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It is our pleasure to announce SmartGM862 Board as an addition to its GSM/GPRS development tool product line. This board has everything that you need to develop your own GSM-GPRS based device [...]
We are pleased to announce a release of new 3.3V-5V Voltage Regulator Board. Board contains on-board MC34063A - Step-Up/Down/Inverting Switching Regulator. The unit accepts 3.3V input and [...]
It is our pleasure to announce a release of new version of mikroC PRO for PIC compiler (v3.80) with a lot of useful upgrades. Compiler is now supporting more PIC microcontrollers: PIC12F617, [...]
It is our pleasure to announce a release of new version of mikroBasic PRO for PIC compiler (v3.80) with a lot of useful upgrades. Compiler is now supporting more PIC microcontrollers: PIC12F617, [...]
It is our pleasure to announce a release of new version of mikroPascal PRO for PIC compiler (v3.80) with a lot of useful upgrades. Compiler is now supporting more PIC microcontrollers: [...]
We are pleased to announce that mikroElektronika have added the new EasyPIC6 Development System documentation in Italian language. Following documents has been released in Italian languge: [...]
We are proud to introduce new type of product presentation - 360° Board View. This new type of product presentation will give visitor a better look and feel of the product. First development [...]
We are pleased to announce a release of new EasyPS/2 Board. This tool can be used for connecting PS/2 device to your development board. There is on-board PS/2 connector that is needed in order [...]