4.1.2 The Fully (not exactly 100%) Superheterodyne AM Receiver No.1
Its electrical diagram is given on Pic.4.4. It is easily being noticed that this is the receiver from Pic.4.2 with inter-frequency (IF) amplifier with ZN415E added. By adding ZN415 IC multiple enhancements are performed. Thanks to its huge input resistance, the MFT's oscillatory circuit is not choked, resulting in better selectivity. The sensitivity of the device is extremely increased since this IC has big amplification and the AAR (automatic amplification regulation) is also accomplished, making the usage of this device easier and more comfortable. * It is very important to obtain the necessary value of the DC voltage in pin 6 of the ZN415 for its proper operation. Acc. to the table on Pic.3.36 it has to be about 1.3 V, and its setting is done via the TP1 trimmer. The receiver is set to some weaker station, the sound volume is made very low with potentiometer P, and the slider of the TP1 is carefully moved until the best reception is made. If that doesn't work, one should try changing the value of R5 resistor; this is to be done also if the supply voltage being used is other than 12 V. In case of voltage on the pin being much bigger than 1.3 V, and cannot be reduced on the trimmer, short-circuit one of the diodes. * The voltage stabilizer with 78L06 isn't needed if the receiver is supplied from the 6 V battery. * The receiver from Pic.4.2 needs input circuit to be 100% complete. That can be an independent input circuit from Pic.4.3-i, or input circuit and the HF amplifier that are described in the Appendix (Pic.5.10). If the former circuit is used, station tuning is being accomplished with 2 knobs, as explained in the previous chapter. ![radio-receivers-chapter-04-47](https://cdn.mikroe.com/ebooks/img/10/2016/02/radio-receivers-chapter-04-47.gif)