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Creating a Large font?

Posted: 01 Feb 2016 12:44
by nigelmercier
I'm creating a font that spans several rows. My method is quite tedious:

Create the font, say 34 x 48 pixels based on Calibri 54pt Bold.
Optimise to trim blank rows.
Save the font.

Now comes the tedious bit:
Delete all rows except the first 8
Export the font for MikroE GLCD Lib, save in Word Document for more processing
Load the original font
Delete the first 8 rows
Repeat from above.

Is there a quicker way?

Re: Creating a Large font?

Posted: 03 Feb 2016 09:45
by nigelmercier
I've found that if I use the option that requires X-GLCD Lib then I can export more than 8 rows in one pass. The data appear to have an additional control byte at the start of each array, followed by the actual display bytes.

Can anyone decode or explain the X-GLCD Lib format?

[Edit] I've attached the result of my first attempt at a large font (with my standard font showing debug info "999"). My method works, but it would be nice if it was a bit quicker to make changes.

Re: Creating a Large font?

Posted: 04 Feb 2016 09:11
by biljana.nedeljkovic

You can take a look about the X-GLCD library in the Help file in the GLCD Font Creator, it is very detailed.
I suggest you to take a look at it before you start your project.

Basically, the original library has the limit to the maximum font size of 8 pixels, so the X-GLCD library is used for the fonts which are bigger.

You can find more about the library here:

Kind regards,