Hydrogen click released

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Hydrogen click released

#1 Post by srdjan.misic » 07 Aug 2014 16:03

Hydrogen click released

Our sixth sniffing sensor detects hydrogen gas.


Hydrogen click carries an MQ-8 sensor with a tin-dioxide
sensing layer. It works like all our other sensor click boards
(CO click, LPG click, Air quality, Alcohol
and Methane click) - the conductivity of the
sensing layer increases as levels of H2 rise.

The detecting range of the board is from 100 to 10,000ppm
of hydrogen gas.

Where would you use it?

Few examples: hydrogen gas is used for metallic ore reduction,
hydrochloric acid production, atomic hydrogen welding, as a
rotor coolant in Electrical generators and so on.

It's also the future of clean energy. The only problem is
that there are some difficulties in harnessing hydrogen gas in
a clean way. Splitting water is more expensive than getting
hydrogen from natural gas, but that produces greenhouse gases,
defeating the purpose. The future is in using solar power to
split water and scientists are working on making that process
more efficient.

So whether you'll be using it for leakage detection or while
finding a cheaper way to split water, start from the Libstock
. Also, check specs and details about Hydrogen click
on the product page.

Yours sincerely,

Posts: 900
Joined: 01 Oct 2009 22:48
Location: Rocky Mountains, USA.

Re: Hydrogen click released

#2 Post by Megahurts » 08 Aug 2014 00:05

:D Thanks Guys,

Great addition and something I have been needing for awhile now. You may have saved me and others lives with these gas sensing boards.

I do perform experiments with different water separating methods and had someone (a mechanical engineer, no wonder :roll: ) put a lighter
to the output of one of my first HHO cells (while running) before I could even say a syllable :shock: and while we did not get hurt (unit went straight up off of bench, sides of container held, top/bottom caps did not),
it taught me that I should:
(1) Always have a Flash Arrestor attached to the gas generator output to prevent the whole unit from exploding. :roll:
(2) Never ever think that educated people will not do something stupid. :!:
(3) Take more measures to prevent educated and uneducated people from killing themselves and me along with them while running experiments. :idea:

This new gas detection board could help with my work in many ways besides saving my life. Up to now, we have only been taking volume and flow readings and measurements
of the different generator designs gasses output, and have operation protocols we follow now to help prevent any chance of the gasses building up
and something bad happening like before and I would feel a good bit safer if I added one of these as a detector alarm too, but--

Now questions:
If these gas detection boards sensors require 5V power for the sensor, is the output really (stays safely) within the ADC input max limits of a 3.3V mmBoard for long term use?

Why is it (seems to me anyway) there is less and less actual technical specs listed on the products pages for customers to have so they can determine quickly if
the product will actually conform to their designs electrical requirements of total power needed (voltages & current) vs total power available?
The links to the main devices, you implemented in the products (the gas Click series), manufacturers datasheets are not posted or even who made the sensors.
There is no information in the product manuals concerning using these 5V (Only) Click boards with any of your 3.3V development boards, like the mmB's.

I seen that you did a 'Lets Make' kit for the Alcohol Click board connected to a mmB, so you show it can be done, but I have serious reservations of trying to
believe that you expect us to just click a bunch of these products together without any seeming concern for damage to them or other
equipment connected to them, like the PC supplying all power thru a USB connection.

With these sensor boards being about as 'bare-bones' as it can get, no monitoring/regulating device(s) between the sensor that gets lower in its resistance with 5V (unregulated on board also) power supplied to it, is that really safe to connect to the way more expensive mmB?
Sorry, but I require more detailed data than what is being presented and provided so far about these gas sensor boards before
ordering any, and I would like, and need, to have most of them.

The prices are good, and obviously reflect the fact they are devoid of any additional solid state augmentation components like some of the other Click boards,
but those boards also had the interface solutions on board and I had/have no worries or concerns purchasing them, but after looking for the answers to questions
that arose from my associates about these boards, I can't assure them they actually will meet and work in the designs already deployed.

Truthfully, getting tired of all this mixing of 5V and 3.3V systems together or wanting to or trying not to and the required research now doing trying to find out how
or if possible, and here in USA, if legal to do so without liability risks.
And I have asked before that you include these important (maybe not to you it seems) details of the products for us.

Someone there had to have these "little details" in order to design/build it right? How about putting that persons effort and work to full benefit potential possible and pass the information along?

What Is The Possible Minimum and Maximum current draw this device can have? No data given.
Is this device designed to be connected to only other 5V boards? or ? No data given.
Can this device be connected to 3.3V dev. boards? No data given.
Is there any safety components used or design strategies it has that protects whatever it is connected to? No data given.
Short circuit protection? No data given.
Over voltage protection for in out connections? No data given.
Manufactures datasheet link-- Not present, so that means to me that you are responsible for providing ALL specs and data, and guess what, No data given.

If you have it, what is the reason to not provide it? Why do we have to go looking elsewhere for it?

Love the Hardware guys, But really starting to hate the way you choose marketing over providing the data needed up front so we have to continually keep asking for it so we can make our own (then) 'educated' decisions to use/purchase which product for specific needs.

Holding in data void zone before purchasing, ....
HW: easyPIC5|PICFlash2|easyBT|smartGSM|easyGSM|PICPLC16|mmWorkStation|FT800 Eve|PIC Clicker/2|

SW: mP for PIC|mB for PIC-dsPIC-PIC32|Visual-TFT|

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