like this will be added soon, if not the (old) library manager, then something very similar to it.
I referred to list of MY functions. I got that Code Explorer now worked fine, but the list that appears is not alphabetically sorted out. Please, see attached file "functions".
More, if I write a name of variable or function in search field, nothing happens and Code Explorer does not look for the text. :cry:
5) Right click on the variable and select Goto definition or simply press F2
Doesn't work.
Even more, not work with F2 nor Shift+F2, nor right click... , in summary, no way to find a definition or declaration. (my current workaround is looking for in Code Explorer, but it is cumbersome as it is not sorted out).
6) Matching brackets should be highlighted in purple. You can go to Options > Editor > Appearance and turn on "Highlight range between selected brackets".
OK, I found that setting, but it refers only to highlight the full block. Brackets don't appear in purple, and I am not able to see where to customize it. Please, see attached files "brackets" and "brackets2" with the original colours that appear on my screen. No purple anyway.
9) You have to double click on the error, single clicking doesn't do anything.
OK today, but I swear that yesterday doubleclick didn't work :(

Thanks for your help
functions.jpg (7.63 KiB) Viewed 3206 times
brackets2.jpg (9.24 KiB) Viewed 3206 times
brackets.jpg (12.81 KiB) Viewed 3206 times

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Re: Comments on my new NECTO

#4 Post by filip.grujcic » 28 May 2020 13:19


The search functionality is behaving unusually at the moment, I have forwarded this to our developers as a bug, for now, you have to use the filters in order to search for something, let's say you want to search for your main function, in the search bar you will need to enter f: main

As for the F2, this should work without problems. Does your project successfully compile?

You can try changing the color scheme of NECTO. Go to Settings > Editor > Fonts & Colors and under Default schema for NectoStudio (at the bottom of the window) select some other, like Breeze Dark for example.

Filip Grujcic

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Re: Comments on my new NECTO

#5 Post by JoseD » 01 Jun 2020 18:54

Hi Filip.

a) In effect, search functionality doesn't work.
b) F2 continues not working. I'm unable to find declarations. Yes, my project complies well, and if I take to NECTO the .mcci project files made for my classic MikroC Pro v.7.6.0 then the produced .hex file are equal in both softwarfes.
c) OK, I experienced with different colour schemas; some of them are more friendly for managing brackets.

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Re: Comments on my new NECTO

#6 Post by filip.grujcic » 03 Jun 2020 08:24


Would it be possible for you to attach the project that demonstrates the F2 problem and steps to reproduce it?

Filip Grujcic

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Re: Comments on my new NECTO

#7 Post by JoseD » 04 Jun 2020 18:50

Hi Filip.
I can't attach the project. It has confidentiality agreement :-(
Anyway, I can detail you that source file has 11200 lines, although many of them are comments ( using both formats: // and /* */ ) and more than 80 functions, as well as about 150 global variables.

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