We are proud to announce that we have made 100 Click boards™ in partnership with Microchip. One hundred unique Click boards™ that carry ICs and parts from our official partner - it's been a great ride, and we are all looking forward to new projects and challenges together.
100 unique functionalities
You'll find Click boards™ from various categories. The wireless connectivity category holds most Click boards™ - 17 to be exact. The interface category follows with 15.
Browse through the whole list and find the ones that you like to use or the ones you would like to get. They are all there, neatly arranged, waiting for you.
Explore the range
We decided to present some of our favorites since we can't choose them all. The sheer amount would overwhelm anyone. So, take a small break, on this cold February day, and explore the range of Click boards™ we have made in partnership with Microchip.
GSR click can be used to measure the electrodermal activity (EDA) of the human body, also known as the galvanic skin response (GSR). EDA measurement is a component of modern polygraph devices, often used as lie detectors - you can use this Click board™ to build your own lie detector. Isn't that amazing!
LoRa click carries Microchip’s RN2483 fully certified LoRa Sub-GHz, 433/868 MHz European R&TTE Directive Assessed Radio Modem. The RN2483 module has a specified range of >15km in rural and suburban settings and >5km coverage in urban areas.
RN4871 click carries the RN4871 Bluetooth®4.2 low energy module from Microchip. The RN4871 Bluetooth Low Energy module integrate Bluetooth 4.2 baseband controller,
Secure 4 click includes the ATECC608A, a secure CryptoAuthentication™ device from Microchip, which is equipped with an EEPROM array which can be used for storing of up to 16 keys, certificates, consumption logging, security configurations and other types of secure data. Access to the various sections of memory can be restricted in several different ways and then the configuration can be locked permanently, to prevent changes. The click board™ comes with stacking headers which allow you to combine it with other click boards™ more easily by using just one mikroBUS™ socket.
Water Detect click - Avoid plumbing and water leakage disasters! Water Detect click is used for detecting water and other electroconductive liquids. If the detection area is wet the output of Microchip's MCP606 CMOS op-amp will go positive, signaling the presence of liquid. Water Detect click can be used as a household flood alarm sensor, rain detector for smart buildings or for water tanks that act as a limit switch for a pump.
Visit Microchip at Embedded World
If you want to see all 100 Click boards™ in person, visit Microchip's booth at Embedded World in Nuremberg. They are located in Hall 1, 1-510.
The Embedded World, the leading international fair for embedded systems, has started today, and it lasts until March 1.
To see the full list of Click boards™, visit the Microchip Click board™ page.
Yours sincerely,