Convert C program from MPLAB to Micro C

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Convert C program from MPLAB to Micro C

#1 Post by mrerdy » 04 Feb 2010 16:30

hye..gud day to all
i have problem to understand how to understand coding C from MPLAB because i want to build it using Micro C,can anyone help me please..

// Project :(Keypad door security)
// Project description :PIC18F877A + 4x3 keypad + LCD are used to build a keypad door
// security system which will activate the relay and buzzer after
// a preset 6-digit password is entered.
// LCD will display ****** when keypad is pressed.
// preset password for this program is 123456

// include
#include <pic.h>

// configuration
__CONFIG ( 0x3F32 );

// define
#define rs RC0
#define e RC1
#define led_red RC3
#define led_yellow RC2
#define lcd_data PORTD
#define relay RB1
#define buzzer RB2

// function prototype
void delay(unsigned long data);
void send_config(unsigned char data);
void send_char(unsigned char data);
void e_pulse(void);
void lcd_goto(unsigned char data);
void lcd_clr(void);
void send_string(const char *s);
void clearcolumn1(void);
void clearcolumn2(void);
void clearcolumn3(void);
void clearcolumn4(void);
void scanrow1(void);
void scanrow2(void);
void scanrow3(void);
void scanrow4(void);
void beep_once(void);
void beep_twice(void);

// global variable
unsigned char password_count=0;
unsigned char keyin_char[6]; // Declare an array to stall the 6-digit key in password
unsigned char stalled_char[6]="123456"; // Declare an array to stall the 6-digit desired password

// main function
void main(void)
ADCON1=0b00000110; //set all portA pins as digital I/O
TRISA=0b11001111; //clear bit 4&5 portA as output and set the rest as input
TRISB=0b00000000; //set portB as output
TRISD=0b00000000; //set portD as output
TRISC=0b11110000; //set bit4-7 portC as input(connected to 4 row of keypad)
TRISE=0b00000000; //set portE as output


send_config(0b00001001); //clear display at lcd
send_config(0b00000010); //Lcd Return to home
send_config(0b00000110); //entry mode-cursor increase 1
send_config(0b00001100); //diplay on, cursor off and cursor blink off
send_config(0b00111000); //function

lcd_goto(0); //initial display
send_string("PLEASE ENTER");
send_string("6-DIGIT PASSWORD");

{ //keypad scanning algorithm
clearcolumn1(); //Clear 1st output pin and set the others
scanrow1(); //scan row
clearcolumn2(); //Clear 2nd output pin and set the others
scanrow2(); //scan row
clearcolumn3(); //Clear 3rd output pin and set the others
scanrow3(); //scan row
clearcolumn4(); //Clear 4th output pin and set the others
scanrow4(); //scan row

(keyin_char[4]==stalled_char[4])&&(keyin_char[5]==stalled_char[5])) //compare the keyin value with stalled value to test whether password is correct
lcd_clr(); //clear lcd
send_string("SUCCESS!"); //display SUCCESS
led_yellow=1; //green light on
relay=1; //relay on
beep_once(); //beep one time
while(1); //infinity loop
lcd_clr(); //clear lcd
send_string("ERROR!"); //display ERROR!
led_red=1; //red light on
beep_twice(); //beep two time
while(1); //infinity loop

// scanning functions
void clearcolumn1(void) //clear the 1st column and set the others
RE1=0; //RE1,RE0, RA5 and RA4 are the output pins from PIC which connect to 4 pins of keypad

void clearcolumn2(void) //clear the 2nd column and set the others

void clearcolumn3(void) //clear the 3rd column and set the others

void clearcolumn4(void) //clear the 4th column and set the others

void scanrow1(void)
if(RA3==0) //if key '#' is being pressed
while(RA3==0)continue; //waiting the key to be released
if(password_count==0)lcd_clr(); //Clear the LCD if the key is the 1st password
lcd_goto(password_count); //The cursor of LCD points to the column equivalent to the value of password_count variable
send_char('*'); //Display the symbol '*' at LCD
keyin_char[password_count]='#'; //Stall the '#' value at the keyin_char array
password_count+=1; //increase the Password_count variable's value by 1 and the result stall back to the variable


void scanrow2(void)
if(RA3==0) //if key '3' is being pressed
while(RA3==0)continue; //waiting the key to be released
if(password_count==0)lcd_clr(); //Clear the LCD if the key is the 1st password
lcd_goto(password_count); //The cursor of LCD points to the column equivalent to the value of password_count variable
send_char('*'); //Display the symbol '*' at LCD
keyin_char[password_count]='3'; //Stall the '3' value at the keyin_char array
password_count+=1; //increase the Password_count variable's value by 1 and the result stall back to the variable
else if(RA2==0) //if key '2' is being pressed
while(RA2==0)continue; //waiting the key to be released
if(password_count==0)lcd_clr(); //Clear the LCD if the key is the 1st password
lcd_goto(password_count); //The cursor of LCD points to the column equivalent to the value of password_count variable
send_char('*'); //Display the symbol '*' at LCD
keyin_char[password_count]='2'; //Stall the '2' value at the keyin_char array
password_count+=1; //increase the Password_count variable's value by 1 and the result stall back to the variable
else if(RA1==0) //if key '1' is being pressed
while(RA1==0)continue; //waiting the key to be released
if(password_count==0)lcd_clr(); //Clear the LCD if the key is the 1st password
lcd_goto(password_count); //The cursor of LCD points to the column equivalent to the value of password_count variable
send_char('*'); //Display the symbol '*' at LCD
keyin_char[password_count]='1'; //Stall the '1' value at the keyin_char array
password_count+=1; //increase the Password_count variable's value by 1 and the result stall back to the variable
else if(RA0==0) //if key '0' is being pressed
while(RA0==0)continue; //waiting the key to be released
if(password_count==0)lcd_clr(); //Clear the LCD if the key is the 1st password
lcd_goto(password_count); //The cursor of LCD points to the column equivalent to the value of password_count variable
send_char('*'); //Display the symbol '*' at LCD
keyin_char[password_count]='0'; //Stall the '0' value at the keyin_char array
password_count+=1; //increase the Password_count variable's value by 1 and the result stall back to the variable

void scanrow3(void)
if(RA3==0) //if key '7' is being pressed
while(RA3==0)continue; //waiting the key to be released
if(password_count==0)lcd_clr(); //Clear the LCD if the key is the 1st password
lcd_goto(password_count); //The cursor of LCD points to the column equivalent to the value of password_count variable
send_char('*'); //Display the symbol '*' at LCD
keyin_char[password_count]='7'; //Stall the '7' value at the keyin_char array
password_count+=1; //increase the Password_count variable's value by 1 and the result stall back to the variable
else if(RA2==0) //if key '6' is being pressed
while(RA2==0)continue; //waiting the key to be released
if(password_count==0)lcd_clr(); //Clear the LCD if the key is the 1st password
lcd_goto(password_count); //The cursor of LCD points to the column equivalent to the value of password_count variable
send_char('*'); //Display the symbol '*' at LCD
keyin_char[password_count]='6'; //Stall the '6' value at the keyin_char array
password_count+=1; //increase the Password_count variable's value by 1 and the result stall back to the variable
else if(RA1==0) //if key '5' is being pressed
while(RA1==0)continue; //waiting the key to be released
if(password_count==0)lcd_clr(); //Clear the LCD if the key is the 1st password
lcd_goto(password_count); //The cursor of LCD points to the column equivalent to the value of password_count variable
send_char('*'); //Display the symbol '*' at LCD
keyin_char[password_count]='5'; //Stall the '5' value at the keyin_char array
password_count+=1; //increase the Password_count variable's value by 1 and the result stall back to the variable
else if(RA0==0) //if key '4' is being pressed
while(RA0==0)continue; //waiting the key to be released
if(password_count==0)lcd_clr(); //Clear the LCD if the key is the 1st password
lcd_goto(password_count); //The cursor of LCD points to the column equivalent to the value of password_count variable
send_char('*'); //Display the symbol '*' at LCD
keyin_char[password_count]='4'; //Stall the '4' value at the keyin_char array
password_count+=1; //increase the Password_count variable's value by 1 and the result stall back to the variable

void scanrow4(void)

if(RA1==0) //if key '9' is being pressed
while(RA1==0)continue; //waiting the key to be released
if(password_count==0)lcd_clr(); //Clear the LCD if the key is the 1st password
lcd_goto(password_count); //The cursor of LCD points to the column equivalent to the value of password_count variable
send_char('*'); //Display the symbol '*' at LCD
keyin_char[password_count]='9'; //Stall the '9' value at the keyin_char array
password_count+=1; //increase the Password_count variable's value by 1 and the result stall back to the variable
else if(RA0==0) //if key '8' is being pressed
while(RA0==0)continue; //waiting the key to be released
if(password_count==0)lcd_clr(); //Clear the LCD if the key is the 1st password
lcd_goto(password_count); //The cursor of LCD points to the column equivalent to the value of password_count variable
send_char('*'); //Display the symbol '*' at LCD
keyin_char[password_count]='8'; //Stall the '8' value at the keyin_char array
password_count+=1; //increase the Password_count variable's value by 1 and the result stall back to the variable


// General Purpose functions
void delay(unsigned long data)
for( ;data>0;data-=1);

void beep_once(void)
buzzer=1; //buzzer on
buzzer=0; //buzzer off

void beep_twice(void)
buzzer=1; //buzzer on
buzzer=0; //buzzer off
buzzer=1; //buzzer on
buzzer=0; //buzzer off

// LCD functions
void send_config(unsigned char data)
rs=0; //clear rs into config mode

void send_char(unsigned char data)
rs=1; //set rs into write mode

void e_pulse(void)

void lcd_goto(unsigned char data)

void lcd_clr(void)

void send_string(const char *s)
unsigned char i=0;
while (s && *s)send_char (*s++);


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#2 Post by tihomir.losic » 05 Feb 2010 13:45


first of all, I recommend you our new version of mikroC, the mikroC PRO for the PIC (
Fully functional free Demo version of mikroC PRO for PIC 2009 is available for download (
If you have registered mikroC, upgrade to new version is free.

In mikroC PRO:
- you don't need #include<pic.h>
- configuration bits you can set in compiler, in edit project (path is Project -> Edit Project or shortcut: Ctrl + Shift + E)
- I saw that you are using the commands for the LCD. Our compiler contains several different libraries. One of them is LCD library:
The mikroC PRO for PIC provides a library for communication with Lcds (with HD44780 compliant controllers) through the 4-bit interface.
Examples for using LCD display you can see at the our help file in mikroC PRO.
- RE1=0, RE0=1, etc... redefine to RE1_bit=0, RE0_bit=1, etc... (for PRO version)

I hope it helps, for any additional question, create support ticket: and feel free to contact me.


Best regards,

Losic Tihomir
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Re: Convert C program from MPLAB to Micro C

#3 Post by chingfongkee » 15 Jan 2012 10:54

so means the mikroc pro can convert the coding from MPLAB to mikroc?

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Re: Convert C program from MPLAB to Micro C

#4 Post by filip » 16 Jan 2012 12:07


There is no straightforward procedure for this, you will need to do as tihomir.losic suggested earlier.


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