Mikroe has collaborated closely with ON Semiconductor to offer you a broad portfolio of products from this vendor, which will help you reducing development effort and accelerate time to market. As a 3rd party tool provider we strive to promote partners newest theologies and products, by offering them to the broad market.
Comparator Click is a compact add-on board that contains two independent precision voltage comparators. This board features the LM2903, a dual differential comparator from ON Semiconductor. It provides two pair of screw terminals that allows you to connect separate inputs with additional ground connections, which let you use either a single (range of 2 to...
Current 2 click is an accurate current sensing Click board™ suitable for a very accurate measurement of the current through the load. It utilizes the high-side current sensing approach, which has a few advantages over the low-side current sensing. Current 2 click is equipped with an integrated transimpedance amplifying circuit, designed specifically for...
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