calculating time of a pic24 for a 256 points FFT

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calculating time of a pic24 for a 256 points FFT

#1 Post by mingas » 17 Nov 2008 17:40

hi people!
I am working with pics and i have a problem.
I want to know the calculating time of a pic24, for a 256 points FFT . I cant find this!
Anybody can help me?
Thanks in advance for your time,
Best Regards

SamY Fareast
Posts: 46
Joined: 05 Aug 2007 07:15
Location: Shizuoka JAPAN

#2 Post by SamY Fareast » 20 Jan 2009 13:57

Hi mingas.
I want to know the calculating time of a pic24, for a 256 points FFT . I cant find this!
As you know, how match time spend is depends on what code you write.

Unfortunately I don't have experience of writing nor reading FFT cpde on pic24.

But you can find FFT code for PC at here .

And you prefer PASCAL code, I have translated above code to DELPHI code

Code: Select all

procedure CFFT(const InArray: array of TComplex; var OutArray: array of TComplex);
  i, ip, j, k, Le, Le2, N, ND2: integer;
  L, M: byte;
  Tmp, U, S: TComplex;

  N := Length(InArray);
  M := Round(Ln(N)/Ln(2));// Math.LOG2(N) is more fast
  { code like - M := 0; while N > 1 do begin N := N shr 1; inc(M); end may   match faster. but needs some error trap} 

  ND2 := N shr 1; // N div 2

  {if inplace translation, bellow code not be needed.}
  for i := 0 to N -1 do
    OutArray[i] := InArray[i];
 {Bit reversal sorting}
  j := ND2; // i = 1 and j=ND2 are obviously bit reversal pair. (N = 2^n)
 { ie. %0001 & % 1000 for N=16 }
  for i := 1 to N -2 do
    if i < j then  // To avoid exchange twice.
    begin          // Here we exchange bit-reversal pair.
      Tmp := OutArray[j];
      OutArray[j] := OutArray[i];
      OutArray[i] := Tmp;
    k := ND2;         // These code may complicated.
    while k <= j do // But think that,
    begin                // If i and j are bit-reversal pair,
      j := j - k;        // then i + 1 and j +(but bit reversal addition) 1
      k := k shr 1 ;  // are also pair.  ie %0010 & %0100
    end;                 // These code realize bit reversal addition to j.
    j := j + k;

  Le2 := 1;
  for L := 1 to M do // Loop for each stage
    Le := Le2 shl 1; // Le = 2^L; Le2 = 2^(n-1)
    U := Complex(1.0, 0);
    S.Re := cos(pi / Le2);
    S.Im := -sin(pi / Le2);
    for j := 1 to Le2 do  // Loop for sub DFT
      i := j - 1;
      while i <= (N - 1) do //Butterfly
        ip := i + Le2;
        Tmp := ComplexMul(OutArray[ip], U);
        OutArray[ip] := ComplexSub(OutArray[i], Tmp);
        OutArray[i] := ComplexAdd(OutArray[i], Tmp);
        i := i + Le;
      U := ComplexMul(U, S);
    Le2 := Le2 shl 1;
--This code needs a COMPLEX lib(Complexes.pas Types.pas) that you can get here.

If you calculate only fixed 256point FFT, you should remove "bit reversal sort algorithm" from above code and add some (sorted) array constant to them for speed up.

But I can't understand why pic24? If you use DSPIC, MP for DSPIC supports FFT function. So you only needs to write FFT(8, ***,***).

Sorry for my bad English.

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