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If / Else if statement

Posted: 15 Dec 2009 04:13
by nikhil
Hi !

I've used the following If Else if command and ME doesn't report any errors and appears to be working fine also, but after going thru certain post it appears it is not support..

sub procedure Timer2Int org $0022
if (portB.3=%1) then
else if (PortB.3=%0) then
end if
end if
end sub

Does ME support if / Else if ..if anyone has used..would appreciate a confirmation.

Posted: 15 Dec 2009 15:35
by tihomir.losic

Please post this question on our Support Desk:
And provide us with piece of code which demonstrate problem.


Losic Tihomir

Re: If / Else if statement

Posted: 15 Dec 2009 15:46
by octal
nikhil wrote:Hi !

I've used the following If Else if command and ME doesn't report any errors and appears to be working fine also, but after going thru certain post it appears it is not support..

sub procedure Timer2Int org $0022
if (portB.3=%1) then
else if (PortB.3=%0) then
end if
end if
end sub

Does ME support if / Else if ..if anyone has used..would appreciate a confirmation.
why not ?
I dont see any problem with using Else IF (separated keywords).
between ELSE and ENDIF you can use any STATEMENT, and the IF/ENDIF can be used ... so an ELSE can be followed by an IF without problem. You only need to "close" your nested IF with and ENDIF and this is what you are doing. It works.

You should be careful.
Some other basic compilers let you use the ELESIF statement ... (in a single word, without space between ELSE and IF).
writing code like:

Code: Select all

IF cond1 then
ELSEIF  cond2
ELSEIF cond3

this code is different from your previous code. This ELESEIF keyword let you check the condition and cascade tests in the same IF.
in mikroBasic, you should use the more cleaner SELECT CASE statement.
