Touch panel issues

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Touch panel issues

#1 Post by Vineyards » 25 Mar 2011 05:26

Everybody's talking about the touch panel problems. It seems many of the problems have not been solved yet (at least mine). I have broken two touch pad film connectors inserting and removing it to no avail.

You had promised to ask your developers to take a looks at this problem after they are done with PIC32. Since, this issue concerns the main functionality of the software; it renders it pretty much useless.

Additionally, there are IDE related problems, like graphics garbling etc. I think the time is ripe to focus on Visual GLCD a bit. We are looking forward to a problem-free version real soon.

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Re: Touch panel issues

#2 Post by tihomir.losic » 25 Mar 2011 11:14

Vineyards wrote:It seems many of the problems have not been solved yet (at least mine)

please, can you give me some of these problems which aren't solved yet?

Vineyards wrote:I think the time is ripe to focus on Visual GLCD a bit. We are looking forward to a problem-free version real soon.
It is high priority task, and believe me, that we are working on it.
Little more patience, please.
Thank you.

Best regards,

Losic Tihomir
mikroElektronika [Support team]

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Re: Touch panel issues

#3 Post by Vineyards » 26 Mar 2011 01:33

If you browse back my previous messages you will see my problem had not been solved although we had gone through all the steps of support. So the case was considered closed until after a new version is released.

Basically, I want to make these suggestions:

1- We need a rock solid IDE to start with. Have you tried fiddling with all the controls extensively? Do you think everything works as it must? Users complained of a number of problems that involved garbled graphics, windows leaving shadows or getting hung etc. Some of these have happened to me too.

2- We use mostly Mikroelektronika hardware for touch panel connections and own ME development boards. We buy the standard GLCD's used by everyone, but somehow something goes wrong. Since the number of possibilities can hardly exceed 5 or 10, I would suggest you test these on our behalf to check their compatibility with your software. If there are any special tricks or incompatibilities, document those as practical notes. I would not expect any major incompatibilities and it must be a matter of little tweaks here and there normally, but the lack of documentation makes it difficult for us the users to find our way.

3- Add a RAM saving "Proceed Through Bitmaps" option. When this option is selected all the pages must be automatically exported as bmp (or whatever) and the code must be modified accordingly. Because apart from very simple projects, there will alway be a shortage of RAM. Now that this is a RAD, this must be a part of it, if quick development is desired.

4-Increase your support for touch panel standards (capacitive, resistive etc) Implement necessary menu options. Determine brands which you have thoroughly tested and make them selectable through menu options. This way you can determine where the problem is. If it is some exotic touch panel, you may suggest the long way but if the touch panel characteristics are known the problem can be solved more easily. Write letters to leading GLCD producers asking info on brands of touch panels they use and their electrical characteristics and whether they want to make any suggestions. For example, if you speak to Winstar telling them you want to include all their touch panel displays as selectable options, they would probably give you all the details you wish and will probably conduct joint tests with you. Because it will help both of your sales in the end.

5-Improve your font support. Modify your library to allow larger size fonts and multiple fonts, font sizes on a single page. You must understand you cannot build a menu with microscopic fonts (on smaller EPSON screens). This point is very important.

I have actually tried to detail some of the basic product development strategies. If I can come up with these suggestions after thinking for 15 minutes, you should outstrip those and come up with a monster version real soon...

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Re: Touch panel issues

#4 Post by tihomir.losic » 31 Mar 2011 14:53


All your suggestions will be acknowledged.
You need understand that without your help, and without the help of other users,
it's very hard to make the perfect tool.
So, once again, thank you, we will give all of our best in order to
make more better tool that now.

Best regards,

Losic Tihomir
mikroElektronika [Support team]

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