Rotary click – a click board that actually clicks — carries a 15-pulse incremental rotary encoder surrounded by a ring of 16 LEDs.
"Rotary G" sounds like it has something to do with fighter jets but the G just stands for green LEDs. The visual feedback from the LED ring makes Rotary click especially suited for applications where you would use the encoder as a precision input device. Audio volume control would be one obvious example.
In contrast to an analog potentiometer, a rotary encoder doesn’t have a start or end point, you can rotate it indefinitely. Each revolution is indented into 15 discrete steps — that’s where the clicking sound comes from (it feels similar to turning the knob on a safe-lock).
In addition to rotating it, you can also press the knob (it’s a pushbutton), which sends an interrupt to the target board MCU.
In the Libstock example we created, pushing the button changes the way the LEDs trace the rotation.
There won’t be a single LED ring to rule them all — more colors are coming up.
Yours sincerely,