MikroElektronika started a laboratory for interns

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MikroElektronika started a laboratory for interns

#1 Post by srdjan.misic » 25 Jul 2014 16:49

MikroElektronika started a laboratory for interns

Exciting times at MikroElektronika. We started a laboratory
for interns. This is new for us as is for interns Marko and
Nikola. We're learning as we go. However, we're taking their
time very seriously.


MikroElektronika was a magazine before it became an embedded
electronics company. The passion for sharing knowledge and
teaching is in our roots.

For a long time we wanted to make room for interns. To give
students an opportunity to jump-start their careers and to
expose them to a real-world company environment

However, since our business attracts interns from demanding
academic fields
, the opportunity costs for them to invest
time working with us is high. So we postponed taking in
interns until we moved into our new building.

The student internship lab was always conceived as a
dynamic, collaborative work-space were interns could learn
from each others as well as from our mentors
. With our new
HQ, we're finally able to do it.

Some of our best people are assigned to work with our
: the chief mentor of the interns' lab is our chief
of software Ivan. Pictured here is Petar, one of our most
experienced guys from the support department, who is also
spending time with them every day.

We're doing our best to give them a precious, irreplaceable
experience. However this is new for us so we're learning as
we go along. This is just the start, we're expanding our lab
and we will report you on future updates.

Yours sincerely,

Posts: 897
Joined: 19 Apr 2013 10:00

Re: MikroElektronika started a laboratory for interns

#2 Post by MaGiK » 25 Jul 2014 19:35

Congratulations! This sounds very promising. I wish I get trained by the team of MikroElektronika. It would be very nice :mrgreen:
I'm sure Nikola and Marko will love it there. (Is Marko a common name only in MikroElektronika, or in entire Serbia?)

Petar Timotijevic is a great member of the technical support team and I honestly believe that adding him recently to MikroElektronika was, and still is a win - win situation for both him and Mikroelektronika.
Having said that, I'm sure he'll do great with the interns :D

Maybe these interns should demand to study only when they're in the Ballmer peak ... or long after they pass it :lol:

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My hobby is collecting MikroElektronika products.
Gotta catch them all!

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