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Generated files style

Posted: 05 Aug 2015 08:56
by vt23

I use mikroC for PIC32.
I wish the code generated by VTFT had better style - according to C standards.
I use many additional source code files and header files. It would be very simpler to prevent multiple definitions (duplicity) if all header files (mainly ..._objects.h) contained
a guard (= preprocessor condition) like:

Code: Select all

extern int tester1;
void test(void);
Another wish:
I would like to have the variable TScreen* CurrentScreen available for external use. It is very useful variable when you want to change some object (button with dynamic text) but only on the current screen. I don't want to see the data (e.g. from a sensor) to be drawn on every screen.
I usually use:

Code: Select all

if(CurrentScreen == &Screen2) 
{... do something ... 
So variable TScreen* CurrentScreen should be declared extern (extern TScreen* CurrentScreen). And accroding to C standards we should declare extern variables in a header file (.h) not in .c file. Thus declaration extern TScreen* CurrentScreen should be placed in ..._objects.h file.
Now I have all my extern(s) declared in my header file but extern TScreen* CurrentScreen I must have in ..._events_code.c (because ..._objects.h is rewritten by V-TFT).
Even if the CurrentScreen variable will not be used by user, the (extern) declaration doesn't take any additional program space.

Best regards


Re: Generated files style

Posted: 06 Aug 2015 11:10
by viktor.milovanovic

Thank you for the suggestions, I will pass this on to our software development team which is currently working on the vTFT.

Best regards,

Viktor Milovanovic