Where are project files stored?

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Where are project files stored?

#1 Post by ISL_Dave » 17 Jun 2019 15:14

I am still learning but today I have loaded my "data_Logger" project I was tinkering about with last week and none of the changes I make do anything to the HEX that is produced and programmed into my micro.

My project currently has 4 sources and two VTFT screens (splash and Main1) but it is like it is using a cached version of the files and screens I have produced.

I have just changed one of the screens (my splash screen) and pressed to generate new VTFT code.
I switch back to the compiler and program the micro and still have the old screen.
I then build and program and still have the same old screen.
I go back to VTFT (F12) and verify the new splash screen is still there.

I try to rebuild all sources (ALT+F9) and then program but still old screen.

I have a sound routine that works but any changes I make to any of the files in the sources section are ignored like they are not being used (i.e. I can delete the sound routine I inserted but the code compiles as if it is still present).

For example, my "data_logger_main.c" file is not used and I can replace it with garbage and it compiles and runs what I had last week.
I can do the same with the data_logger_events_code.c and the file still compiles the code I had last week.

I can change the data_logger_driver.c file by editing the relevant areas of the project settings but the changes are ignored so it is not using the file.

I have closed all open tabs and double clicked the 4 source files in Project Manager to ensure I am working from the files in the project but it is still like the files are not the files for this project.

So any idea where the actual files I need to place my code in are located and why the files in Project Manager don't do anything any more?

The messages box at the bottom indicate it has compiled successfully the "data_logger_main.c" file which as you can see in the image, would never compile due to me inserting rubbish in the #include and void main() function declaration. Clicking the line in the message opens the window and highlights the brace at the side of the while(1) statement.
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Re: Where are project files stored?

#2 Post by ISL_Dave » 18 Jun 2019 10:14

I am really struggling now as I have calculated it will take me 369 days to do my project and I only have 311 days.
I gave myself 5 days to learn the idiosyncrasies of MikroC Pro for PIC32 and VTFT but I have far exceeded that time and still cannot get an image on the screen or even get an LED on the EasyPIC Fusion v7 to flash.

I have all but given up and have installed it all on my home PC.
I have a brand new installation of MikroC Pro for PIC32 (dongle), VTFT activated, installed Mikrobus SDK, PIC5 SDK and copied the whole project folder from my work PC to my personal PC.

When I try and compile, I get the most unhelpful message which just says it has finished with errors but it doesn't feel like letting me know what errors it found (no errors are found on my work PC but the files are not being used).
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Re: Where are project files stored?

#3 Post by ISL_Dave » 18 Jun 2019 16:12

I have come to the conclusion that MikroC for PIC32 and VTFT is as flaky if not worse than MikroC PRO for PIC (multiple crash reports a day being sent to MikroE).

2x PC's, one with a new install today and both have crashed and produced a bug report today.

It constantly fights attempts at creating code, randomly insisting on putting corrupt code over working code (the stupid file compare which regardless of whether you make changes and click to save which does nothing, just repeatedly tells you they are different until you accept the code that is faulty, let it butcher your code and then edit it to work for a short while until it later decides it wants to put corrupt code back in).

The only way I could continue was to start a new project, manually copy the .VTFT files from the old project to keep my images and then copy back to my work PC.

Twice it has randomly added blank events, making me copy my event code into the new blank duplicate events and then have to delete the working events that I have been using for hours.

I still haven't found where I can place my micro initialization code as it doesn't work if placed in the General>Init_Code part of "Edit Project" and if I place it in main.c, after a bit it decides it has been changed and insists on putting the corrupt version it thinks is better over the top.
I tried to create a function with initialization code but there is nowhere I can call it that is not safe from the compiler overwriting it and at the moment all I am doing is trying to reliably call the sound_init() library function.

Not looking forward to trying to initialize the SPI, I2C and Port Peripherals.

Is there a way of turning the file compare thing off? I am fed up of it breaking working code and insisting on making changes that corrupts my code. Not once has it helped me but probably hindered me hundreds of times already in the last week.

Maybe the compiler is fighting me because I am doing something wrong but it is because the information in the compilers help file is too sparse and I really cannot see a way of doing what I am trying to do.

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Re: Where are project files stored?

#4 Post by filip.grujcic » 19 Jun 2019 14:42


I apologize for the issues you are experiencing with our software.
Since there is a little bit too much information provided here, let's start with something simple.

Have you ever been able to successfully get something to display on your screen using VTFT?
From what I understood, you are using EasyPIC Fusion v7 and PIC32MX460F512L MCU Card, correct?

Kind regards,
Filip Grujcic

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Re: Where are project files stored?

#5 Post by ISL_Dave » 19 Jun 2019 16:45

Hi Filip, thanks for replying.

I am using the hardware you mentioned and the configuration bits seem fine.

Until it breaks again, it seems I can get images on screen and use events to do things like make a bleep, change an icon on the screen, make LED's change state or display a different screen.

I actually like most of what VTFT does but it seems VERY slow, VERY resource hungry and unstable for me.

I am trying to figure out if I need a better PC (elderly i5-5200U, Intel HD 5500 Graphics, 8Gb RAM, Intel 100Gb+ SSD left) , have an installation issue (multiple crashes and keep getting to the point where strange things happen and I have to start again) or if I am just not getting the hang of how to use VTFT properly.

I have LOTS of questions and have spent hours looking through the 25 pages of threads on this forum to learn what issues people have and if they are similar.


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Re: Where are project files stored?

#6 Post by Toley » 19 Jun 2019 18:40

Hi Dave,

As a suggestion I would refer you to this tutorial written by megahurts a forum user who spend a lot of time on using VTFT efficiently. The pdf he wrote gives useful hints to avoid the common mistakes. Worth to have a look. https://libstock.mikroe.com/projects/vi ... nt-counter
Serge T.
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Re: Where are project files stored?

#7 Post by ISL_Dave » 19 Jun 2019 20:29

Thanks for the suggestion Toley but I have tried at least three times to read it but I struggle to read documents that use random fonts, colours, highlighting and images etc. all on the same page.

I can see lots of people are pointed to it and every one seems to massively benefit so I am sure it is very helpful.
I am already part way through cutting and pasting the text into notepad to get rid of the stuff that stops me being able to read it.

I mean if you look at the following portion, I can only look at it for a few seconds before I have to look away as there are way too many colours, fonts types, font sizes etc. but if it were pure plain text, it would be massively improved and readable (for me).
Annotation 2019-06-19 202025.jpg
Annotation 2019-06-19 202025.jpg (168.16 KiB) Viewed 2652 times
I really hope Megahurtz doesn't get Mega Hurt by my comments :(

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Re: Where are project files stored?

#8 Post by Toley » 19 Jun 2019 21:48

ISL_Dave wrote:Thanks for the suggestion Toley but I have tried at least three times to read it but I struggle to read documents that use random fonts, colours, highlighting and images etc. all on the same page. :(
I feel the same. But one of the main advice is when you work with VTFT you better know exactly what you want to achieve, do the graphic part and then after modify the code. If you return to VTFT and change stuff you are almost certain your code will be alterate...
Serge T.
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Re: Where are project files stored?

#9 Post by ISL_Dave » 20 Jun 2019 15:05

Looks like potentially I am not going crazy after all :roll: .

The logical place for my code is within the main.c file which is confirmed will constantly get erased if I continue to work in the VTFT environment.

I am making changes to the main.c and have created a copy_of_main.c file so when it gets wiped, I can re-instate it. I just need to ensure I copy any changes over.

Obviously most of my code will be placed in the events user section which is safe.

Do you know how I call a function in events.c from main.c?
- It will use one unnecessary stack location but I plan on keeping main.c while(1) loop quite clean and after it has called Check_TP(), it then calls just one other function in events.c which does lots of checking of my ISR, ports and timers that need to run regardless of touch events.


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