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Methods/ resources for resolving issues in compiler

Posted: 04 Apr 2022 15:30
by dmarano

I am a new user of MikroElektronika's products and I am trying to update software we have written for the Mikromedia Tiva Plus for Stellaris ARM board to work on the the Mikromedia 5 for Tiva.

So far I have loaded our old project in Visual TFT, changed the hardware pattern to the new board, regenerated the code, and launched the compiler.
I was hoping for a smooth transition but got many unexpected errors in the code that seemed to be auto generated by visual TFT (version 3.9.0).

For example, the first error was on this line:
dim Timings as TLCDRasterTiming
and states the following:
Unknown type "TLCDRasterTiming"

I'm trying to understand why this declaration was added to the project and why this can't be identified by the complier.
Does MikroElektronika offer a resource that goes over steps to move between it's different hardware patterns, and more generally how to debug in the compiler?

Re: Methods/ resources for resolving issues in compiler

Posted: 08 Apr 2022 10:11
by filip

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