We're hosting an IoT seminar with Freescale and EBV Elektron

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mikroElektronika team
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We're hosting an IoT seminar with Freescale and EBV Elektron

#1 Post by srdjan.misic » 03 Oct 2014 20:03

We're hosting an IoT seminar with Freescale and EBV Elektronik

"The Internet of Things is simply the next step in the
evolutionary process of cloud computing
"—that's the name of a
one-day seminar we're hosting next Thursday (October 9) in
cooperation with EBV Elektronik and Freescale.


We were guests at a fair share of venues in the past few years.
From Phoenix, over Nürnberg to Myanmar. Now it's our turn
to play hosts. This is the first time we're opening our
headquarters to a wider public
and it's quite an occassion:

We don't have to introduce Freescale to you. It's a well known
semiconductor company that's very much focused on IoT technology.
They make the Kinetis KLO2 for example, the worlds smallest ARM
Powered MCU with a measly 1.9mm x 2.0mm footprint—that's smaller
than a standard surface-mount LED you see on our click boards for

If you've never seen click boards live, that's another reason
to come: We'll introduce them to you in a presentation titled
"click boards—revolutionary add-on boards enpowering IoT makers."

Our friends from EBV Elektronik will have a presentation about the
Cloud, while the main portion of the day-long seminar will be taken
up by lectures and demos from Freescale people.

You'll need to register to attend, but it's free of charge. It's an
excellent opportunity to check out our HQ and learn about IoT from
people that are at its forefront.

There'll also be some food and drinks, as these things go.

Register Now while there's room left. You can see the exact Date,
location and Agenda on the Registration page.

See you.

Yours sincerely,

Posts: 897
Joined: 19 Apr 2013 10:00

Re: We're hosting an IoT seminar with Freescale and EBV Elek

#2 Post by MaGiK » 05 Oct 2014 17:08

Hey guys :D

Man, I wish I could be there. That would be very cool! :D
I wish that your first seminar gets through very nicely and very smoothly :mrgreen:
The IoT is quite an interesting topic nowadays, and the Click boards are quite interesting everyday :lol:
Combining them together would help in making it simple for lots of desired applications.
And to those who will be there, you guys are so lucky!
Have a great day everyone :D

Best Regards
My hobby is collecting MikroElektronika products.
Gotta catch them all!

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