can u help me

General discussion on mikroC.
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Lovely Lady
Posts: 2
Joined: 19 May 2011 14:40

can u help me

#1 Post by Lovely Lady » 19 May 2011 14:49

hey all

i wanna a micro c for this one

and im using pic f16877a

ill be grateful if u did that 4 mee

my regards

Lovely Lady
Posts: 2
Joined: 19 May 2011 14:40

Re: can u help me

#2 Post by Lovely Lady » 20 May 2011 09:50

if i write this code is it correct ? *******************************************************************************
#include "keypad_lib.h" // keypad library header, includes also user's settings

* LCD custom characters
const char erase_char[] = {2,6,14,31,14,6,2,0} ; // erase key typed
const char enter_char[] = {1,1,5,13,31,12,4,0} ; // enter key typed
const char full_char[] = {0,10,21,10,21,10,0,0} ; // buffer is full
const char hit_char[] = {0,4,4,4,31,14,4,0} ; // a key is pressed
const char circ_char[] = {16,24,28,25,19,7,3,1} ; // buffer is in circular mode
const char type_char[] = {31,21,21,4,4,4,4,14} ; // typematic enabled

* print custom character pointed to by def at line pos_row column pos_char on LCD
void CustomChar(const char *def, unsigned char n, char pos_row, char pos_char)
char i ;

LCD_Cmd(64 + n * 8) ;
for(i = 0 ; i <= 7 ; i++)
LCD_Chr_Cp(def) ;
LCD_Chr(pos_row, pos_char, n) ;

* interrupt routine, called on each timer0 overflow
void interrupt(void)
if(INTCON.T0IF) // timer 0 overflow ?
kp_isr() ; // call keypad service routine

INTCON.T0IF = 0 ; // done

* program entry
void main()
* init LCD
LCD_Init(&PORTD) ;
LCD_Out(1, 1, "KeypadLib") ;

* init keypad and library
kp_init() ;

* configure timer0 rollover interrupt
* period is Fosc / 4 / 256
OPTION_REG = 0x80 ; // start timer 0, no prescaler
INTCON = 0xA0 ; // allow timer 0 interrupt

for(;;) // forever
if(kp_hit()) // if a key is pressed
LCD_Cmd(LCD_CURSOR_OFF) ; // no cursor
CustomChar(hit_char, 1, 1, 12) ; // display hit symbol

if(kp_enter()) // if enter key is pressed
CustomChar(enter_char, 2, 1, 13) ;

if(strcmp(kp_buf, "123") == 0) // if entry is 123
if(kp_circular()) // toggle buffer circular/linear mode
kp_setLinear() ;
kp_setCircular() ;
else if(strcmp(kp_buf, "321") == 0) // if entry is 321
if(kp_typematic()) // toggle typematic (auto-repeat) mode
kp_unsetTypematic() ;
kp_setTypematic() ;
kp_flush() ; // clear entry buffer
LCD_Chr(1, 13, ' ') ;

* buffer full symbol
CustomChar(full_char, 0, 1, 11) ;
LCD_Chr(1, 11, ' ') ;

* erase key symbol
CustomChar(erase_char, 3, 1, 14) ;
LCD_Chr(1, 14, ' ') ;

* circular mode symbol
CustomChar(circ_char, 4, 1, 15) ;
LCD_Chr(1, 15, ' ') ;

* typematic mode symbol
CustomChar(type_char, 5, 1, 10) ;
LCD_Chr(1, 10, ' ') ;

LCD_Chr(1, 16, kp_last()) ; // display last char keyed in
LCD_Chr(1, 12, ' ') ; // clear hit symbol

LCD_Out(2, 1, " ") ; // clear old buffer display
LCD_Out(2, 1, kp_buf) ; // display current buffer

LCD_Cmd(LCD_BLINK_CURSOR_ON) ; // blink cursor

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