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I2C library requests...

Posted: 18 Aug 2015 04:53
by korcutt
Howdy All,
I would like for the MikroBASIC Pro for PIC to have the additional functions/methods that are available in the MikroBASIC for FT90X line. More specifically the I2C1_Write_Bytes and I2C1_Read_Bytes, and possibly I2C1_Set_Slave_Address...

Or if anyone has come up with those on their own.

Thanks in advance,

Kevin Orcutt

Re: I2C library requests...

Posted: 21 Aug 2015 15:14
by biljana.nedeljkovic
Hello Kevin,

please take a look at our examples in the compiler and search for some additional projects that use I2C communication from LibStock.

You can check the Help in the compiler as well to better understand the existing libraries. Go to Help -> I2C Library.
In mikroBasic PRO there are already Write and Read functions so you can take a look at that.

Best regards,

Re: I2C library requests...

Posted: 24 Aug 2015 11:33
by biljana.nedeljkovic
Hello Kevin,

not to be misunderstood, I will forward your request to our software development team to consider implementing the new functions for I2C Library.

But if you have to write or read multiple bytes you can do that with the existing I2C_Wr and I2C_Rd functions. So I suggested to take a look at the Help in the compiler to see how to use them.

Best regards,

Re: I2C library requests...

Posted: 27 Aug 2015 05:25
by korcutt
Hello Biljana,
Your second post is more inline with what I was looking for... Yes, I know about the functions that read or write a byte at a time, I was just looking at some code written for the FT90X platform and was trying to translate over to the pic platform, and the original code had used the functions that read and writes multiple bytes in one call... Just thought that would be useful for the pic platform too. Just wanted to add to the wishlist/like to add list out there.
Hopefully this will make the cut soon, if not, I can probably cobble something together with a little work.

Thanks in advance,

Kevin Orcutt