text superimposed

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text superimposed

#1 Post by cirederf » 10 Nov 2011 13:20


when I write a text the old values ​​are not deleted, they are superimposed, an idea?

Code: Select all

'-------------- User code declarations ---------------'
dim text as string [5]
dim incrementeur as word

'----------- End of User code declarations -----------'


'--------------------- User code ---------------------'

'----------------- End of User code ------------------'

' Event Handlers

sub procedure parametres_click()
   DrawScreen(@screen2 )
end sub

sub procedure ButtonRound1_plusClick()
      RC2_bit = not RC2_bit
      inc (incrementeur)
      WordToStr(incrementeur, text)
      T6963C_Write_Text(text, 0, 0, T6963C_ROM_MODE_XOR)
      Label1_Caption = text
end sub
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Re: text superimposed

#2 Post by janko.kaljevic » 11 Nov 2011 09:15


Yes, prior to writing new values you should delete old values. This should be done with all dynamic labels in your code.
Please try something like this:

Code: Select all

sub procedure ButtonRound1_plusClick()
      RC2_bit = not RC2_bit
      inc (incrementeur)
      WordToStr(incrementeur, text)
      T6963C_Write_Text(text, 0, 0, T6963C_ROM_MODE_XOR)
      Label1.Font_Color = BackGroundColor
      Label1_Caption = text
      Label1.Font_Color = FontColor
end sub
Best regards.

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Joined: 10 Apr 2009 16:56
Location: FRANCE

Re: text superimposed

#3 Post by cirederf » 14 Nov 2011 23:25

I do not know where you take BackgroundColor and FontColor,it does not work.I would like to know.

I found T6963C_WHITE and T6963C_BLACK and it's ok

Code: Select all

program DPdouze_main
include __Lib_T6963C_Consts

dim timer_vitesse_H as byte
dim timer_vitesse_L as byte
dim puls_radar as word
dim octet_serie as byte
dim emplacement_octer_recu as byte
dim  buffer_reception as byte [5]
dim texte as string [5]
dim texte2 as string [5]
dim incrementeur as word
dim incrementeur2 as word
 sub procedure interrupt

'     if TestBit (PIR2,CCP2IF) = 1  then    'INTERRUPTION POUR PRISE DE REGIME
'          timer_vitesse_H = CCPR3H
'          timer_vitesse_L = CCPR3L
''          CCPR2H = 0
''          CCPR2L = 0
'          'TMR3H = 0
'          TMR3L = 0
''          if  PIR2.TMR3IF = 1 then     'si il a un debordement de timer 3 met une butée
''               puls_radar = 65534
''               ClearBit(PIR2,TMR3IF)' = 0       'remise à 0 du drapeau d'interruption timer 1
''               goto passetonchemin
''          end if
'               puls_radar =  timer_vitesse_L +  ( timer_vitesse_H << 8 ) 'OK
'                       passetonchemin:
'            ClearBit( PIR2,CCP2IF)' =0 '   remise en route de l interruption de capture entrée rotation
'     end if
'            '     INTERRUPTION UART                                  .
'        if (UART2_Data_Ready() = 1)  then
'           octet_serie = UART2_Read()  'lecture port serie
'           buffer_reception [emplacement_octer_recu] = octet_serie
'           inc  (emplacement_octer_recu)
'            if emplacement_octer_recu > 4  then
'                 emplacement_octer_recu = 0
'            end if
'            ClearBit( pir1,rcif)' = 0
'        end if
end sub

    sub procedure affiche_vitesse ()
            Label1_Caption = texte
            Label1.Font_Color = T6963C_Black    'efface  le vieux texte
            wordtostr ( inc (incrementeur2),texte) ' change le texte
'            Button1_Caption = texte  ' cette fonction fait clignoter le texte
'            DrawButton(@Button1)     ' This function flashes the text

            T6963C_Write_Text(texte, 0, 0, T6963C_ROM_MODE_XOR)
            Label1_Caption = texte             ' ecrit le nouveau texte
            Label1.Font_Color =  T6963C_WHITE
    end sub

    incrementeur =0
    incrementeur2 =0

    while TRUE

         if  PIR2.TMR3IF = 1 then
           inc (incrementeur)
            ClearBit(PIR2,TMR3IF)' = 0
             if incrementeur = 3then
                 affiche_vitesse ()
                 incrementeur =0
              end if
         end if


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