LM75 example

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LM75 example

#1 Post by Durango » 10 Nov 2009 23:12

Here is my working LM75 example, using an EasyPic4 board and a LCD.
I am posting this code because I have seen that some people have had problems working with this device.

Code: Select all

' This program was made to Read a LM75 and  display the temp on a LCD display.
' It was compile with mikroBasic version 7.3B
' This program was compile for a Pic 18F4520 on an EasyPic4 board with the
' LM75 connected on PortA pins 0 and 1 with an address of 0 (000).
' LM75 address is 1001 + A2,A1,A0 + R/W bit
' EX.             1001 + 000 + 0 (W) = 10010000 or 0x90
' EX.             1001 + 000 + 1 (R) = 10010000 or 0x91

program LM75

include mb_aditional_string_util  ' YO2LIO aka Florin Medrea's string Library

dim LM75_H as short
dim LM75_L as byte
dim text as string[3]
dim text1 as string[3]

  ' Initialize PIC
  CMCON = CMCON or 0x07             ' turn off comparators
  ADCON1 = ADCON1 or 0x0F           ' turn off analog inputs

  TRISA = 0x00                      ' PortA all outputs
  TRISB = 0x00                      ' PortB all outputs
  TRISC = 0x00                      ' PortC all outputs
  TRISD = 0x00                      ' PortD all outputs
  LATA = 0x00                       ' Make PortA Low
  LATB = 0x00                       ' Make PortB Low
  LATC = 0x00                       ' Make PortC Low
  LATD = 0x00                       ' Make PortD Low
  delay_10ms                        '
  LCD_Init(PORTD)                   ' LCD connected to PortD
  LCD_Cmd(LCD_CLEAR)       		      ' clear display
  LCD_Cmd(LCD_CURSOR_OFF)  		      ' turn cursor off

  LATB = 0x01                       ' Test bit
  Soft_I2C_Config(PORTA, 0, 1)      ' SDA is PORTA bit 0. SCK is bit 1
  LATB = 0x00                       ' Test bit

  While true                        ' Endless loop
    Soft_I2C_Start()                ' Issue I2C signal: start
    Soft_I2C_Write(0x90)            ' Send Address byte
    Soft_I2C_Write(0x00)            ' Send Pointer Reg. 0x00 = Temp
                                    '                   0x01 = Config.
                                    '                   0x02 = HYST Set Point
                                    '                   0x03 = OS Set Point

    Soft_I2C_Start()                ' Issue a Re-start
    Soft_I2C_Write(0x91)            ' Issue a Read Command
    LM75_H = Soft_I2C_Read(1)       ' Read the high data byte, (1) = Mster ACK's
    LM75_L = Soft_I2C_Read(0)       ' Read the low data byte , (0) = Master No ACK's
    Soft_I2C_Stop()                 ' Issue I2C signal: stop

    ' Convert the data to strings for LCD
    short2str(LM75_H,text)          ' Had to use Florin's string library,
    byte2str(LM75_L,text1)          ' because ME's library did something unusal
                                    ' on the LCD display.

    ' Write the two data bytes to LCD
    LCD_Out(1,1, "H")               '
    Lcd_Out(1,3, text)              '
    LCD_Out(1,9, "L")               '
    Lcd_Out(1,11, text1)            '
    delay_10ms                      '
    ' Write the Temperature to the LCD
    LCD_Out(2,1, "Temp = ")
        If TestBit(LM75_L, 7) = 1 then
           Else LCD_Out_CP("0")
        End if

    ' delay 1 second and loop
    LCD_Cmd(LCD_CLEAR)       	      ' clear display
'*** Read the Configuration Register*****

    Soft_I2C_Start()                ' Issue I2C signal: start
    Soft_I2C_Write(0x90)            ' Send Address byte
    Soft_I2C_Write(0x01)            ' Send Pointer Reg. 0x00 = Temp
                                    '                   0x01 = Config.
                                    '                   0x02 = HYST Set Point
                                    '                   0x03 = OS Set Point

    Soft_I2C_Start()                ' Issue a Re-start
    Soft_I2C_Write(0x91)            ' Issue a Read Command
    LM75_H = Soft_I2C_Read(1)       ' Read the high data byte, (1) = Mster ACK's
    LM75_L = Soft_I2C_Read(0)       ' Read the low data byte , (0) = Master No ACK's
    Soft_I2C_Stop()                 ' Issue I2C signal: stop

    ' Convert the data to strings for LCD
    short2str(LM75_H,text)          ' Had to use Florin's string library,
    byte2str(LM75_L,text1)          ' because ME's library did something unusal
                                    ' on the LCD display.
    ' Write the two data bytes to LCD
    LCD_Out(1,1, "Config")           '
    LCD_Out(2,1, "H")               '
    Lcd_Out(2,3, text)              '
    LCD_Out(2,9, "L")               '
    Lcd_Out(2,11, text1)            '
    delay_10ms                      '
    ' delay 1 second and loop
    LCD_Cmd(LCD_CLEAR)       	      ' clear display

'*** Read the HYST Register*****

    Soft_I2C_Start()                ' Issue I2C signal: start
    Soft_I2C_Write(0x90)            ' Send Address byte
    Soft_I2C_Write(0x02)            ' Send Pointer Reg. 0x00 = Temp
                                    '                   0x01 = Config.
                                    '                   0x02 = HYST Set Point
                                    '                   0x03 = OS Set Point

    Soft_I2C_Start()                ' Issue a Re-start
    Soft_I2C_Write(0x91)            ' Issue a Read Command
    LM75_H = Soft_I2C_Read(1)       ' Read the high data byte, (1) = Mster ACK's
    LM75_L = Soft_I2C_Read(0)       ' Read the low data byte , (0) = Master No ACK's
    Soft_I2C_Stop()                 ' Issue I2C signal: stop

    ' Convert the data to strings for LCD
    short2str(LM75_H,text)          ' Had to use Florin's string library,
    byte2str(LM75_L,text1)          ' because ME's library did something unusal
                                    ' on the LCD display.

    ' Write the two data bytes to LCD
    LCD_Out(1,1, "HYST")           '
    LCD_Out(2,1, "H")               '
    Lcd_Out(2,3, text)              '
    LCD_Out(2,9, "L")               '
    Lcd_Out(2,11, text1)            '
    delay_10ms                      '

    ' delay 1 second and loop
    LCD_Cmd(LCD_CLEAR)       	      ' clear display

    '*** Read the OS Register*****

    Soft_I2C_Start()                ' Issue I2C signal: start
    Soft_I2C_Write(0x90)            ' Send Address byte
    Soft_I2C_Write(0x03)            ' Send Pointer Reg. 0x00 = Temp
                                    '                   0x01 = Config.
                                    '                   0x02 = HYST Set Point
                                    '                   0x03 = OS Set Point

    Soft_I2C_Start()                ' Issue a Re-start
    Soft_I2C_Write(0x91)            ' Issue a Read Command
    LM75_H = Soft_I2C_Read(1)       ' Read the high data byte, (1) = Mster ACK's
    LM75_L = Soft_I2C_Read(0)       ' Read the low data byte , (0) = Master No ACK's
    Soft_I2C_Stop()                 ' Issue I2C signal: stop

    ' Convert the data to strings for LCD
    short2str(LM75_H,text)          ' Had to use Florin's string library,
    byte2str(LM75_L,text1)          ' because ME's library did something unusal
                                    ' on the LCD display.

    ' Write the two data bytes to LCD
    LCD_Out(1,1, "OS")           '
    LCD_Out(2,1, "H")               '
    Lcd_Out(2,3, text)              '
    LCD_Out(2,9, "L")               '
    Lcd_Out(2,11, text1)            '
    delay_10ms                      '

    ' delay 1 second and loop
    LCD_Cmd(LCD_CLEAR)       	      ' clear display


You may have to reset the PIC manually to get it started.
It will read the temp and the other registers of the LM75.

Note if the I2C is not present it will hang in the test bit section of the code.
Also if the address does not match you will see " -1 and 255 " for data.

Have fun :)

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