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No indication of 'Running' in debugger

Posted: 19 Nov 2008 04:54
by sadavis80
When I'm running in the debugger and there are LOOPS that take 'some time', there is *NO* indication on screen anywhere (that I can find) that tells me the debugger is actually still running. If I open the WATCH window, there is a PC counter that shows activity, but it slows down the operation phenomenally so I prefer to leave that window closed if possible - especially when I KNOW the loop will take a while.

But it's still disconcerting to come back 20 minutes later (I know that debuggers run slow) and find absolutely NO indication that it's still (or ever was) actually running. A single character toggling is all I want - the less time it takes to render, the better... Just SOMETHING to say it's not locked up or I forgot to ... even start it? :(.


Re: No indication of 'Running' in debugger

Posted: 19 Nov 2008 09:28
by zristic
Thanks Steve, we will add a simple indicator somewhere on the status bar so you can monitor the debugger status.