Visit to Underground Physics & Electronics Facility, Petnica

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Visit to Underground Physics & Electronics Facility, Petnica

#1 Post by srdjan.misic » 04 Apr 2014 12:08

Visit to Deep Underground Physics & Electronics Facility in Petnica


Yesterday we hung out with a bunch of young scientists, future hotshots, members of the science
and tech elite in years to come. Down the road, we hope some of them will be MikroE employees,
and we’re taking steps to make that happen. We visited Petnica, the biggest Science Center in
Southern Europe
and the oldest independent nonprofit organization for extracurricular, informal
science education in Southern Europe.

For our Chief of Marketing Aleksandar, who participated himself in an Astronomy summer camp as a
high school student a decade ago, it was a nostalgic event, but the biggest impression
was the progress Petnica has made
from then:

“The place is totally different now. High school students now have top-notch facilities, specialized
classrooms, laboratories and equipment. There’s even a super computer donated from CERN. However,
what remains the same is the spirit. Kids that come in still have the same curiosity, ambition
and hunger for knowledge as ever. It’s just that these days they’re lucky to have more means to satisfy it”.


That’s where MikroElektronika comes in. We made a commitment to help the applied psychics
and electronics club
, also known as the “Deep Underground Physics & Electronics Facility”.
We want to take them under our wing. To help them be the very best at what they do, and beyond
that, to be the most prestigious and recognizable department in whole Petnica. Biologists will come
to them asking for robot mini subs for exploring a local fish pound, astronomers can ask for a telescope
motor programmed to keep track of a chosen star or planet. Faced with these kinds of challenges,
these young scientists can grow up to be on Fortune 500 lists.

We also want to make them part of our community. That means that, once things get going,
you can expect a surge of examples to start popping up on Libstock. All courtesy of young scientists from Petnica.


Petnica was founded in 1982. Since then, it organized seminars, workshops and research camps for more
than 50,000 students and science teachers in 15 disciplines. The occasion for our visit yesterday was a
ceremony celebrating the milestone 3000th successfully organized seminar.

Beside our delegation, representatives from several prestigious universities and institutions including members
of the Academic community, the diplomatic core, UNESCO, also visited Petnica yesterday.

Yours sincerely,
Last edited by srdjan.misic on 28 May 2014 11:26, edited 1 time in total.

Posts: 897
Joined: 19 Apr 2013 10:00

Re: Visit to Underground Physics & Electronics Facility, Pet

#2 Post by MaGiK » 04 Apr 2014 20:07

srdjan.misic wrote:Down the road, we hope some of them will be MikroE employees,
and we’re taking steps to make that happen.
Man! They are so lucky :D
I'm also saying that because of the Click boards on that table. Look at them! I dream of having some of them (GPS for example) :cry:

I didn't have the same means they have nowadays when I was a kid, so I know how it feels.
I wish these kids all the best. I think it's really nice of MikroE to support them. Keep it going MikroE :D

Best Regards
My hobby is collecting MikroElektronika products.
Gotta catch them all!

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