Interview with Ivan, our chief of software

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Interview with Ivan, our chief of software

#1 Post by srdjan.misic » 15 Aug 2014 11:11

Interview with Ivan, our chief of software


DesignSpark just posted an interview with Ivan, our chief
of software, the one who leads the Intern's lab, and
beats an STM32 in chess regularly. It's about our ARM®

It's a quick read. Adam Carlson did the interviewing (he also
reviewed mikroC for ARM for EETimes back in May).

Ivan spoke about our plans to expand to other ARM® vendors,
plans to improve code optimization, his thoughts on IoT and so

Head over to DesignSpark and leave your comments there—
if you have questions of your own to extend the interview,
we'll try to answer those too.

Yours sincerely,

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