RFID Reader example not working on EasyPICFusion - PIC24

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RFID Reader example not working on EasyPICFusion - PIC24

#1 Post by divivoma » 20 May 2016 19:17

Hello All,

I' m facing the same issue described here but on PIC24FJ128GA310 on EasyPICFusionv7:


Below my complete code, running @8MHz or 32MHz no difference were found:

(For the sake of clarity I don't post the CRC_Check() that is always the same..)

Code: Select all

sbit RFID_OUT at         RB0_bit;//INPUT used for the sync interrupt
sbit RFID_RDY_CLK at     RB1_bit;//INPUT 
//sbit RFID_SHD at         RB2_bit;
//sbit RFID_MOD at         RB3_bit; //I've tried the LATB suggestion of the other topic
sbit RFID_SHD at         LATB2_bit;
sbit RFID_MOD at         LATB3_bit;

sbit RFID_OUT_Direction		  at TRISB0_bit;
sbit RFID_RDY_CLK_Direction at TRISB1_bit;
sbit RFID_SHD_Direction 		at TRISB2_bit;
sbit RFID_MOD_Direction 		at TRISB3_bit;

//RFID Example Variables:

unsigned short sync_flag,       // in the sync routine if this flag is set
               one_seq,         // counts the number of 'logic one' in series
               data_in,         // gets data bit depending on data_in_1st and data_in_2nd
               cnt,             // interrupt counter
               cnt1, cnt2;      // auxiliary counters
unsigned short data_index;      // marks position in data arrey
char i;
char _data[256];
char data_valid[64];
char bad_synch;                 // variable for detecting bad synchronization

	cnt++;                       // count interrupts on INT1 pin
	IFS1.INT1IF =0;			//Clear INT1	

	cnt = 0;
  sync_flag = 1;
	IFS1.INT2IF = 0;
  IEC1.INT2IE = 0;
  IFS1.INT1IF = 0;
  IEC1.INT1IE = 1;

void main()
     LATA = 0x00;
    TRISA = 0X0000;
    LATB = 0x00;
    TRISB = 0X0003; //RB0 (RFID_OUT) E RB1 (RFID_RDY_CLK) as input 
    LATC = 0x00;
    TRISC = 0X0000;     
    LATD = 0x00;
    TRISD = 0X0000;
    LATE = 0x00;
    TRISE = 0X0000;
    LATF = 0x00;
    TRISF = 0X0010;     //RF4 U1Rx
    LATG = 0x00;
    TRISG = 0X0000;
        ANSA = 0x0000;
	ANSB = 0x0000;
	ANSC = 0x0000;
	ANSD = 0x0000;
	ANSE = 0x0000;
	PPS_Mapping_NoLock(10, _INPUT,  _U1RX);              // Sets pin RP10 to be Input, and maps U1Rx - RF4
	PPS_Mapping_NoLock(17, _OUTPUT, _U1TX);            // Sets pin RP17 to be Output, and maps U1TX  - RF5
	PPS_Mapping_NoLock(1, _INPUT, _INT1);            // Sets pin RP1 to be Output, and maps INT1 --> RB1 --> RDY/CLK
	PPS_Mapping_NoLock(0, _INPUT, _INT2);              // Sets pin RP0 to be Input, and maps INT2 --> RB0 --> OUT

        INTCON1.NSTDIS = 1;  //No nesting of interrupt
	INTCON2.INT1EP 	= 0; 	//rising edge	--> RB1 RFID_RDY_CLK
	INTCON2.INT2EP 	= 1;	//Falling edge 	--> RB0 RFID_OUT
	IPC5bits.INT1IP = 7;		
	IPC7bits.INT2IP = 4;			
	IFS1.INT1IF = 0;			//Clear INT1
	IFS1.INT2IF = 0;			//Clear INT2
	IEC1.INT1IE = 0;			//Disable external interrupt INT1 
	IEC1.INT2IE = 0;			//Disable external  interrupt INT2

        AD1CON1.ADON = 0; //Disable ADC
	//RFID_OUT_Direction = 1;  //  All this is redundant if I use the TRISB = 0x0003  , right?
        //RFID_RDY_CLK_Direction = 1;
        //RFID_SHD_Direction 		= 0;
        //RFID_MOD_Direction 		= 0;

	RFID_SHD = 0;
        RFID_MOD = 0;
  sync_flag = 0;                // sync_flag is set when falling edge on RB0 is detected
  one_seq = 0;                  // counts the number of 'logic one' in series
  data_in = 0;                  // gets data bit
  data_index = 0;               // marks position in data arrey
  cnt = 0;                      // interrupt counter
  cnt1 = 0;                     // auxiliary counter
  cnt2 = 0;                     // auxiliary counter

  UART1_Init(9600);               // Initialize UART module at 9600 bps
  Delay_ms(100);                  // Wait for UART module to stabilize

  while (1)
	{                     // Endless loop
                bad_synch = 0;              // set bad synchronization variable to zero
                cnt = 0;                    // reseting interrupt counter
                sync_flag = 0;              // reseting sync flag

	        IFS1.INT1IF = 0;
		IEC1.INT1IE = 0;
		IFS1.INT2IF = 0;	
		IEC1.INT2IE = 1;             // enable external interrupt on OUT(start sync procedure)	
		DBG_PIN =0;
		while (sync_flag == 0) 
		{    // waiting for falling edge on RB0  - OUT - INT2
                       asm nop
    while (cnt != 16) 
        {         // waiting 16 clocks on RB1 (positioning for sampling)
     asm nop
    cnt = 0;
    _data[0] = RFID_OUT & 1;
for (data_index = 1; data_index != 0; data_index++) 
	                                                   // getting 128 bits of data from RB0
      while (cnt != 32)                              // getting bit from RB0 every 32 clocks on RB1
       asm nop		

      cnt = 0;                                              // reseting interrupt counter
      _data[data_index] = RFID_OUT & 1;                          // geting bit
			if(data_index & 1)
				if(!(_data[data_index] ^ _data[data_index-1]))
            bad_synch = 1;
            break;                                          //bad synchronisation

    IEC1.INT1IE = 0;  // disable external interrupt on RB1 - CLK(for sync and sample)
    if (bad_synch)
	    continue;                              // try again, repeat from the main   ---> I'M BLOCKED HERE..
    cnt1 = 0;
    one_seq = 0;
for(cnt1 = 0; cnt1 <= 127; cnt1++) 
	{    // we are counting 'logic one' in the data array
         if (_data[cnt1 << 1] == 1) 
      else {
        one_seq = 0;

      if (one_seq == 9) {                  // if we get 9 'logic one' we break from the loop
    }                                      //   (the position of the last  'logic one' is in the cnt1)
    if ((one_seq == 9) && (cnt1 < 73)) 
        {                                  // if we got 9 'logic one' before cnt1 position 73
                                           //   we write that data into data_valid array
       data_valid[0] = 1;                  //   (it has to be before cnt1 position 73 in order
       data_valid[1] = 1;                  //    to have all 64 bits available in data array)
       data_valid[2] = 1;
       data_valid[3] = 1;
       data_valid[4] = 1;
       data_valid[5] = 1;
       data_valid[6] = 1;
       data_valid[7] = 1;
       data_valid[8] = 1;
       for(cnt2 = 9; cnt2 <= 63; cnt2++) {      // copying the rest of data from the data array into data_valid array
          data_valid[cnt2] = _data[cnt1 << 1];
       if (CRC_Check(data_valid) == 1) {        // if data in data_valid array pass the CRC check

            UART1_Write_Text("CRC CHECK OK!");         // Writing of the CRC Check confirmation through USART communication
            UART1_Write(13);                           // Cariage return (view ASCII chart)
            UART1_Write(10);                           // Line Feed (view ASCII chart)
            for (i = 0; i <= 64; i++){                 // This part of the code
                                                       //  dislays the number of the specific RfID CARD
                if (data_valid[i] == 0) {
                else {
                  UART1_Write('1');                    // at the end of this for loop you will get a string of "0" and "1"
            }                                          // specific to a single RfID CARD
            UART1_Write(13);                           // Cariage return (view ASCII chart)
            UART1_Write(10);                           // Line Feed (view ASCII chart)


Thank you,

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