PS/2 Keyboard to LCD

General discussion on mikroC PRO for PIC32.
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Re: PS/2 Keyboard to LCD

#16 Post by AntiMember » 13 Nov 2022 11:20

According to the first test, it looks like the power supply of the controller is 3.3V and the output is not open drain...
LEDs must be connected through resistors.

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Re: PS/2 Keyboard to LCD

#17 Post by chris11jed » 13 Nov 2022 11:41

Sorry, should have mentioned, the LEDs have resistors on the cathode side, in all tests thus far.

So, I added two lines of code;

Code: Select all

ODCF13_bit = 1;
ODCF12_bit = 1;
Again, Both LED's (with resistors) anodes connected to the USB Vcc. One cathode+resistor to RF12, and the other cathode+resistor to RF13.

RF12's LED is permanently ON. While RF13's LED blinks on and completely off.

The code I am using is this;

Code: Select all

sbit PS2_Data  at RF12_bit;
sbit PS2_Clock at RF13_bit;

sbit PS2_Data_Direction  at TRISF12_bit;
sbit PS2_Clock_Direction at TRISF13_bit;

void main() {
  CHECON = 0x32;                                                                // Cache Control Register (Copied from LCD Library Help files)
  AD1PCFG = 0xFFFF;                                                             // Configure AN pins as digital I/O
  JTAGEN_bit = 0;                                                               // Disable JTAG
  TROEN_bit = 0;                                                                // Disable the Trace Port
  TDOEN_bit = 0;                                                                // 2-wire JTAG protocol does not use TDO
  PMAEN = 0;                                                                    // This and PMCON 'ON' bit must be cleared so as to make LATE usable.
  PMCON = 0;                                                                    // Disable Parallel Port Contol

  TRISA = 0;
  TRISB = 0;
  TRISC = 0;
  TRISD = 0;
  TRISE = 0;
  TRISF = 0;
  TRISG = 0;

  LATA = 0;
  LATB = 0;
  LATC = 0;
  LATD = 0;
  LATE = 0;
  LATF = 0;
  LATG = 0;
  PS2_Data_Direction = 0;
  PS2_Clock_Direction = 0;
  PS2_Data = 0;
  PS2_Clock = 0;
  ODCF12_bit = 1;
  ODCF13_bit = 1;

  while(1) {
    PS2_Data = ~PS2_Data;
    PS2_Clock = ~PS2_Clock;

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Re: PS/2 Keyboard to LCD

#18 Post by AntiMember » 13 Nov 2022 12:26

chris11jed wrote:
13 Nov 2022 11:41
RF12's LED is permanently ON. While RF13's LED blinks on and completely off.
Hm. Both should blinks...
Who knows what's in the mikroe processor definition...

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Re: PS/2 Keyboard to LCD

#19 Post by chris11jed » 13 Nov 2022 12:42

I just hope that particular pin isn't screwed :roll:

Am not sure what you mean by mikro processor definition. In that, maybe there's still some hope of getting this show back on the road, and fixing the thing.

Am going to sleep on it for now.

Again, much-much appreciating your thoughts and ideas here! :D

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Re: PS/2 Keyboard to LCD

#20 Post by AntiMember » 13 Nov 2022 13:06


You can also check the frequency settings.
Or rename this file instead of what's in the project.
(318 Bytes) Downloaded 33 times

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Re: PS/2 Keyboard to LCD

#21 Post by chris11jed » 14 Nov 2022 01:26

Thanks for the cfg file. I opened it up in Visual Studio to take a look. Also opened up the 'Edit Project' window, where the Configuration Registers are displayed. And have the PIC32MX5XX/6XX/7XX Family Reference Manual Section 00 PDF open to '29.0 Special Features', specifically, the DEVCFG registers.

With the Windows calculator on programmer mode, I can input what the 'Edit Project' window Configuration Registers values are, see the bits, and cross reference with what the Datasheet says.

And there's some stuff that does not match up!!! From reserved stuff the datasheet says should be '1', and mikro says '0'. To selections in the 'General project settings' drop-downs, that don't match up to what the datasheet says the bit or bits should be. And I've only given stuff a cursory glance, not a deep dive.

I am not sure how to go about looking at the \Defs\P32MX695F512L.c and \Defs\P32MX695F512L.mlk files. I opened the \Defs\P32MX695F512L.c file up in Visual Studio... wow! That's a long arse file :lol: I am not sure what I am supposed to look for, where, or how to even know if what I'm seeing is 'ok' or 'not'.

And am not sure how to implement your attached .cfg file either? If I select 'Load scheme' in the 'Edit Project' window, it wants .cfgsch

I am actually wondering why my selections in the 'Edit Project' windows 'General project settings' aren't reflected correctly in the 'Configuration Register' DEVCFG3/2/1/0 values? Or, if everything is correct on the 'General project settings' drop-downs, or correct on the 'Configuration Registers' window... :shock:

And I don't understand the two values either side of the second ':'. eg; DEVCFG3 : $1FC02FF0 : 0x00070000 The first value, $1FC02FF0, I use to cross reference with the datasheet. But what is the second one, 0x00070000, all about? And how to use it?

Sorry for the lack of understanding. Am an idiot, and appreciate idiot-friendly explanations :wink: A lot of this is getting above my pay grade now :lol:

So, in the \Defs\P32MX695F512L.c file, after scrolling for ages, there is this... which looks okay?

Code: Select all

sfr atomic unsigned long   volatile TRISF            absolute 0xBF886140;
sfr unsigned long   volatile TRISFCLR         absolute 0xBF886144;
sfr unsigned long   volatile TRISFSET         absolute 0xBF886148;
sfr unsigned long   volatile TRISFINV         absolute 0xBF88614C;
    // TRISF bits
    const register unsigned short int TRISF13 = 13;
    sbit  TRISF13_bit at TRISF.B13;
    const register unsigned short int TRISF12 = 12;
    sbit  TRISF12_bit at TRISF.B12;
    const register unsigned short int TRISF8 = 8;
    sbit  TRISF8_bit at TRISF.B8;
    const register unsigned short int TRISF5 = 5;
    sbit  TRISF5_bit at TRISF.B5;
    const register unsigned short int TRISF4 = 4;
    sbit  TRISF4_bit at TRISF.B4;
    const register unsigned short int TRISF3 = 3;
    sbit  TRISF3_bit at TRISF.B3;
    const register unsigned short int TRISF2 = 2;
    sbit  TRISF2_bit at TRISF.B2;
    const register unsigned short int TRISF1 = 1;
    sbit  TRISF1_bit at TRISF.B1;
    const register unsigned short int TRISF0 = 0;
    sbit  TRISF0_bit at TRISF.B0;

sfr atomic unsigned long   volatile PORTF            absolute 0xBF886150;
sfr unsigned long   volatile PORTFCLR         absolute 0xBF886154;
sfr unsigned long   volatile PORTFSET         absolute 0xBF886158;
sfr unsigned long   volatile PORTFINV         absolute 0xBF88615C;
    // PORTF bits
    const register unsigned short int RF13 = 13;
    sbit  RF13_bit at PORTF.B13;
    const register unsigned short int RF12 = 12;
    sbit  RF12_bit at PORTF.B12;
    const register unsigned short int RF8 = 8;
    sbit  RF8_bit at PORTF.B8;
    const register unsigned short int RF5 = 5;
    sbit  RF5_bit at PORTF.B5;
    const register unsigned short int RF4 = 4;
    sbit  RF4_bit at PORTF.B4;
    const register unsigned short int RF3 = 3;
    sbit  RF3_bit at PORTF.B3;
    const register unsigned short int RF2 = 2;
    sbit  RF2_bit at PORTF.B2;
    const register unsigned short int RF1 = 1;
    sbit  RF1_bit at PORTF.B1;
    const register unsigned short int RF0 = 0;
    sbit  RF0_bit at PORTF.B0;

sfr atomic unsigned long   volatile LATF             absolute 0xBF886160;
sfr unsigned long   volatile LATFCLR          absolute 0xBF886164;
sfr unsigned long   volatile LATFSET          absolute 0xBF886168;
sfr unsigned long   volatile LATFINV          absolute 0xBF88616C;
    // LATF bits
    const register unsigned short int LATF13 = 13;
    sbit  LATF13_bit at LATF.B13;
    const register unsigned short int LATF12 = 12;
    sbit  LATF12_bit at LATF.B12;
    const register unsigned short int LATF8 = 8;
    sbit  LATF8_bit at LATF.B8;
    const register unsigned short int LATF5 = 5;
    sbit  LATF5_bit at LATF.B5;
    const register unsigned short int LATF4 = 4;
    sbit  LATF4_bit at LATF.B4;
    const register unsigned short int LATF3 = 3;
    sbit  LATF3_bit at LATF.B3;
    const register unsigned short int LATF2 = 2;
    sbit  LATF2_bit at LATF.B2;
    const register unsigned short int LATF1 = 1;
    sbit  LATF1_bit at LATF.B1;
    const register unsigned short int LATF0 = 0;
    sbit  LATF0_bit at LATF.B0;

sfr atomic unsigned long   volatile ODCF             absolute 0xBF886170;
sfr unsigned long   volatile ODCFCLR          absolute 0xBF886174;
sfr unsigned long   volatile ODCFSET          absolute 0xBF886178;
sfr unsigned long   volatile ODCFINV          absolute 0xBF88617C;
    // ODCF bits
    const register unsigned short int ODCF13 = 13;
    sbit  ODCF13_bit at ODCF.B13;
    const register unsigned short int ODCF12 = 12;
    sbit  ODCF12_bit at ODCF.B12;
    const register unsigned short int ODCF8 = 8;
    sbit  ODCF8_bit at ODCF.B8;
    const register unsigned short int ODCF5 = 5;
    sbit  ODCF5_bit at ODCF.B5;
    const register unsigned short int ODCF4 = 4;
    sbit  ODCF4_bit at ODCF.B4;
    const register unsigned short int ODCF3 = 3;
    sbit  ODCF3_bit at ODCF.B3;
    const register unsigned short int ODCF2 = 2;
    sbit  ODCF2_bit at ODCF.B2;
    const register unsigned short int ODCF1 = 1;
    sbit  ODCF1_bit at ODCF.B1;
    const register unsigned short int ODCF0 = 0;
    sbit  ODCF0_bit at ODCF.B0;
Can't view the \Defs\P32MX695F512L.mlk file though.

Edit 2:
So, I did a little experimenting on a PIC32MX695F512L I have on another PCB, where all the port pins just go to a header, and I then have this PCB on a breadboard.
Tried flashing RF12 and RF13, powered by +5V, with resistors, and the ODCF12_bit & ODCF13_bit both set. Basically, the same code as before.
Again, RF12 is constantly on, while RF13 flashes.

Then I tried RD0 and RD1, with their respective ODC bits set. And Both LEDs flash.

So, that's two different MCU's. I am beginning to think that the pin on the PCB where I have an LCD and other stuff, it isn't screwed. But, something funny is going on with the internals, or settings, or something.

And again, I don't think Mikro's 'Edit Project' window settings are reflective of the Configuration Registers window values. Which might play a part. Note, this is all guess work at the moment.

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Re: PS/2 Keyboard to LCD

#22 Post by AntiMember » 14 Nov 2022 08:53

Let's sequentially, first LED Blink
while(1) {
PS2_Data = 1;
PS2_Clock = 1;
PS2_Data = 0;
PS2_Clock = 0;
while(1) {
LATF12_bit = ~PS2_Data;
LATF13_bit = ~PS2_Clock;
At least one option works?
And I did not work with PIC32. Mostly with ARM.

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Re: PS/2 Keyboard to LCD

#23 Post by chris11jed » 15 Nov 2022 06:09

Test one;

Code: Select all

sbit PS2_Data  at RF12_bit;
sbit PS2_Clock at RF13_bit;

sbit PS2_Data_Direction  at TRISF12_bit;
sbit PS2_Clock_Direction at TRISF13_bit;

void main() {
  CHECON = 0x32;                                                                // Cache Control Register (Copied from LCD Library Help files)
  AD1PCFG = 0xFFFF;                                                             // Configure AN pins as digital I/O
  JTAGEN_bit = 0;                                                               // Disable JTAG
  TROEN_bit = 0;                                                                // Disable the Trace Port
  TDOEN_bit = 0;                                                                // 2-wire JTAG protocol does not use TDO
  PMAEN = 0;                                                                    // This and PMCON 'ON' bit must be cleared so as to make LATE usable.
  PMCON = 0;                                                                    // Disable Parallel Port Contol

  TRISA = 0;
  TRISB = 0;
  TRISC = 0;
  TRISD = 0;
  TRISE = 0;
  TRISF = 0;
  TRISG = 0;

  LATA = 0;
  LATB = 0;
  LATC = 0;
  LATD = 0;
  LATE = 0;
  LATF = 0;
  LATG = 0;
  ODCF12_bit = 1;
  ODCF13_bit = 1;
  while(1) {
    PS2_Data = 1;
    PS2_Clock = 1;
    PS2_Data = 0;
    PS2_Clock = 0;
Result: PS2_Data (RF12) LED is constantly on. PS2_Clock (RF13) is blinking.

Test Two;

Code: Select all

sbit PS2_Data  at RF12_bit;
sbit PS2_Clock at RF13_bit;

sbit PS2_Data_Direction  at TRISF12_bit;
sbit PS2_Clock_Direction at TRISF13_bit;

void main() {
  CHECON = 0x32;                                                                // Cache Control Register (Copied from LCD Library Help files)
  AD1PCFG = 0xFFFF;                                                             // Configure AN pins as digital I/O
  JTAGEN_bit = 0;                                                               // Disable JTAG
  TROEN_bit = 0;                                                                // Disable the Trace Port
  TDOEN_bit = 0;                                                                // 2-wire JTAG protocol does not use TDO
  PMAEN = 0;                                                                    // This and PMCON 'ON' bit must be cleared so as to make LATE usable.
  PMCON = 0;                                                                    // Disable Parallel Port Contol

  TRISA = 0;
  TRISB = 0;
  TRISC = 0;
  TRISD = 0;
  TRISE = 0;
  TRISF = 0;
  TRISG = 0;

  LATA = 0;
  LATB = 0;
  LATC = 0;
  LATD = 0;
  LATE = 0;
  LATF = 0;
  LATG = 0;
  ODCF12_bit = 1;
  ODCF13_bit = 1;
  while(1) {
    PS2_Data = ~PS2_Data;
    PS2_Clock = ~PS2_Clock;
Result: PS2_Data (RF12) LED is constantly on. PS2_Clock (RF13) is blinking. Same as Test One.

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Re: PS/2 Keyboard to LCD

#24 Post by AntiMember » 15 Nov 2022 06:58

The answer is obvious. Deal with RF12 or switch to another pin.

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Joined: 15 Jun 2011 06:37

Re: PS/2 Keyboard to LCD

#25 Post by chris11jed » 15 Nov 2022 07:50

The answer is obvious. Deal with RF12 or switch to another pin.
Well, that's why I'm here. Trying to deal with RF12 now. :lol:

I might just have to switch to another pin.

Thanks for your input though. Much appreciated. :D

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