BUGS: NECTO Studio 5.0.0

Cross-platform IDE for the rapid development of applications for the embedded world, available on Windows, Linux, and macOS.
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Uglješa Lukešević
Posts: 4
Joined: 07 Jun 2023 17:37

BUGS: NECTO Studio 5.0.0

#1 Post by Uglješa Lukešević » 14 Dec 2023 10:35

Hi! When I create some project, for example GCC ARM, and write some code in it, and I maybe want to delete it, so I close it from editor, rm -rf it from project folder, and create new project with same name, but choose different compiler, mikroC, NECTO returns all old files and code, including that it again chooses same compiler. After closing totally NECTO, and opening it again, and after creating new project, with choosing mikroC, the project is created, no left files, but compiler is GCC ARM, that I did not choose. It backs up to mikroC only when I deleted GCC ARM. That is first bug. Second bug (I think) is in compiler. So I made some code to test UART communication (code below). For that code I am using GCC ARM. I choose required libraries, typed the code, and build it. Linker failed. Why? Unresolved extern to "hal_ll_gpio_init_struct", or something like that. I also included "hal_ll_gpio.h", because I know that is also same issue in mikroC if you don't include in your code that low level library. But, after compiling, I got same error. That error I do not get in mikroC. Here's the code:

Code: Select all

#include "hal_ll_gpio.h"
#include "drv_uart.h"
#include "board.h"

#ifdef __GNUC__
#include "delays.h"

#define MAX_SIZE 256

static uart_t serial;

int main(void)
    uint8_t txRingBuffer[MAX_SIZE];
    uint8_t rxRingBuffer[MAX_SIZE];

    memset(txRingBuffer, 0, sizeof(txRingBuffer));
    memset(rxRingBuffer, 0, sizeof(rxRingBuffer));

    uart_config_t config;

    serial.tx_ring_buffer = txRingBuffer;
    serial.rx_ring_buffer = rxRingBuffer;


    config.tx_pin = USB_UART_TX;
    config.rx_pin = USB_UART_RX;
    config.tx_ring_size = sizeof(txRingBuffer);
    config.rx_ring_size = sizeof(rxRingBuffer);

    if(uart_open(&serial, &config) == UART_ERROR) {
        return UART_ERROR; // (-1)

    // print
    /*for(int i = 0; i < 5; i++) {
        uart_println(&serial, "ja sam uki");
        uart_println(&serial, "samo da ovo radi");

    uart_print(&serial, "end");*/

    while (1)
        uint8_t receivedASCII;
        static size_t size;
        uart_read(&serial, &receivedASCII, size);

        uart_print(&serial, &receivedASCII);

    return 0;
Happy debugging!

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