Are there some bugs in examples?

General discussion on mikroC PRO for ARM.
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Joined: 03 May 2013 04:07

Are there some bugs in examples?

#1 Post by lglgang » 20 Oct 2020 07:53

We use download some example.

we find that when we use the Ethernet_Demo.

We always meet some errors:

Code: Select all

0	1	mikroCARM.exe -MSF -DBG -pSTM32F107VC -RA -BIN -LHF -DL -O11111110 -fo72 -N"E:\STM32_MIKROC\Ethernet Demo\Ethernet_Demo.mcpar" -SP"C:\Users\Public\Documents\Mikroelektronika\mikroC PRO for ARM\Defs\" -SP"C:\Users\Public\Documents\Mikroelektronika\mikroC PRO for ARM\Uses\ST M3\" -SP"E:\STM32_MIKROC\Ethernet Demo\" -IP"C:\Users\Public\Documents\Mikroelektronika\mikroC PRO for ARM\Uses\ST M3\" "Ethernet_Demo.c" "__Lib_Math.emcl" "__Lib_MathDouble.emcl" "__Lib_Delays.emcl" "__Lib_System_105_107.emcl" "__Lib_GPIO_32F10x_Defs.emcl" "__Lib_GPIO_32F10x.emcl" "__Lib_CType.emcl" "__Lib_CString.emcl" "__Lib_Conversions.emcl" "__Lib_ADC_12_32F10x_16ch.emcl" "__Lib_Ethernet_Intern_107.emcl"	 
diagnostics: 0	122	Compilation Started	STM32F107VC.c
diagnostics: 38838	123	Compiled Successfully	STM32F107VC.c
diagnostics: 0	122	Compilation Started	__Lib_Delays.c
diagnostics: 118	123	Compiled Successfully	__Lib_Delays.c
diagnostics: 0	122	Compilation Started	__lib_gpio.h
diagnostics: 834	123	Compiled Successfully	__Lib_GPIO_32F10x_Defs.c
diagnostics: 0	122	Compilation Started	__ethernet_intern.h
hint: 119	1163	Variable 'tmp' has been declared, but not used	Ethernet_Demo.c
diagnostics: 270	123	Compiled Successfully	Ethernet_Demo.c
diagnostics: 0	127	All files Compiled in 390 ms	 
error: 2700	438	Call signature does not match the function definition signature 'Ethernet_Intern_UserUDP'	__Lib_Ethernet_Intern_107.c
error: 3772	438	Call signature does not match the function definition signature 'Ethernet_Intern_UserTCP'	__Lib_Ethernet_Intern_107.c
error: 0	102	Finished (with errors): 20 10月 2020, 14:34:10	Ethernet_Demo.mcpar
we cannot know that why
Call signature does not match the function definition signature 'Ethernet_Intern_UserTCP' __Lib_Ethernet_Intern_107.c

we cannot find __Lib_Ethernet_Intern_107.c

and we cannot fix the error .

So, We need some expert to help me to solve this questions.

Thanks for your help!

Code: Select all

 * Project Name:
     Ethernet_Demo (Ethernet Library demo for internal Ethernet module)
 * Copyright:
     (c) Mikroelektronika, 2012.

 * description  :
 *      this code shows how to use the Ethernet library :
 *              the board will reply to ARP & ICMP echo requests
 *              the board will reply to UDP requests on any port :
 *                      returns the request in upper char with a header made of remote host IP & port number
 *              the board will reply to HTTP requests on port 80, GET method with pathnames :
 *                      /               will return the HTML main page
 *                      /s              will return board status as text string
 *                      /t0 ... /t7     will toggle RE8 to RE15 bit and return HTML main page
 *                      all other requests return also HTML main page
 * Test configuration:
     MCU:             STM32F107VC
     Dev.Board:       EasyMx v7 for STM32 ?ARM ?
     Oscillator:      HSE-PLL, 72.000MHz
     ext. modules:    no.
     SW:              mikroC PRO for ARM
     - Pull-down PORTD/L at SW8, and put SW10.7 in VCC position (board specific)
     - Close pots PA3 at J8.
     - Turn ON PORTE/H LEDs at SW15.8.


#include        "__Ethernet_Intern.h"

const code unsigned char httpHeader[] = "HTTP/1.1 200 OK\nContent-type: ";  // HTTP header
const code unsigned char httpMimeTypeHTML[] = "text/html\n\n";              // HTML MIME type
const code unsigned char httpMimeTypeScript[] = "text/plain\n\n";           // TEXT MIME type
unsigned char httpMethod[] = "GET /";
 * web page, splited into 2 parts :
 * when coming short of ROM, fragmented data is handled more efficiently by linker
 * this HTML page calls the boards to get its status, and builds itself with javascript
const code   char    *indexPage =                   // Change the IP address of the page to be refreshed
"<meta http-equiv=\"refresh\" content=\"3;url=\">\
<h1>STM32F Mini Web Server</h1>\
<a href=/>Reload</a>\
<script src=/s></script>\
<table><tr><td valign=top><table border=1 style=\"font-size:20px ;font-family: terminal ;\">\
<tr><th colspan=2>ADC</th></tr>\
</table></td><td><table border=1 style=\"font-size:20px ;font-family: terminal ;\">\
<tr><th colspan=2>PORTD</th></tr>\
var str,i;\
{str+=\"<tr><td bgcolor=pink>BUTTON #\"+i+\"</td>\";\
if(PORTD&(1<<i)){str+=\"<td bgcolor=red>ON\";}\
else {str+=\"<td bgcolor=#cccccc>OFF\";}\
document.write(str) ;\
" ;

const code   char    *indexPage2 =  "</table></td><td>\
<table border=1 style=\"font-size:20px ;font-family: terminal ;\">\
<tr><th colspan=3>PORTE</th></tr>\
var str,i;\
{str+=\"<tr><td bgcolor=yellow>LED #\"+i+\"</td>\";\
if(PORTE&(1<<i)){str+=\"<td bgcolor=red>ON\";}\
else {str+=\"<td bgcolor=#cccccc>OFF\";}\
str+=\"</td><td><a href=/t\"+i+\">Toggle</a></td></tr>\";}\
document.write(str) ;\
This is HTTP request #<script>document.write(REQ)</script></BODY></HTML>\
" ;

 * RAM variables
unsigned char   myMacAddr[6] = {0x00, 0x14, 0xA5, 0x76, 0x19, 0x3f};   // my MAC address
unsigned char   myIpAddr[4]  = {192, 168,  20, 60 };                   // my IP address
unsigned char   gwIpAddr[4]  = {192, 168,  20, 66};                   // gateway (router) IP address
unsigned char   ipMask[4]    = {255, 255, 255,  0 };                   // network mask (for example :
unsigned char   dnsIpAddr[4] = {192, 168,  20, 1 };                   // DNS server IP address

unsigned char   getRequest[15];                                        // HTTP request buffer
unsigned char   dyna[31] ;                                             // buffer for dynamic response
unsigned long   httpCounter = 0;                                       // counter of HTTP requests

unsigned char   remoteIpAddr[4]  = {192, 168,  20, 13 };                   // my IP address

 * functions

 * this function is called by the library
 * the user accesses to the HTTP request by successive calls to Ethernet_Intern_getByte()
 * the user puts data in the transmit buffer by successive calls to Ethernet_Intern_putByte()
 * the function must return the length in bytes of the HTTP reply, or 0 if nothing to transmit
 * if you don't need to reply to HTTP requests,
 * just define this function with a return(0) as single statement
unsigned int Ethernet_Intern_UserTCP(unsigned char *remoteHost, unsigned int remotePort, unsigned int localPort, unsigned int reqLength, TEthInternPktFlags *flags)
        unsigned int    len;            // my reply length
        char tmp;
        // should we close tcp socket after response is sent?
        // library closes tcp socket by default if canCloseTCP flag is not reset here
        // flags->canCloseTCP = 0; // 0 - do not close socket
                                   // otherwise - close socke

        if(localPort != 80)                         // I listen only to web request on port 80

        // get 10 first bytes only of the request, the rest does not matter here
        for(len = 0; len < 10; len++)
        getRequest[len] = Ethernet_Intern_getByte();
        getRequest[len] = 0;
        len = 0;

        if(memcmp(getRequest, httpMethod, 5))       // only GET method is supported here

        httpCounter++;                             // one more request done

        if(getRequest[5] == 's')                    // if request path name starts with s, store dynamic data in transmit buffer
                // the text string replied by this request can be interpreted as javascript statements
                // by browsers

                len = Ethernet_Intern_putConstString(httpHeader);              // HTTP header
                len += Ethernet_Intern_putConstString(httpMimeTypeScript);     // with text MIME type

                // add AN3 value to reply
                WordToStr(ADC1_Get_Sample(3), dyna) ;
                len += Ethernet_Intern_putConstString("var AN3=") ;
                len += Ethernet_Intern_putString(dyna) ;
                len += Ethernet_Intern_putConstString(";") ;

                // add PORTD value (buttons) to reply
                len += Ethernet_Intern_putConstString("var PORTD=");
                WordToStr(GPIOD_IDR, dyna);
                len += Ethernet_Intern_putString(dyna);
                len += Ethernet_Intern_putConstString(";");

                // add PORTE value (LEDs) to reply
                len += Ethernet_Intern_putConstString("var PORTE=");
                WordToStr(GPIOE_ODR>>8, dyna);
                len += Ethernet_Intern_putString(dyna);
                len += Ethernet_Intern_putConstString(";");

                // add HTTP requests counter to reply
                WordToStr(httpCounter, dyna);
                len += Ethernet_Intern_putConstString("var REQ=");
                len += Ethernet_Intern_putString(dyna);
                len += Ethernet_Intern_putConstString(";");
        else if(getRequest[5] == 't')                           // if request path name starts with t, toggle PORTE (LED) bit number that comes after
                unsigned long   bitMask = 0;                   // for bit mask

                if(isdigit(getRequest[6]))                      // if 0 <= bit number <= 9, bits 8 & 9 does not exist but does not matter
                        bitMask = getRequest[6] - '0';         // convert ASCII to integer
                        bitMask = 1 << (bitMask + 8);                // create bit mask
                        GPIOE_ODR = GPIOE_ODR ^ bitMask;     // toggle PORTE with xor operator

        if(len == 0)                                            // what do to by default
                len =  Ethernet_Intern_putConstString(httpHeader);             // HTTP header
                len += Ethernet_Intern_putConstString(httpMimeTypeHTML);       // with HTML MIME type
                len += Ethernet_Intern_putConstString(indexPage);              // HTML page first part
                len += Ethernet_Intern_putConstString(indexPage2);             // HTML page second part

        return(len);                                           // return to the library with the number of bytes to transmit
//unsigned int Ethernet_Intern_UserUDP(unsigned char *remoteHost, unsigned int remotePort, unsigned int localPort, unsigned int reqLength, TEthInternPktFlags * flags);
//unsigned int Ethernet_Intern_UserTCP(unsigned char *remoteHost, unsigned int remotePort, unsigned int localPort, unsigned int reqLength, TEthInternPktFlags * flags);

//unsigned int Ethernet_Intern_UserUDP1(unsigned char *remoteHost, unsigned int remotePort, unsigned int destPort, unsigned int reqLength, TEthInternPktFlags *flags)
//unsigned int Ethernet_Intern_UserUDP(unsigned char *remoteHost, unsigned int remotePort, unsigned int destPort, unsigned int reqLength, TEthInternPktFlags *flags)
unsigned int Ethernet_Intern_UserUDP(unsigned char *remoteHost, unsigned int remotePort, unsigned int destPort, unsigned int reqLength, TEthInternPktFlags * flags)
        unsigned int    len;                           // my reply length
        char tmp;

        if(destPort != 10001)
          return 0;
        // reply is made of the remote host IP address in human readable format
        ByteToStr(remoteHost[0], dyna);                // first IP address byte
        dyna[3] = '.';
        ByteToStr(remoteHost[1], dyna + 4);            // second
        dyna[7] = '.';
        ByteToStr(remoteHost[2], dyna + 8);            // third
        dyna[11] = '.';
        ByteToStr(remoteHost[3], dyna + 12);           // fourth

        dyna[15] = ':';                                // add separator

        // then remote host port number
        WordToStr(remotePort, dyna + 16);
        dyna[21] = '[';
        WordToStr(destPort, dyna + 22);
        dyna[27] = ']';
        dyna[28] = 0;

        // the total length of the request is the length of the dynamic string plus the text of the request
        len = 28 + reqLength;

        // puts the dynamic string into the transmit buffer
        Ethernet_Intern_putBytes(dyna, 28);

        // then puts the request string converted into upper char into the transmit buffer
                tmp = Ethernet_Intern_getByte();

        return(len);           // back to the library with the length of the UDP reply

void main() {


  Ethernet_Intern_Init(myMacAddr, myIpAddr, _ETHERNET_AUTO_NEGOTIATION, &_GPIO_MODULE_ETHERNET);
  Ethernet_Intern_confNetwork(ipMask, gwIpAddr, dnsIpAddr);

  while(1) {
     * if necessary, test the return value to get error code
    Ethernet_Intern_doPacket();   // process incoming Ethernet packets

     * add your stuff here if needed
     * Ethernet_Intern_doPacket() must be called as often as possible
     * otherwise packets could be lost

Ethernet Demo.rar
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Re: Are there some bugs in examples?

#2 Post by AntiMember » 20 Oct 2020 10:12

For some reason, I don't see any plugs in the code Ethernet Demo.rar ... et_userudp

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Re: Are there some bugs in examples?

#3 Post by filip » 20 Oct 2020 13:22


I believe I have answered you on the HelpDesk regarding this issue.


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