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Most desired upgrades and enhancements for MikroE compilers

Posted: 08 Sep 2016 17:06
by srdjan.misic
Cast your vote: Most desired upgrades and enhancements for mikroC, mikroBasic and mikroPascal

You are looking at a curated list of suggested enhancements for our compilers. We are putting them up to
a vote to determine what to tackle first. Many of these ideas originated from this forum. Others are from
Tech. Support tickets, phone calls and live chats. Enhancements range from small fixes to bigger new features.

Please review the list. You will find that some features are nice to have, while others may seem as essentials.
The trick is that you can vote for three items only. It may be a hard choice but it will help us narrow our focus and deliver better results.

The results of the vote will only serve to arrange these suggestions by priority.

The poll will be permanently opened. Suggestions and ideas that don't get any votes for a longer period of time will be discarded.

Re: Most desired upgrades and enhancements for MikroE compil

Posted: 08 Sep 2016 19:46
by p.erasmus
Again the ARM bias mikroE

The PIC users has been asking for RTOS on PIC32 since the very first release (there was not even talk about ARM compilers at that time)and from your list it only a valid option for ARM

hehehe a fox change his hair but not its tricks the same with mE

Re: Most desired upgrades and enhancements for MikroE compil

Posted: 09 Sep 2016 11:53
by filip

Thank you for your feedback, it is nice of you to take part in the forming of this list, we will immediately add your wish.
If you feel that we have forgotten something important and crucial, please inform us and we will modify the list ASAP.


Re: Most desired upgrades and enhancements for MikroE compil

Posted: 09 Sep 2016 12:08
by ilferrari
RTOS for dsPIC has also been requested for a long time (here and here for example)

Re: Most desired upgrades and enhancements for MikroE compil

Posted: 09 Sep 2016 12:52
by janni
Fixing the code editor is absent in IDE improvement proposals :( .

Re: Most desired upgrades and enhancements for MikroE compil

Posted: 09 Sep 2016 14:09
by filip

We had an accident and resetted the poll votes, it happened when we added a new item to the list.

For all users that gave their votes, please be so kind and vote again.


Re: Most desired upgrades and enhancements for MikroE compil

Posted: 09 Sep 2016 14:32
by p.erasmus
No problem Filip Thank you for adding RTOS for PIC32 :D

Re: Most desired upgrades and enhancements for MikroE compil

Posted: 09 Sep 2016 23:42
by Toley
Hi mikroe Team, something very important is missing in that list. A tool to generate defs files for new MCU. This has been requested many times. Then we don't have to wait 2 years or more to use new devices.

I understand files generated with such a tool cannot be supported by mikroe, but once it can generate all the registers and be recognized by the compiler it will be enough to start a project.

Another thing that would be useful is the capability to set fuses by code.

Re: Most desired upgrades and enhancements for MikroE compil

Posted: 10 Sep 2016 01:39
by fred85
Toley wrote:Hi mikroe Team, something very important is missing in that list. A tool to generate defs files for new MCU. This has been requested many times. Then we don't have to wait 2 years or more to use new devices.

I understand files generated with such a tool cannot be supported by mikroe, but once it can generate all the registers and be recognized by the compiler it will be enough to start a project.

Another thing that would be useful is the capability to set fuses by code.
Second that. It would be nice to use new PICs within 6 months to a year anyway, I don't care if they have libraries or not.The ability to set fuses would be nice also.

Re: Most desired upgrades and enhancements for MikroE compil

Posted: 10 Sep 2016 06:57
by pandra
Support for RTOS in mikroBasic PRO for PIC32

Re: Most desired upgrades and enhancements for MikroE compil

Posted: 11 Sep 2016 23:43
by Toley
Hi again, I would like to have a clarification. In my opinion porting the IDE to Apple or Linux means a whole new IDE or the use of and existing one like Eclipse. Then it applies to Windows too and becomes the most requested feature to add.

Re: Most desired upgrades and enhancements for MikroE compil

Posted: 12 Sep 2016 00:54
by hexreader
Top of my list would be the ability to set configuration registers in code.

oops... just spotted that Toley already mentioned it

Re: Most desired upgrades and enhancements for MikroE compil

Posted: 13 Sep 2016 17:57
by LJStefan
Hi ME-Team,

FSMC lib for ARM-Pascal would be also good on the list...

Best regards,

Re: Most desired upgrades and enhancements for MikroE compil

Posted: 13 Sep 2016 19:26
by gadelhas
Hi really think that MicroE Team must look to this stats and think about their future.

When this poll was made the option of having RTOS for PIC32 not even was there. It was @p.erasmus that suggested in first place.
We can see now from the stats that is the most voted option. ( Until the time of this post )

Assuming that was not even considered at first time, in my opinion this is a big lesson for MicroE Team, because this just proves that MicroE team should ear more often the MikroE software/hardware users.

By the way, 2 of the most voted options are for PIC Compilers related, and 1 option (I2C timeout ), for both PIC and Arm compilers. In my opinion this also means something.

Re: Most desired upgrades and enhancements for MikroE compil

Posted: 13 Sep 2016 19:42
by giufini
Hi MikroE, please don't forget to release the new versions of mikroC compilers with integrated Visual TFT module!
This is a very important feature we've been waiting for several months from its announcement...

Thank you.