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mikroC PRO PIC 2009 v3.00 BETA has been released

Posted: 22 Sep 2009 08:40
by marko
mikroC PRO PIC 2009 v3.00 BETA has been released. You can find the version at the address:

Code: Select all

mikroC PRO PIC
IDE build 3.0
cmd line build 2.70
  - New: Option for generating COFF file
  - New: Sorting Procedures List by name and by line number
  - New: Drag and drop files to Project Manager
  - New: Default symbol representation in Watch Window is taken from symbol definition
  - New: Option for choosing between short and long hex format
  - New: Option to always display Messages when building project
  - Improved: Build all projects with option to stop the process
  - Improved: Project manager shows the total number of projects in project group
  - Improved: Replace dialog is being moved to ensure the target text is visible in editor
  - Improved: Faster loading of watch variables during startup of simulator/mikroICD
  - Fixed: Bookmarks window does not reflect changes when lines are inserted/deleted  
  - Fixed: Cut/Copy/Paste operations in Watch Window and Quick Converter mistakenly perform the action into active editor
  - Fixed: ALT+Key invokes IDE commands instead of opening menu items
  - Fixed: Program error when docking Project Manager inside Editors window
  - Fixed: EEprom editor freezes if mouse scrolls too fast
  - Fixed: Adding header file does not update Header Path list 
- Compiler
   - Additional chips supported:
  - New: Coff file generation
  - New: switch added -LHF (long hex format)
  - New: Switch added -PF  (pass project file name to command line)
  - New: Message showing chip capacity when Build Project is executed
  - Improved: Error messages 
  - Improved: Functions the calls of which are eliminated by optimizer will not be linked
  - Fixed: "Const TRUE redeclared" bug (mP, mB)
  - Fixed: Bank not set before built-in delays functions for some devices in P16 family
  - Fixed: Access to constant arrays (that are member of complex structures) as it is RAM arrays in some cases
  - Fixed: Multiplying two bytes in complex expression can yield to incorrect results (P18 family)
  - Fixed: Initializing a local pointer with constant of integer type 
  - Fixed: Assignment to function did not generate error 
  - Fixed: Bad ram scopes in mlk files for USB PICs
- Examples
  - Fixed: PORT/LAT issue in all relevant examples for P18
  - Fixed: RS485 examples and interrupt settings
- Libraries
  - New: Added support for MCUs with remappable pins (Peripheral Select Library) 2xj11, 2xj50, 4xj11, 4xj50
  - New: Added UART and SPI support for MCUs with remappable pins (2xj11, 2xj50, 4xj11, 4xj50)
  - New: VDelay_Advanced_ms function - helps to calculate delays when device clock changes at runtime
  - Improved: VDelay_Advanced_ms function added to Delays library
  - Improved: Ethernet Library TCP socket close is now optional.
              userTCP routine prototype is changed. Refer to help for details.
  - Improved: MMC Init changed to comply SD V2.0 standard
  - Fixed: Function rtrim is not public (mC)
  - Fixed: MMC Fat16 date-time modified issue
  - Fixed: Port Expander reset issue, added Port_Expander_Advanced_Init
  - Fixed: Bank related problems in USB HID library for PIC18FJ family
  - Removed: 18FxK50 disconnected from standard ADC library
You can find more detailed change log at the following document:

Thank you all.
mE Team.