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Help with Mikroe environment

Posted: 19 Feb 2016 01:59
by mehamerly
I am coming from the Microchip MPLabx world and trying to learn Mikroe's environment. I have a million questions, hopefully the people here can help.
I am playing with some of their demos for the SmartGLCD, and once I get the code loaded from Visual GLCD, this is where I have questions.
1) I would like to change the configuration bits. Someone said they are in the Project settings. The only 3 things in my project settings window is the micro, clock frequency and build debugger type. How do you bring up the config bits?

2) I am using their bootloader on the SmartGLCD. I assume this means they have located my code to start at a fixed location. Where do you view this?

3) In one of the functions, there is a reference to the font_orientation.
void T6963C_Set_Font_Adv(const far char *activeFont, unsigned char font_color, char font_orientation);
Where do you find what values are legal, and what each value does? I know 0 is normal, but what would 1 do?



Re: Help with Mikroe environment

Posted: 29 Feb 2016 09:51
by lana.arsic

1) For changing configuration bits, you need to go to Project -> Edit Project and then change it manually or
you can go to Load Scheme and then choose your own MCU if it is listed, then appropriate configuration bits will be configured automatically.

2) Yes, you are right, if you use bootloader, your program will start from fixed location.
You can see where your program will be located in Config.mbas file which is located in USB_HID_Bootloader folder.
Or if you are using Bootloader at the beginning of the program.

3) You can find which values are legal if you use Code Assistant (Ctrl+Space) while you typing beginner letters,
also when you open parenthesis of your function Parameter Assistant will be automatically invoked.

If you use "1" for font_orientation text will be vertical.

Bets regards,