Make sure you breathe fresh air with the Air quality click

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Make sure you breathe fresh air with the Air quality click

#1 Post by srdjan.misic » 18 Jul 2014 19:23

Make sure you breathe fresh air with the Air quality click

You may be inhaling toxic fumes even if the air smells like flowers.
Keep the air quality of your home and office in check with our latest click board.


Air quality click carries the MQ-135 sensor for detecting a
variety of harmful gases that may occur in your building, home or
office. The sensor reacts to ammonia (NH3), nitrogen oxides (NOx),
benzene, smoke, CO2 and others.

It works like our other click boards with sniffing sensors work
(Alcohol click, CO click, LPG click): The conductivity
of the SnO2 sensing layer increases with air pollution.

Should you be concerned about the air quality around you?

Perhaps. Consider house cleaning chemicals for example. They may
contain toxic fumes masked by the scent of perfume. So even
though you're feeling like your sitting in a pine forest or a
lavender field, be sure to check the air quality with something more
reliable than your own sense of smell.

Libstock examples are ready. Details on the product page.

Yours sincerely,

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