MikroProg Stopped working

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MikroProg Stopped working

#1 Post by Justin » 24 Jul 2014 12:46

Hi I have been using the Mikroprog on a Pic32mx795F512L for about 6 months, I have 10 identical boards (of my own design) that I have been programming over this time (100's of times). All of a sudden today I programmed two of the boards , tried to do the third and got a "Board voltage error", now I cant program any board, keep getting the same error. the voltage changes slightly, but always around 0.8v.

The Boards are locally powered (not by the programmer). and there voltage is fine.(around 2.9v). The mikroprog even reads the voltage as about 2.90v (varies slightly between boards).

Any help would be much appreciated..

Btw, I have ordered another Mikroprog, as I need to get these boards out. but that is going to take a while to get here (Australia). So I tried using the hex file in MPLAB with a PM 3, it programs ok but the code does not execute the same, seems to keep resetting every few seconds.. Is there any thing I need to do to the Hex file to make it work in The PM 3 programmer ? i.e. a setting that I need to change? The IC config looks correct, but still the issue.

Thanks for any Help


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Re: MikroProg Stopped working

#2 Post by marina.petrovic » 25 Jul 2014 12:31


From your description and error message that you get from mikroProg Suite, it seems like the problem is in very mikroProg
mikroProg can measure correct voltages on Vcc, but can't "raise" Vpp voltage for proper programming procedure.

Regarding second behavior that you have with PM 3, please, check how you set watchdog.
You can import HEX and see how the watchdog is set before programming and to compare it with your project settings in Edit Project.

Best regards,

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Re: MikroProg Stopped working

#3 Post by Justin » 26 Jul 2014 03:32

Hi Marina, thanks for your reply.

So you say it is a fault in the MikroProg. Is there a reason this may have happened? is there a way to fix it? (even a circuit diagram?)

This MikroProg was only brought in August last year. And was just using it as it is supposed to be used. Is this the life expectancy we should expect from a MikroElectronika product?
I find it very disappointing that that is the limit of the response- yep it's faulty...

It is not worth us to send the product back to you as it would cost more in freight to send it both ways than it cost to purchase a new one.

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Re: MikroProg Stopped working

#4 Post by marina.petrovic » 28 Jul 2014 13:44


Unfortunately, from your description I can't know for sure why and where exactly problem occurs, but as you explained that you previously used mikroProg in the exact same situation/hardware and based on the error message that you get, as I said, I believe that problem is in the very mikroProg.
Can you tell me whether something unusual happen before the mikroProg starts to show this error message?
Can you see some optical damage on the mikroProg or whether you can feel that some element of the programmer is
heated when you use it?

If you can, please, open a casing of the mikroProg.
Also, please, can you create a ticket on our support desk (addressed on Marina) and send me a picture of the mikroProg?

There is no predefined life expectancy of our products, but of course, some problem may occurs which we are not able to predict.
Warranty period on all our products is one year, but of course if you decide not to return the product for repair,
we will try to help you as much as possible.

Best regards,

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