Connecting mikroETH 100 to PIC18F45K22 questions

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Connecting mikroETH 100 to PIC18F45K22 questions

#1 Post by chris11jed » 26 Feb 2018 05:08

Hello all,

It's been a while since I've tinkered with PIC's and I apologize if the questions below, about my most recent hobby project, are or seem obvious... then again I'm actually hoping that the answers I seek here are easy to provide :lol:

Anyway... I have a few questions about using the MikroETH 100 board and hooking it up to a PIC18F45K22.

Some background:
- I intend to use 3.3V power for everything within the Demo mikroETH 100 project provided on the product page download section for my learning/project.
- The example provided on the mikroETH 100 product page uses Development Board "LV18F v6" with the mcu being a "PIC18F87J60", I do not want to use these.
- The development board I'm using is a EasyPIC V7 and as stated, I wish to use a PIC18F45K22. I'm also using software, "mikroBASIC Pro for PIC v6.6.2".
- Upon the mikroETH 100 board, I'm keeping the jumpers in PSP MODE 5 (Table 1 from the pdf user manual) - Image
- Connections to PIC18F45K22, via jumpers 'CN1' and 'CN2': I need to connect 3.3V and GND (easy), then I believe I'd also only need to connect SCK, MISO, MOSI and CS# pins (on jumer 'CN2') for communication to the ENC624J600 chip on mikroETH 100 board. I'm not sure about INT or WRH pins (on jumper 'CN1') though. Somewhere I've seen I do not need these two pins (sorry I can't remember where I saw that though).
- I have quickly drawn on the image, showing these function pins as I see them upon the next table (Table 2 from the pdf user manual) - Image

So my questions (with reference to Table 2) are:
- A) Have I got it right; CS = CS#, RD = MISO, WR = MOSI ?

- B) What is the 'AL' (marked in blue pen in the image)? Specifically, what pin is this on either CN1 or CN2? What function is 'AL' ?

- C) Can I leave INT, CLK0 and WRH pins (found on 'CN1') unconnected, to make the demo project work? And can I leave pins 'AD0 to A15' (CN1) and pins 'A0 to A14' (CN2) unconnected as well?

- D) The CS#(CS) pin has a 1K pull-up resistor on the mikroETH 100 board. Image
I do not intent to use the 10K pull-up resistors upon the easyPIC v7 development board because of that 1K resistor. But, should (or do) I need to use a 10K pull-down resistor for MISO pin? Some areas (and I used to know this...sorry I have forgotten), say I do not need to use pull-up/down resistors when using SPI as a stand alone (a good idea to use pull-up/downs on these lines if also using I2C I read somewhere though). And would the MOSI pin be okay, not having a pull-up/down resistor connected?

As stated before, I intend to try out the demo for the mikroETH 100 board. I just want to use the PIC18F45K22 instead of the PIC18F87J60 used in the demo files. I will also use Port C on the PIC18F45K22 for Control lines:
CN1 - INT -> RC6 (Unknown if I need this pin)
CN2 - SCK -> RC3
CN2 - MISO -> RC4
CN2 - MOSI -> RC5
Again, (question 'B') what is 'AL' (Table 2 image) and where does it lay in either 'CN1' or 'CN2'.

I think I can work with the demo code, changing it to suit the PIC18F45K22. I have got other demo ethernet 'serial' and 'click boards', as well as Wifi boards, to work before. So figuring that side of things out I should be okay with. But I will post a question here as needed.

Thank you for any and all help.

Posts: 156
Joined: 15 Jun 2011 06:37

Re: Connecting mikroETH 100 to PIC18F45K22 questions

#2 Post by chris11jed » 02 Mar 2018 09:53

Found some things in the datasheet of ENC624J600 to answer my own questions:

- A) Have I got the control lines to CN1/CN2 pins right (With reference to Table 2 - CS = CS#, RD = MISO, WR = MOSI)?

ANSWER: Yes. See image in next question.


- B) What is the 'AL' (marked in blue pen in the image)? Specifically, what pin is this on either CN1 or CN2? What function is 'AL' ?

'AL' stands for Address Latch according to the ENC624J600 datasheet (Section 5.3.5 'MODE 5')

Image below is from ENC624J600 datasheet:


- C) Can I leave INT, CLK0 and WRH pins (found on 'CN1') unconnected, to make the demo project work? And can I leave pins 'AD0 to A15' (CN1) and pins 'A0 to A14' (CN2) unconnected as well?

ANSWER 1: - INT is an interrupt notification line for an mcu. So, as I don't need that, I can leave this unconnected.

Image below is from ENC624J600 datasheet:


ANSWER 2: - CLK0 = CLKOUT Which is a pin to provide clock source to another mcu. Again, I don't need it, so will not connect it.

Image below is from ENC624J600 datasheet:


ANSWER 3: - WRH = Something to do with PSP Mode 3. Again, I don't need it as I am using PSP Mode 5. Will leave unconnected.

Image below is from ENC624J600 datasheet (Pin Descriptions - Second from bottom 'Pin 48 PSP Write High Strobe'):




ANSWER 4: The ADx and Ax pins are address pins I don't need to connect either.

- D) Pull-up and Pull-down resistors... do I need them on pins other than CS# (which already uses a 1K pull-up)?



So there you go, a bit of research when I had the time and now others can benefit 8)

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