Altitude click released!

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Altitude click released!

#1 Post by anikolic » 27 Sep 2013 16:31

Altitude click released!

Precisely measure altitude with 30cm resolution using the new Altitude click board.


Altitude click™ is a board in mikroBUS™ form factor. It features a MEMS pressure sensor MPL3115A2,
which provides accurate pressure/altitude (20-bit) and temperature (12-bit) data. Resolution is down to
30 cm (1.5 Pa). The MPL3115A2 contains automatic internal data processing with data acquisition and
compensation. It features 32 sample FIFO buffer to minimize the overhead of collecting multiple data samples.
It can autonomously collect data at programmed intervals and store it up to 12 days depending on data
acquisition rate (1 second - 9 hour), making it an ideal solution for smart phones/tablets, personal electronics
altimetry, GPS systems, weather station equipment, etc. Altitude click board uses I2C communication
interface and is designed to use 3.3V power supply only.

We invite you to visit the board webpage for more information.

Yours sincerely,
Web Department Manager

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