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PIC18F25K22 - In need of advice

Posted: 21 Aug 2010 04:14
by kjennejohn
So I recently obtained one of these "super chips" (your opinion may vary) and am wondering how to use this with MikroE products.
I purchased MikroBasic in 2005 and updated it a few times, but haven't used it in years. This was with the purchase of an EasyPIC4 Development Board. Now I have "discovered" the -K22 and want to use this MikroE equipment seriously with this chip. I downloaded the Beta4 software (still waiting on the new registration key) and asked support for software that would let the EZP4 board program the chip. I got the LV18 programming software from them. This doesn't work with my dev board I have, I get a message stating the board's programmer is not usable with this.

So, I am looking for advice in this matter. Is my present EZPIC4 board usable or must I purchase another later dev board? Or get something else altogether in the MikroE line of products?

Thank you for your time and attention.

Re: PIC18F25K22 - In need of advice

Posted: 21 Aug 2010 11:47
by piort
The K series of pic work in 3.3 volt system. ME have this nice tool ... nt-system/ to make some nice projet with them ;-)

I have this board since one month and is a great dev tool

HTH a bit ;-)

Re: PIC18F25K22 - In need of advice

Posted: 21 Aug 2010 19:15
by kjennejohn
Thanks for the response, piort. :)
What attracted me to the -K22 part is it will work up to 5.5V. This makes it usable in both 3V and 5V circuits. Since everything I presently own is 5V, and I am between jobs, I want to go with this chip.
It would help no end if the board's native programmer or FLASH7 supported this device. Like I said, I got FLASH LV18 from support, and it won't work with this EZPIC board.
Open to suggestion here :!:

Re: PIC18F25K22 - In need of advice

Posted: 22 Aug 2010 12:20
by piort
you are right to say this chip can work with 5 volt but all is programming algorymthe was on 3 volt....from the datasheet, first page :
In-Circuit Serial Programming™ (ICSP™):
- Single-Supply 3V
So event is you have the good software, you need a 3 volt hardware. The EP4 was made for 5 volt hardware. So like i suggest, you dont have the choice to buy a programmer working at 3 volt. For the moment, ME offert only ... nt-system/ for this kind of MCU.

hoping the thing more clear ;-)

Re: PIC18F25K22 - In need of advice

Posted: 22 Aug 2010 23:25
by kjennejohn
Thanks for the effort, piort.
I see that in the sheet, now that you mention it, but the DC Electrical Characteristics say otherwise. In Section 27.9, Memory Programming Specs:
Good for 10K Erase/Write cycles.
V range, for all parts in this series, for VPP: 8 to 9V (says 11V max in absolute ratings).
V range, for an 18F (not -LF-), for a FLASH read: 1.8V to 5.5V.
V range, for an 18F (not -LF-), for a FLASH write: 2V to 5.5V.
All the spec sheets are stamped "PRELIMINARY", so all this may change in the future.
For the present, I have programmed my 18F25K22 on an EZPIC3 Dev Board, running at 5V from the USB, using a PICKit2. Which is something of a pain. But FLASH7 doesn't even see this board, so I switched to my EZPIC4 which does work with the FLASH7 software, but FLASH7 doesn't support the -K22. (Yet?)

When I eventually get my registration key for Beta 4 of the Basic Pro, I would like to do one-click compile and programming. Can anyone say if this is presently possible now, or will be in the future?
Thank you for the attention,

Re: PIC18F25K22 - In need of advice

Posted: 24 Aug 2010 14:57
by ranko.rankovic
Hello kjennejohn,

In order to program the PIC18 "K" MCUs you need to install Lv18PICFlash programmer.

Also, you need to use the EasyLV-18F v6 development system to program PIC18F25K22.

In near future we plan to release the mikroProg universal stand alone all-PIC programmer.
Off course, it is going to be able to program "K" MCUs as well.

Best regards

Re: PIC18F25K22 - In need of advice

Posted: 24 Aug 2010 16:50
by piort
kjennejohn wrote: I would like to do one-click compile and programming. Can anyone say if this is presently possible now
From the compiler, tool option, you can configure you own pickit2. From you can use the ability of the pickit2 to have command line option. So when you configure your tool, the ide create a new icon in the ide toolbar, link to the command line of pickit2. One click to use the working tool you alrdy have...

BTW pickit2 use 3 volt algo to program the K series chip, is why you can program your chip on regular EP4 board... and because they have compatible pinout...this is not the reality with all new version of chip from microchip ))) And i'm not sure at 100% but i think pickit cut the 5 volt to program the chip with 3 volt in ICSP...

hth a bit more

Re: PIC18F25K22 - In need of advice

Posted: 24 Aug 2010 20:09
by kjennejohn
Thanks guys. I'm straight on this now.
I know where to come if I have any more questions. :D

Re: PIC18F25K22 - In need of advice

Posted: 04 Sep 2010 18:28
by tihomir.losic

We are very pleased to present you with the new beta version of our universal programmer for all Microchip microcontrollers!
mikroProg Suite for PIC
This software is used for programming with ALL of Microchip microcontroller families which includes: PIC10F, PIC12F, PIC16F, PIC18F, PIC18F-K, PIC18F-J, PIC24F-KA, PIC24F-J, PIC24H-J, dsPIC30F, dsPIC30F-SMPS, dsPIC33F-J and PIC32MX.
It is compatible with all MikroElektronika programmers for Microchip devices.
Also, it is substitute for older programmer software that has been used for programming such as: PICFlash, dsPICFlash, Lv18PICFLASH, LvPICFLASH and PIC32FLASH software.

For more information, and download, please, follow this link: ... &newsid=13

Best regards,

Losic Tihomir

Re: PIC18F25K22 - In need of advice

Posted: 04 Sep 2010 19:43
by kjennejohn
Nice. Has real potential.
Couple of things:
1. I'm using an EasyPIC4 Dev Board. I select an 18F242 and I get a message telling me that this dvelopment board doesn't support that particular PIC. Oh Really?
2. I don't see any 18F-K- or -J- parts in the devices window.
3. This doesn't display the loaded file name immediately. I have to hold the mouse cursor over the button to see a pop up with this info. Fair enough. But it has a timeout, and I find it too short to read the entire path and file name in one go. Could you just have this come up and stay in place until the user moves the cursor elsewhere?

I'll experiment more later and get back to you.

Re: PIC18F25K22 - In need of advice

Posted: 09 Sep 2010 07:31
by ranko.rankovic
Hello kjennejohn,

The PIC18F242 was not fully supported on our older development systems, please take a look at our newest one, the EasyPIC6 Development system, this MCU is fully supported by it.

The 18F K and J series of MCUs are not supported by EasyPIC development systems. They can be used only on EasyLV-18F v6 and LV18F v6 Development System.

Thanks for suggestion, I will forward this to our developers.

Best regards

Re: PIC18F25K22 - In need of advice

Posted: 27 Sep 2010 05:31
by piperpilot
Can you tell me if the above posted "Universal" programming software will allow me to program the -K22 series of chips with the 18FJprog? I own the programmers and dev boards for 5V (EasyPic5 & PicFlash) and 3.3V (LV18FJ Dev and 18FJprog) and really don't want to purchase yet another programmer and dev board to support these chips.


Re: PIC18F25K22 - In need of advice

Posted: 23 Dec 2010 03:27
by igeorge
Hello Ranko,
The chip is supported by EP6 but it cannot be programed
I used PIC18F14K22 , I can write programs with Mikrobasic Pro , but when i try to program it it said that is not supported.
The programmer is the one installed by software , the MikroProg suite.
I tried to select the chip in MikroProg suite , but is not listed
What is your suggestion, because i have all the boards from ME from Easy and Big 3 to 6.

Re: PIC18F25K22 - In need of advice

Posted: 23 Dec 2010 05:36
by piort
like he said ...
ranko.rankovic wrote: The 18F K and J series of MCUs are not supported by EasyPIC development systems. They can be used only on EasyLV-18F v6 and LV18F v6 Development System.

Re: PIC18F25K22 - In need of advice

Posted: 23 Dec 2010 11:20
by kjennejohn
I realize it's a pain, but don't blame MikroE for the constant change in their boards. Microchip makes constant changes in their microprocessors that obsolete the old development boards/programming definitions, or MicroE adds demanded features, which changes the pinouts to onboard peripherals, like the LCD, etc. Which is why I stopped buying their dev boards when the EZP5 came out so soon after the EZP4 and my $115 board became obsolete in less than a year. My solution was to take my 18F25K22 and use it with my EZP4 and a PICKit2 (updated to work with 18F25K22). Shortly after all that, I got the PICKit3 because it was at a reduced price, and I figured,"what the H***, anticipate future problems when the PICKit2 is deemed obsolete and no longer supported". I haven't unwrapped the PICKit3, but it's there just in case...
Happy Holidays!