WunderBar presented in Berlin

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WunderBar presented in Berlin

#1 Post by srdjan.misic » 07 Jul 2014 15:16

WunderBar presented in Berlin


Last Tuesday in Berlin, the relayr team presented the
latest versions of the WunderBar and the relayr cloud
platform to the press. The event was hosted by Conrad
Electronics, relayr's official partner. Attending
members of the press had the chance to take a closer look
at the WunderBar, its chocolate-shaped casings, its
hardware and its packaging, all designed and produced
by MikroElektronika
(proud to say so).

The introductory talk was given by Conrad's CEO Jörn
, followed by Harald Zapp, CEO of relayr.


Afterwards, Jackson of the relayr team explained how
WunderBar is bringing together two "massive forces that
drive today's technological innovation"
: the emerging
Maker Revolution and the six year old App development
explosion. The juxtaposition of these two will unleash a
new wave of IoT innovation.

Arto, relayr's senior UX designer introduced the brand
new Developer Dashboard


Members of the press had the chance to see the hardware
(made on these machines) and break off some sensor


See the full report along with more photos at the relayr blog.

Yours sincerely,

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